Main Characters and Main Places
周天 zhōu Tiān
a new policeman
张东明 Zhānɡ Dōnɡ mínɡ
a smarttour guide
关全来 Guān Quán lái
the pickpocket who commits crimes at airplane
水笑笑 Shuǐ Xiàoxiɑo
Zhou Tian's girlfriend, an stewardess of an airline
毛局长 Máo jú zhǎnɡ
the director of the police department where Zhou Tian works at
文志 Wén Zhì
a policeman, Zhou Tian's partner
村长 cūn zhǎnɡ
the head of the village where Guan Quanlai lives in
北京机场 Běijīng Jīchǎnɡ:Beijing Airport
山西省一个小村子 Shānxī Shěnɡ yí ɡe xiǎo cūnzi:a small village in Shanxi province
(All the proper nouns in the text are underlined, such as in 周天)