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Chapter 1. Getting Started with Max
Understanding the basic concepts of Max
Modular basis for expressions
When to use Max
Chapter 2. Max Setup and Basics
Setting things up
Basic Max patching and GUI
Creating our Hello World program
A quick overview of GUI
Chapter 3. Advanced Programming Techniques in Max
Introducing the synthesizer example
Initializing a patcher
Excursus of microscopic timing and message ordering
A bpatcher for MIDI input
Sending and receiving data
The #n notation
Collections of data
More message box magic
Structuring our patches
Timing in Max
The event priority
Scripting and the this patcher
Chapter 4. Basic Audio in Max/MSP
Basic audio principles
Audio synthesis
Sampling and audio file playback
Mixing and signal routing
Chapter 5. Advanced Audio in Max/MSP
More sampling
Sample-accurate sequencing
Chapter 6. Low-level Patching in Gen
Introducing Gen
The Gen workspace
Further reading
Chapter 7. Video in Max/Jitter
Inputting and outputting Jitter data
Getting started with the Jitter matrix
Using OpenGL in Jitter
Chapter 8. Max for Live
Introducing the fundamentals of Max for Live
Parameters and saving
The Live API
An example device – a parameter modulator
Chapter 9. Basic Visualization Using TouchDesigner
The need for TouchDesigner
How to get help
Basics and UI of TouchDesigner
Chapter 10. Advanced Visualization Using TouchDesigner
The basic audio-reactive video
A 2D composting example
Replicator COMP
Connecting Max and TD
A component for lots of movies
Converting between OP families
Dealing with time
Introducing 3D rendering
Chapter 11. 3D Rendering and Examples
Interactive and non-procedural tools
The Geo COMP
Camera light and shading
Chapter 12. Connecting Our Software to the World
Analog synths and control voltage
Arduino and microcontrollers
Multi-touch screens
Interfacing other programs
Multispeaker setups
Exporting an application
Collaborative work