Things to be Noted by Business People Who Use English as a Second Language
1. Structure messages logically 信函结构安排恰当
(1)Opening 开头
(a)Thank you for your email of March 14.
(b)Meeting you and the other members of the product selection team last Friday was a pleasure.
(2)Body part 正文
(a)We have shipped a replacement case of Humus Chips today at no charge. You should receive them within two days. There's no need to return the damaged product. You may dispose of the crushed chips anyway you wish.
(b)Being a new company with a new product, we want you to know that we value your business and will do everything we can to make sure this doesn't happen again.
(c)In addition, I am crediting $155 to your account to reflect a 20% discount off your original order.
(3)Conclusion(action or response)结论(行动或回应)
(a)Visit our website at www.xyz.com or call us at ××× to request a free quote. You'll find daily specials on our website and pictures of our latest offerings.
(b)Attached is our pro forma invoice. Please stamp and sign back soon.
(4)Close 结尾
(a)Looking forward to hearing from you.
(b)Please call me or email me if you have any questions.
2. Write for a positive effect 力求积极的写作效果
(1)Use positive language 积极的语言
【Example 1】
(a)I regret to inform you that we cannot refund your deposit unless you return the goods within a week.
(b)You will be able to receive a full refund of deposit if you return the goods within a week.
【Example 2】
(a)This is the third time that you have made deliveries to our dissatisfaction.
(b)This is the third time that deliveries have been made in error. Is there anything wrong?
(2)Use a conversational style 会话体
【Example 1】
(a)I shall be most pleased to avail myself of your kind suggestion when and if prices decline.
(b)I will be happy to follow your suggestions if the price falls.
【Example 2】
(a)We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we have closed the account specified as requested.
(b)Please note that we have closed the account specified as you asked.
(3)Use a you-view point“以对方为先”的态度
“以对方为先”(you attitude, you view)的沟通方式的好处在于把关注的重点从自己移到读者。人们沟通时常常从自我为中心的角度出发,反映在商务函电写作中,就是通篇的I和We为开头的句式。如果进行商务函电写作时,能够着眼于读者的兴趣和利益,着眼于对方的视角,能产生积极的沟通效果。例如:You will receive your coupon(s)by email 72 hours after your order has been shipped. 在英语国家的购物网站上,经常可以看到这样的“以对方为先”的表达方式,重点放在顾客可以得到什么,而不是自己提供什么。不仅仅简单地用you开头的句式就意味着“以对方为先”,更多地依据具体表达的情境选用适当的措辞。试比较下面各组中的表达效果。
【Example 1】
(a)You will be happy to hear that your scholarship has been renewed.
(b)Congratulations!Your scholarship has been renewed.
【Example 2】
(a)You failed to sign your check.
(b)Your check was not signed.
3. Keep messages concise 保持文本简洁
(1)Use simple vocabulary 词汇的简洁
短词清晰而且容易被理解,大词难词提高了文本的正式程度。 比如,facilitate shipment中的facilitate可以用更为简洁的词汇speed来表达。再比如,show比demonstrate要简洁。
(a)Maintaining non-technical vocabulary simplification is not always a facile principle to pursue.
(b)Keeping non-technical words simple is not always an easy thing to do.
(2)Reduce wordy phrases 冗长词组的删减
冗长的词组延缓了信息传递的速度,并没有增加沟通的表达效果,不妨用更简洁的单词表达。比如for the reason that,due to the fact that,owing to the fact that,considering the fact that,on thegrounds that这些短语在商务性的写作中可以用because,since或者that来代替。短语as regards,in reference to,with regard to可以直接改用简洁的单词about。一些名词化的词组同样地弱化了信息中提出或建议的行动,改用动词可以直接地表达意思。
(a)The stability and quality of our financial performance will be developed through the profitable execution of our existing business, as well as the acquisition or development of new businesses.
(b)We will improve our financial performance not only by executing our existing business more profitably but by acquiring or developing new businesses.
(3)Keep sentences short 句子的简短
(a)The best thing to do in this situation is to remember not to input more data, which can cause the data already entered to be lost and can result in your having to re-enter the data, and possibly you may need to re-enter the data from the previous entries that could have been corrupted.
(b)The best thing to do in this situation is to stop inputting data. If you input more data, you may lose the data you have already entered. That may result in your having to re-enter the data you just entered and, possibly, the data from the previous entries that could have been corrupted.
(4)Use simple tenses 时态的简洁
【Example 1】
(a)Should this trial order prove satisfactory to our customers, we may place repeat orders.
(b)If our customers are happy with this initial order, we may repeat our orders.
【Example 2】
(a)We had been aware that the argument could have been less confusing.
(b)We knew the argument was complicated.
4. Write Correct English 使用正确的英语
(1)Use words correctly 词汇正确
(a)I infer from your letter that conditions have improved.
(a)句中的infer 意思是draw the conclusion, 我们可以说Readers and listeners infer。
(b)Do you mean to imply that conditions have improved?
(b)句中的imply意思是hint, 我们可以说Speakers and writers imply。
【Example 2】
(a)The award will be formally presented at tomorrow's convocation.
(b)Tom formerly worked for the department of revenue.
此例(a)句中的formally意思是in a formal manner。(b)句中的formerly意思是at an earlier time。
另外,词汇的搭配也是母语非英语者应该特别要注意的一点。每个语言的词汇都有其特定的搭配习惯,英文中对于词语之间的搭配有很多约定俗成的规则,而这些规则与汉语中的搭配规则并不一致。比如,英文中的knowledge常常和get,acquire,gain搭配表示获取知识,而如果说learn knowledge就是中式英语。
【Example 3】
(a)In the past the prices of digital products were so expensive that most families could not afford them.
(b)In the past the prices of digital products were so high that most families could not afford them.
(c)In the past digital products were so expensive that most families could not afford them.
(2)Use grammar correctly 语法正确
【Example 1】
(a)The Board is pleased to announce the promotion of Jane Doe to Acting Manager.
(b)The Board were split on the need for budget cuts.
【Example 2】
(a)While reading the director's report, Gibbon's phone rang.
(a)句中的语法意味着reading的逻辑主语是Gibbon's phone,显然不合逻辑。需要改成语法正确的(b):
(b)While Gibbon was reading the director's report, the phone rang.
(3)Use punctuations correctly 标点符号正确
尽管网络的普及使用使得语言使用也发生了一些变化,拼写、标点和文法都变得不讲究了,但是在商务函电沟通中,正确地使用语言包括标点符号,也是商务人士专业形象的反映。例如所有格符号(apostrophe)的正确使用,词组ten years' experience,two weeks' notice,today's schedule中的所有格符号能够放到正确的位置。但是the 1920s,yours,ours这样的用法中则不需要用所有格符号。
用逗号分隔流水句(run-on sentence)也是英语非母语的商务函电写作者容易犯的错误。流水句是指用逗号连接两个或多个不带关联词或连接词的独立句子,这在英语语法上是错误的。
(a)Huang is the most diligent employee, I would like him on my team.
(a)句就是英文里的run-on sentence,缺乏连接词来连接两个独立的句子。可以修改为下面的(b),(c),(d)或者(e), 商务英语写作的关键是清晰简洁,所以下面中的(c)是最简洁的一种用法。
(b)Huang is the most diligent employee;(therefore,)I would like him on my team.
(c)Huang is the most diligent employee.(As a result,)I would like him on my team.
(d)Huang is the most diligent employee, and I would like him on my team.
(e)Because Huang is the most diligent employee, I would like him on my team.
5. Do editing and proof-reading 修改校对文本
【Example 1】
(a)The featured speaker will address the chemical disposal problem and how his or her company is handling it.
(b)The featured speaker will address the chemical disposal problem and how to handle it.
此例(a)句中的speaker对应的代词是his or her,放在句中意味着演讲者还未选定,有些繁复和不严谨。(b)句中换了个表达结构,避开了性别的问题。在修改和校对文本时,这样的修改往往被商务函电写作者所忽视。
【Example 2】
(a)Each of the supervisors is qualified to lead his team.
(b)All the supervisors are qualified to lead their teams.