
Lesson 2

Reading Material Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are mainly composed of the elements carbon,hydrogen and oxygen,which are the most widely distributed and abundant organic compounds on earth. They comprise more than 90% of the dry matter of plants. They are one of the three main energy-providing nutrients,and the other two are proteins and fats. The biosynthesis of carbohydrates in plants starting from carbon dioxide and water with the help of light energy,known as photosynthesis,is the basis for the existence of all other organisms which depend on the intake of organic substances with food. The carbohydrate foods,giving the highest yields of energy per unit land cultivated,are easy to store and transport. Hence carbohydrates are the cheapest and most abundant source of energy for human beings.

Plant Carbohydrates can be found in sap,fruits,seeds,roots and tubers,and structural tissues(including cellulose,hemicellulose,pectin and gum). In animals,carbohydrates are found in milk of mammals(lactose)and as a storage reserve(glycogen)to some extent. Plants can synthesise a variety of carbohydrates by photosynthesis. The sugars,such as glucose,sucrose and polysaccharide,starch and cellulose are important examples of carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis.

Carbohydrates have the general formula Cx(H2O)ywherex andy are whole numbers. Naturally occurring carbohydrates are interested in food chemistry;especially those which have six or multiples of six carbon atoms. Familiar examples are glucose C6H12O6and sucrose C12H22O11and starch represented by(C6H10O5n

The following simple equation illustrates carbohydrate synthesis in plants.

The solar energy used in photosynthesis is stored as chemical energy in the plant. Animals,which eat plants are able to utilize the chemical energy stored in the carbohydrate molecule to meet major part of their energy needs.

Carbohydrates are common components of foods,both as natural components and as added ingredients. Their use is large in terms of both the quantities consumed and the variety of products in which they are found. They have a central role in the metabolism of animals and plants. They have many different molecular structures,sizes,and shapes and exhibit a variety of chemical and physical properties. They are amenable to both chemical and biochemical modification,and both modifications are employed commercially in improving their properties and extending their use. They are also safe(nontoxic).


Carbohydrates are classified on the basis of their molecular size into monosaccharides,disaccharides and polysaccharides.

Monosaccharides as their name indicates,(mono meaning one and saccharide meaning sugar)are the simplest of carbohydrates because they consist of a single sugar unit. More complex carbohydrates are built from the units of monosaccharides. Three monosaccharides that are of importance in food preparation are glucose,fructose and galactose.

Disaccharides contain two monosaccharides which may be alike or different,unite with the loss of a molecule of water to form a disaccharide. Likewise,disaccharides can be hydrolysed with dilute acid or by enzymes,to produce the sugars from which they are made. Sucrose,lactose and maltose are the most familiar examples of disaccharides.

Polysaccharides,as their name indicates,(“poly” means many)consist of many units of sugar. When polysaccharides are linked together to form one molecule,they may be linked together in straight long chains,or may be branched. Starch,glycogen,celluloses,hemicelluloses,gums and pectic substances are some of the polysaccharides found in plants and animals.


Monosaccharides and disaccharides are crystalline,water-soluble and sweet. In food preparation,sugars commonly referred to fructose and glucose,and the disaccharides sucrose(the sugar we use daily),lactose and maltose.

Sugars supply energy to our body. Each gramme of sugar supplies four calories. Sugar can be metabolized quickly to meet energy needs of our body. It is mainly used as a sweetening agent in beverages such as tea,coffee,fruit drinks,puddings,pies,cakes,biscuits and frozen desserts. When used in higher concentration,sugar acts as a preservative as well as a sweetening agent,e. g.,jams,jellies,sweetened condensed milk,honey,etc. Honey,which we often eat,is concentrated solution of fructose and glucose,in which small amounts of sucrose,dextrins,mineral matter,proteins(trace)and organic acids are present.

Sugar occurs in solid in nature. When the solution is concentrated,the sugar crystallizes. This principle is used in the manufacture of sugar. When sugar is heated to a temperature above the melting point,it decomposes and forms a brown mass,which is known as caramel. Caramel has a bitter taste. In some products sugar is partially caramelized to enhance the colour and flavour of the product.

The consumption of sugar is closely related to human's health. Increased sugar production has resultedin increase in consumption beyond desirable level. Sugar is bought and used as such and it is also consumed in a variety of manufactured foods. High intake of sugar is undesirable for three reasons:①It contributes to obesity;②It increases rate of dental decay;③It is possibly related to increased incidence of diabetes and coronary heart disease.


Starch is a polysaccharide which upon complete hydrolysis releases glucose. Most of the starches and starchy foods used in food preparation are obtained from cereals(rice,wheat,corn,barley),roots(cassava,arrowroot)and tubers(potatoes,sweet potatoes). Starch is present in small particles known as granules. These granules are of various shapes and sizes. Starch granules present in the corn grain is of a different shape and size from that of a potato tuber and wheat(Fig. 2.1).

Fig.2.1 Structure of Wheat,Potato and Corn Starch Granules

Starch is made up of two fractions amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is composed of straight-chain structure,while amylopectin has partial branched chain configuration. The two possess different properties. Amylose contributes gelling characteristics to cooked and cooled starch mixtures. Amylopectin provides cohesive or thickening property but does not usually contribute to gel formation.

In food preparation,starch is used either in the pure form(arrowroot starch,corn starch)or as cereal flour in which starch is mixed with other components(wheat flour,rice flour,corn flour).


amylose 直链淀粉

glucose 葡萄糖

amylopectin 支链淀粉

biosynthesis 生物合成

carbohydrate 碳水化合物

jams 果酱

celluloses 纤维素

jellies 果胶,果冻

components 成分,组分

monosaccharides 单糖

confectionaries 糖果,蜜饯

sucrose 蔗糖

disaccharides 双糖,二糖

starch 淀粉

fructose 果糖

参考译文 碳水化合物


















图2.1 小麦、土豆和玉米中淀粉颗粒的结构




1.Answer questions

(1)What are carbohydrates? How do they occur in nature?

(2)How are carbohydrates classified?

(3)What different sugars are found in foods?

(4)What are starches? How do they occur in nature?


(1)Carbohydrates are common components of foods,both as natural components and as added ingredients. Their use is large in terms of both the quantities consumed and the variety of products in which they are found. They have a central role in the metabolism of animals and plants.

(2)Starch is a polysaccharide which upon complete hydrolysis releases glucose. Most of the starches and starchy foods used in food preparation are obtained from cereals(rice,wheat,corn,barley),roots(cassava,arrowroot)and tubers(potatoes,sweet potatoes).