更新时间:2020-05-13 18:05:04
翱翔 Soaring
舞 Dancing
阿旗赛马 Horse Race in A’qi by
大风顶的男孩 The Boy on Dafengding
背竹的村姑 A Village Girl Carrying Bamboo
传承 Inheritance
打磨秋 Grinding in Autumn
节日 Festival
大峡谷小镇 A Small Town in the Valley of a Large Gorge
侗家黑油茶 The Black Oil Tea of the Dong
纺 Weaving
风尘之行 Walking in the Dust
美少女 Beautiful Girls
拉家常 Chitchatting
魅力家园之苍天圣地阿拉善—千里冰封万里雪飘贺兰山 Alashan a Charming Homeland of Divinity under the Blue Sky—Helan Mountain Range
卖米粑粑的老板娘 The Rice Bun Lady
木卡姆升腾 Muqam Arising
赛马 Nadam Horse Race
留守儿童 Unattended Children
甜蜜微笑 Sweet Smile
瓦里沟的三月 March in Waligou
喂家畜 Feeding Time
西藏波密八盖传统民居 Tibetan Traditional Inhabitant In Bagai Village Bomi County
喜迎嘉宾 Greeting the Guests
雪山主人 The Masters of Snow Mountain
一步之遥 A Step Away
鱼塘欢歌 Joyous Songs around a Fish Pond by
采花节中的女子 A Girl in the Festival of Picking Flowers
彩虹民族 Ethnicity of Rainbow
塔吉克族婚礼 Wedding of Tajik People
土陶匠人买买提的最后坚守 The Last Stick of The Potter Mehmet
景颇族烧竹筒鱼 Jingpo People Grilling Fish in the Bamboo Tube
瑶寨纪事 Chronicle of Yao Village
银匠女 Lady Silversmith
羌历年 Qiang's New Year
赛马会上的买卖 Trade in the Horse Race Fair
望粮兴叹 Just out of Reach
美景如画的城中草原 The Picturesque Grassland in the City
欢歌 Merry Song
爱的小屋 House Full of Love
印象·三江源 Impression of the Three Rivers Source
潮起潮落 Ebb and Flow
家乡通上了铁路 Railway Open in My Hometown
有福人家 Blessed Family
巨变 Huge Changes
中阿之轴 Sino-Arab Urban Axis
联手建成联心渠 Building lrrigation Channels Together
德都蒙古人 Dedu Mongols
山绿了,人富了 Greener Mountains Wealthier People
农家书屋 Village Library
三代人 Three Generations
生在科技时代的我们 Us Living in an Era of Science and Technology
云海风车 Windmills among the Cloud
变迁 Changes
二毛皮车间工人 Workers in Silver Fur Workshop
风电进喀左 Wind Power into Kazuo
木垒县哈萨克族刺绣 Kazak Embroidery in Mulei County
宁夏生态移民搬迁 Ningxia Ecological Migrants Relocation
消失的记忆 Lost Memory
瑶寨变迁 Changes of Yao Village
加油 Fighting
小小摔跤手 Little Wrestlers
乡村、童年、树 The Village Childhood and Trees
远山 Distant Mountains
裕固族民俗—戴头面礼 Yugu Custom-Wearing Special Hair Ornaments
虚拟与现实之间 Between Illusion and Reality
参加祭祀活动的人们 People in the Worship
东方的士高土家“肉连响” Oriental Disco Tujia Roulianxiang
传统油茶锅制作 Traditional Production of Oil Tea Pots
二地村南木特藏戏 Rnam Thar Theatre of Erdi Village
纪青龙 Worshiping the Green Dragon
土家族毛古斯舞 Tujia Maogusi Dance
土家族织锦传承人 Tujia Brocade Heirs
窑厂纪事 Chronicle of a Kiln Workshop
传承古老手工技艺的“花苗” Hua Miao-the Successor of Traditional Craftsmanship
蜡染神韵 The Charm of Batik
神秘地戏 The Magic Sorcerer's Dance
抗英城 City of Fighting Against British Invaders
阅兵式 Military Parade