About the Reviewers
Richard Burns is an interactive developer who specializes in the field of projection mapping. At Projection Artworks in London, he has worked along with numerous musicians and bands on live music visuals, projection mapping systems, and social media integration. In his spare time, he performs as a VJ at various locations in the UK and teaches TouchDesigner.
Shawn Faherty is a 3D visual artist living near Boston, MA. He is currently a member of CEMI and can be found VJing, making music videos, and collaborating with other local artists.
Dr. Joel W. Matthys is a composer and multimedia artist who specializes in networked musical ensembles, data sonification, and live coding. He is the founder of CiCLOP, the Cincinnati Composers Laptop Orchestra Project, and has presented his works at major electronic music conferences across the US, including SEAMUS, Studio 300, and Applause! New Music Festival. Matthys earned his doctorate at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, and teaches Composition, Theory, and Electronic Arts at Carroll University in Waukesha, WI.
Adam Murray is a software engineer and music technology enthusiast from San Francisco. He has been programming with Max for over 10 years and doing amateur computer music production for over 20 years. You can find some of his work on his website at http://compusition.com.
Matthew Ragan is a native of California, and he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the California State University in Fresno and his Master of Fine Arts degree from Arizona State University's Interdisciplinary Digital Media and Performance Program. Focused on the intersection of digital media and live performance, his artistic practice and research have often explored the complexities of media interactivity in the context of performance.
Matthew has recently contributed to the design and implementation of the media in WonderDome, Before You Ruin It, Asylum, The Fall of the House of Escher, Neuro, X-Act: Commons, Half-Way House, Sparrow Song, and ¡Bocón!, and his work was recently published in Research Perspectives and Best Practices in Educational Technology Integration.
Roy Vanegas is a programmer, composer, and educator based in New York City who specializes in full MAMP stack web programming. He has earned degrees in Music, Math, Computer Science, and Design, and teaches at various graduate schools throughout NYC and the American Northeast. A CSS and JavaScript specialist, he started programming in 1996 and took up Max/MSP/Jitter programming in 2005. His website is http://roy.vanegas.org.
He currently works as a senior web developer at a private university in NYC and is working on his first Google Glass project.