Spline CV
This method is also like the spline fit method and the workflow for making spline using this method is also the same. The only difference is in the way control vertices are made, in this case:
In the following example, we will make a simple drawing using Spline CV and we will also modify it using its grips:
- To make Spline CV, select the tool from the expanded Draw panel of the Home tab, as shown in the preceding screenshot.
- Click on a point in the drawing area to start the spline and then keep clicking on other points to make the spline.
- Once you have finished making it, press the Enter key to exit the spline command.
- Select the spline you just made, and in this case, you will notice the control points or CV, as shown in the following figure. You can further modify the spline shape by moving these CVs:
The Spline fit and CV can be changed from one form to another using the blue arrow grip, as in the following figure. Click on the grip and select the spline type you want from the menu:
Splines are great for making curves where precision is not needed and also where you just want to trace the outline of an underlying image. Even in splines, you can use "fit point" or "control vertices" to control the degree of curvature control and make a loose or a tightly controlled spline. In the next section, we will start discussing tools that help to fill closed areas with patterns or colors. We will start with the hatch command.