Spline fit
In the expanded Draw panel in the Home tab, you will find the spline tool, as shown in the following figure. Alternatively, you can use its command alias, SPL:
In the next example, we will make a simple spline and then we will modify it using fit points:
- Start the Spline command and then click on a point in the drawing area.
- The command line will prompt you to specify the next point. Click on the next point and then keep clicking to add multiple points.
- Once you have finished making the spline, press Enter to exit the command.
- After making the spline, select it, and its fit points shown with blue square dots will highlight.
- You can modify this spline by selecting these blue dots. Select any one of the fit points and then move it in the drawing area and the complete spline will change.
As you may have noticed, in the case of splines, you can primarily specify points by clicking in the drawing area and, though this method won't make drawing with precise dimensions easier, it is still useful in situations where you only need to draw the outline of objects:
The spline fit offers more curvature and you can use it for many drawings but when you need more control over the flow of the spline curve, then you can use another kind of spline, called Spline CV, with control vertices, which we will discuss next.