第2章 极品醉爱(2)
14 Notes
A friend was going into hospital for an operation so she spent the morning writing short notes which she left round the house for her husband to find.One note on the kitchen door said,"Eat three times a day."Another note on the bedside table wished him pleasant dreams.A third note on the side of the bath read,"Please clean me after use."Every room had a message of some sort but the funniest of all was pinned to his best suit in the wardrobe.It said,"Just where do you think you’re going tonight to need this?"
15 Who’s in Heaven
An olderly gentleman had passed away.His grief‐stricken widow missed him so much that she could not sleep a wink for days.
On one sleepless night,she heard a voice and immediately inquired,"Is that you,dear?"
"Yes,it’s me."
"How are you doing?"
"I’m fine."
The concerned wife inquired further,"Are you happy now?"
"Yes,I’m happy now."
"Are you happier now than when you were with me?"
"Yes,much happier."
Assuming that her husband was enjoying the heavenly bliss,with curiosity in her voice,the lady asked,"Tell me dear,what’s heaven like?"
"Who’s in heaven?"
16 Flatterer
Some people grow old gracefully,while others fight and scratch the way.
Mabel,a friend of mine,refusing to give in to the looks of growing old,goes out and buys a new line of expensive guaranteed to make her look years younger.
After a lengthy sitting before the mirror applying the"miracle"products,she asks her husband,"Darling,honestly,if you didn’t know me,what age would you say I am?"
Looking over her carefully,he replied,"Judging from your skin,twenty;your hair,eighteen;and your body,twenty five."
"Oh,you flatterer!"She gushed.Just as she was about to tell him his reward,he stops her saying.
"Wow,hold on there sweety!"he interrupted,"I haven’t added them up yet!"
17 Knocked the Door
Mr.and Mrs.John lived in a small house near London with their child.Sometimes Mr.John came back from work very late,when his wife and child were asleep,he opened the front door of his house with the key and came in very quietly.
But one night he came home late and lost his key,so when he reached his house,he rang the bell.Nothing happened.He rang it again.Again nothing happened-nobody moved inside the house.Mr.John knocked at the bedroom window and shouted,but his wife didn’t wake up.At last he stopped and thought for a few seconds.Then he began to speak like a little child,"Mama,I wanna pee."He spoke in a low voice but at once Mrs.John woke up.
18 Jimmy and Linda
Jimmy and Linda are newlyweds in the honeymoon suite on their wedding night,and Linda’s in the bathroom,as Jimmy’s getting undressed he says to himself,"How am I going to tell her?How am I going to tell my new wife that I have the world’s smelliest feet?"Then he throws his socks under the bed.
Linda walks out of the bathroom,and,too chicken to face her,Jimmy runs past her and he goes into the bathroom.Linda sits on the edge of the bed and says to herself,"How am I going to tell him?How am I going to tell my new husband that I have the world’s worst breath?I’ve got to tell him."Just then Jimmy walks out of the bathroom.
Linda runs up to him,gives him a huge wet kiss,pulls back and says,"Honey,I’ve got to tell you something."Jimmy says.
"Yeah,I know.You just ate my socks."
19 Give up Smoking
Lucy looked at her husband scornfully and said,"Didn’t your doctor tell you to give up smoking?"
"He did,"answered Dick who seemed to be ashamed of himself,"and..."
"And yet you insist on smoking like a chimney,"continued Lucy,"you smoke at least 40 cigarettes a day!"
"Er...well,"answered Dick who seemed under his wife’s thumb,"I suppose I’d better cut it down for a time.I don’t think I could actually do without a cigarette all day long."
"And where is your strong willpower?"asked Lucy,"You should break the habit at once!"
Dick had always been as meek as a mouse but this time he felt he could not give way.
"You could think as you like,darling,but I just can’t do it."
"What?Can’t do it?"exclaimed Lucy,"Look at your friend Bill!He’s given up smoking successfully over ten times!"
20 It’s Rather Unusual
A honeymoon couple checked into the Watergate Hotel in Washington,D.C.
That night,as the husband was about to turn off the light,his bride asked,"Do you think this room is bugged?"
"That was a long time ago,sweetheart."he reassured her.