2.2 Abbreviations
2.2.1 APC
advanced process control
2.2.2 CCR
central control room
2.2.3 CCS
compressor control system
2.2.4 CCTV
closed circuit television
2.2.5 CRM
customer relationship management
2.2.6 DAS
direct attached storage
2.2.7 DCS
distributed control system
2.2.8 EIP
enterprise information portal
2.2.9 ERP
enterprise resource planning
2.2.10 FAR
field auxiliary room
2.2.11 FCS
fieldbus control system
2.2.12 FGS
fire and gas detection system
2.2.13 KPI
key performance indicator
2.2.14 LIMS
laboratory information management system
2.2.15 MAS
storage and movement automation system
2.2.16 MES
manufacturing execution system
2.2.17 MMS
machinery monitoring system
2.2.18 NAS
network attached storage
2.2.19 OA
office automation
2.2.20 OBS
oil blending system
2.2.21 OPC
object linking and embedding(OLE)for process control
2.2.22 OTS
operator training simulator
2.2.23 PAS
process analyzers system
2.2.24 PCS
process control system
2.2.25 PDA
personal digital assistant
2.2.26 PLC
programmable logic controller
2.2.27 RTO
real-time optimization
2.2.28 SAN
storage area network
2.2.29 SCADA
supervisory control and data acquisition system
2.2.30 SCM
supply chain management
2.2.31 SIS
safety instrumented system
2.2.32 AMS
instrument asset management system