第四节 主要内容和框架
[1]Seymour Martin Lipset,“Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy”,The American Political Science Review,Vol.53,No.1,March 1959,pp.69-105.
[2]Jack Raymond,Power at the Pentagon,New York: Harper & Row,1964,p.262.
[3]Jack Raymond,Power at the Pentagon,p.264.
[4]Wayne S.Cole,Senator Gerald P.Nye and American Foreign Relations,Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1962,pp.79-81.
[5]Guiles Davenport,Zaharoff,High Priest Of War,Boston: Lothrop,Lee and Shepard Company,1934.
[6]H.C.Engelbrecht,F.C.Haneghen,Merchants of Death: A Study of the International Armaments Industry,New York: Dodd,Mead,1934.
[7]George Seldes,Iron,Blood and Profits: An Exposure of the World-wide Munitions Racket,New York:Harper & brothers,1934.
[8]Harold D.Lasswell,“The Garrison State,”American Journal of Sociology,ⅩLⅥ,1941,pp.455-468; Lasswell,“Does the Garrison State Threaten Civil Rights?”,The Annals,CCLXXV,1951,pp.111-116; Lasswell,“The Garrison State Hypothesis Today,”in Samuel P.Huntington,ed.,Changing Patterns of Military Politics,New York: Free Press of Glencoe,1962,pp.51-70.
[9]Hanson W.Baldwin,“The Military Move In,”Harper's,CXCV,1947,pp.481-489.
[10]William O.Douglas,“Should We Fear the Military?”,Look,XVI,March 11,1952,p.34.
[11]C.Wright Mills,The Power Elite,New York: Oxford Press,1956,p.276.
[12]Fred G.Cook,The Warfare State,New York: International Publishers,1963; Irwin Suall,The American Ultras: The Extreme Right and the Military-industrial Complex,New York: New American,1962; Victor Perlo,Militarism and Industry: Arms Profiteering in the Missile Age,New York: International Publishers,1963.
[13]Marcus Raskin,“A National Security State,”The Progressive,ΧΧΧΙΙΙ,July 1969,pp.5-6.
[14]Juan Bosch,Pentagonism: A Substitute for Imperialism,New York: Grove Press Inc.,1968.
[15]Richard J.Barnet,The Economy of Death,New York: Atheneum,1969.
[16]Murray L.Weidenbaum,“The Defense-Space Complex: Impact on Whom?”,Challenge,ΧΙΙΙ,April 1965,pp.43-46.
[17]Julius Duscha,Arms,Money,and Politics,New York: I.Washburn,1964; L.L.Nieburg,In the Name of Science,Chicago: Quadrangle,1966; John Kenneth Galbraith,The New Industrial State,Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1967; Galbraith,How to Control Military,New York: Doubleday and Company,1969; Ralph E.Lapp,The Weapons Culture,New York: W.W.Norton,1968.
[18]L.L.Nieburg,In the Name of Science,pp.380-381.
[19]Arthur M.Schlesinger,Jr.,The Crisis of Confidence: Ideas,Power,and Violence in America,Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1969,pp.165-174.
[20]Jack Raymond,Power at the Pentagon,New York: Harper & Row,1964,pp.319-334.
[21]John M.Swomley,The Military Establishment,Boston: Beacon Press,1964; John M.Swomley,“Economic Basis of the Cold War,”Christian Century,LXXXV,1968,pp.581-585.
[22]Tristam Coffin,The Passion of the Hawks: Militarism in Modern America,New York: Macmillan,1964 and The Armed Society: Militarism in Modern America,Maryland: Penguin Books,1964; G.William Domhoff,Who Rules America?,Englewood Cliffs,N.J: Prentice-Hall,1967,pp.115-131.
[23]Sidney Lens,the Military-Industrial Complex,Philadelphia: Pilgrim Press,1970; Michael T.Klare,“Science for the Pentagon: The Secret Thinkers,”Nation,CCVI,1968,pp.503-504.
[24]Marc Pilisuk,Thomas Hayden,“Is There a Military Industrial Complex Which Prevents Peace? Consensus and Countervailing Power in Pluralistic System,”Journal of Social Issues,XXI,January 1965,pp.67-117; Anonymous,Report from Iron Mountain: on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace,New York: The Dial Press,1967.
[25]Kenneth Boulding,“The Role of the War Industry in International Conflict,”Journal of Social Issues,XXII,January 1967,pp.54-55.
[26]J.B.Colwell,“Nation Needs Military Industrial Link to Survive,”Los Angeles Times,July 20,1969,p.3.
[27]William Hyland and Richard Shryock,The Fall of Khrushchev,New York: Funk & Wagnalls,1968;Richard Armstrong,“Military Industrial Complex: Russian Style,”Fortune,LXXX,August 1,1969,pp.84-87,122-126.
[28]Adam Yarmolinsky,Establishment: It's Impacts on American Society,New York: Harper & Row,Publishers,1971,p.420.
[29]Carroll W.Pursell,The Military-Industrial Complex,New York: Harper & Row,Publishers,1972,p.12.
[30]Sam C.Sarkesian,The Military-Industrial Complex: A Reassessment,London: Sage Publications,1972,p.ⅶ.
[31]Herbert I.Schiller and Joseph D.Phillips,Super State: Readings in The Military-Industrial Complex,Chicago: University of Illinois Press,1972.
[32]Benjamin Franklin Cooling,War,Business,and American Society: Historical Perspectives on the Military-Industrial Complex,New York: Kennikat Press,1977.
[33]Gordon Adams,The Politics of Defense Contracting: The Iron Triangle,New York: New Brunswick,1982,p.216.
[34]Paul A.C.Koistinen,The Military-Industrial Complex: A Historical Perspective,New York: Praeger Publisher,1980,p.99.
[35]David Wise and Thomas Ross,The Invisible Government,New York: Vintage Books,1974.Reprint of the 1964 Random House edition,p.352.
[36]Charles Allred Cannon,The Military-Industrial Complex in American Politics,1953-1970,Dissertation,1974.
[37]Richard K.Betts,Soldiers,Statesmen,and Cold War Crises,Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1977.
[38]Max L.Stackhouse,The Ethics of Necropolis: An Essay on the Military-Industrial Complex and the Quest for a Just Peace,Boston,Mass: Beacon Press,1971.
[39]Steven Rosen,Testing the Theory of the Military-Industrial Complex,Lexington,MA: Lexington Books,1973.
[40]Sidney Lens,The Military-Industrial Complex,Philadelphia: Pilgrim Press,1970.
[41]Baumgartner and John Stanley,The Lonely Warriors: Case for the Military-Industrial Complex,Los Angeles: Nash Publishing,1970.
[42]James L.Clotfelter,The Military in American Politics,New York: Harper & Row,1973.
[43]John C.Donovan,the Cold Warriors: A Policy-Making Elite,Lexington,Mass.: D.C.Heath,1974.
[44]Fox J.Ronald,Arming American: How the U.S.Buys Weapons,Boston: Harvard University,1974,p.10.
[45]Ann Markusen and Joel Yudken,Dismantling the Cold War Economy,New York: Basic Books,1992,p.ⅩⅥ.
[46]James L.Clayton,ed.,The Economy Impact of the Cold War: Sources and Readings,New York:Harcounrt,Brace & World,Inc.,1970,p.281.
[47]Robert W.DeGrasse Jr.,Military Expansion,Economic Decline: the Impact of Military Spending on U.S.Economic Performance,Armonk,New York: M.E.Sharpe,1983,p.160.
[48]Ann Markusen,Peter Hall etc.,the Rise of the Gunbelt: the Military Remapping of Industrial America,New York: Oxford University Press,1991.p.3.
[49]Gregory Michael Hooks,Forging the Military-Industrial Complex: World War II's Battle of the Potomac,Chicago: University of Illinois Press,1991,pp.263-264.
[50]Merton J.Peck and Frederic M.Scherer,The Weapons Acquisition Process: An Economic Analysis,Boston: Harvard University,1962,p.595.
[51]Thomas E.Kelly,“The Concrete Road to MIC: National Defense and Federal Highways”,In Benjamin Franklin Cooling,War,Business,and American Society: Historical Perspectives on the Military-Industrial Complex,National University Publications Kennikat Press,1977,p.133.
[52]Kenneth R.Mayer,The Political Economy of Defense Contracting,New Haven: Yale University Press,1991,p.224.
[53]Stuart W.Leslie,The Cold War and American Science: The Military-Industrial-Academic Complex at MIT and Stanford,New York: Columbia University Press,1993,p.256.
[54]Merritt Roe Smith,ed.,Military Enterprise and Technological Change: Perspectives on the American Experience,Cambridge,Massachusetts: the MIT Press,1985,p.348.
[55]David Dickson,The New Politics of Science,New York: Pantheon,1984.
[56]Stephen Archibald Cobb,The Military-Industrial Complex and Foreign Policy,Dissertation,1971.
[57]Gordon Adams,“Disarming the Military Subgovernment,”Harvard Journal on Legislation,14,No.3,April 1977.
[58]Itzhak Galnoor,“Government Secrecy: Exchanges,Intermediaries and Middlemen,”Public Administration Review,35: 1,January,1975.
[59]Marc Pilisuk,Thomas Hayden,“Is There a Military Industrial Complex Which Prevents Peace? Consensus and Countervailing Power in Pluralistic System,”Journal of Social Issues,XXI,January 1965.
[71]宋玉华:《后冷战时期美国军事工业的重组、发展及其影响》,《世界经济与政治》2004年第9 期。