更新时间:2019-01-05 01:11:23
在艺术的星空下自由翱翔 Fly Free in Art Sky
禅骨佛心入画林 Meditation to Buddha
人生是一场旅行,带上艺术同行 Life is a Journey Along with Art
漫漫荷风添雅韵,山色空蒙香气拂 Fragrant Lotus and Blue Hills
笼中对,雅致放两边,温馨摆中间 Put Elegance on Both Sides and Warmth in the Middle
三代同堂,多宝阁收纳各自精彩Fun Collection and Treasure
以善结缘,俯仰天地,让心灵宁静泊岸Kindness to Form Ties Universal Viewing to Acquire Peace and Tranquility
诗意的情感,简约的气质Poetic Emotion Simple Temperament
在线条中游走,于混沌中归于沉静Walk in the Line Back to Quietness from Chaos
自由语境,优雅住宅Free Context Elegant Residence
优雅气度,豁达人生 Elegant Bearing Open-minded Life
隔不断的青山隐隐,遮不住的绿意悠悠 The Continuity of Green Hills with Bright Greens
翠拥林海,畅怀天地 Embrace the Green Forest Embrace the World
东之方圆 Eastern Integration
气脉相连,人宅相扶 Residence and Resident to Prosper
品味逍遥的智慧 Taste the Wisdom of Happy Extensive Vision
怀素雅居,温润如玉 Refined Dwelling Warm Jade
胸怀山河水,悠享大和庭 House Mountains and Waters in a Broad Court
河岸无限 Flying on Riverside
穿越永恒 Through Eternity
佘山的梦想 The Dream of Sheshan
雅致高洁,珍藏岁月的流光溢彩 Tasteful to Treasure Time
阔逸尺度,容纳其乐融融大家族 Wide and Large Enough to Accommodate a Happy Large Family
清灵俊逸,冷香飞渡画屏幽 Space Clear and Neat Screen Painted Quiet
清润如水,静静淌过岁月的长河 Peaceful and Tranquil to Go
低调内藏,各得其乐 Low-key and Happy
千年古韵颜色新,悠悠文脉满庭香 Renovated Ancient Building Full of Culture
收藏千年文化古韵,闲看庭前花开花落 Collect Millennium Cultural Relics While Appreciating Flowers
亦中亦西和谐一体 The Integration of East and West
中国情结,西式表达 Chinese Sentiment Western Expression
品茗长窗下,悠然已忘尘 Enjoy Tea by the Window Disturbance out of Your Soul
让岁月印上自然的年轮 Approach to Nature to Grow
空间中的建筑倒影 Building Reflection of Space
和风雅韵小确幸 Gentle Breeze and Graceful Charm
暗恋桃花源 Love in Peach Blossom Land
光与景的层叠流荡 The Blending of Light and Scenic Beauty
东方轻禅意,西方隐时尚 The Oriental Zen and the Western Fashion
和光同尘,艺术共生 Growing with Light Coexisting with Art
创意混搭,东方文化包容百样风情 Creative Mix with Cultural Tolerance and Different Styles
功能叠加,小空间也大喜悦 Small Space to Generate Surprise
祈福香积寺,运河第一香 Pray in Xiangji Temple Burn the 1st Incense Along the Grand Canal
重返大自然 Back to Nature