Lesson 12 I'd go out and blow it all on a huge shopping spree!我会去疯狂购物!
Part 1 Real Life Situation
A friend asks you what you would do if you won a million dollars in a lottery.You think that you would spend it all quickly on fun things like clothes,electronics,and furniture.You answer this.
I'd go out and blow it all on a huge shopping spree!我会去疯狂购物!
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pro-nunciation of these parts.
1.This sentence is divided into three parts,so be sure to pause after "out" and "all".
1.这句话分为三个部分,注意在 “out” 和 “all” 后面停顿。
2.When you say "I'd go out",first leave out the "d" in "I'd",and try putting a/w/sound be-tween "go" and "out",since it's the natural way of linking any word that ends with the sounds/u/or/uː/with the vowel sounds after them.
2.读 “I'd go out” 时,首先“I'd” 中的 “d” 不发音,然后试着在 “go” 和 “out” 中间加一个音素/w/,因为这是将以/u/或/uː/结尾的单词后的元音连读最自然的读法。
3.“and” 应该弱读成/n/。
3."And" should be reduced to/n/.
4.All the words in "blow it all" are linked."blow" and "it" are linked the same way as are"go" and "out".And when linking "it" and "all",the/t/in "it" should be softened to/d/.
4.“blow it all” 需要连读,“blow” 和 “it” 的连读方式与“go” 和 “out” 相同。并且当 it”和 “all” 连读时,“it” 中的/t/听起来应该被弱化为/d/。
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.
1.Make sure to really emphasize "huge",make it really long,because you're talking about how big the shopping spree would be.
1.一定要重读 “huge” 并发长音,因为你在强调疯狂购物的程度。
2.“blow” 需要重读并拉长。
2."Blow" needs to be stressed and stretched.
3.“shopping spree” 是一个复
3."Shopping spree" is a compound noun,so put the stress on the first word "shopping",not"spree".
合名词,所以把重音放在第一个词“shopping” 上,而不是 “spree”。
4.The sentence needs excitement in it,be-cause you're imagining being rich enough to buy whatever you want.
Now,practice,and you will learn to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
( something) is huge(某物) 很大
"Huge" means "very big".Some things that are often described as "huge" are:
“huge” 表示为巨大的意思,一些经常被描述为 “huge” 的事物是:
● 某物数量庞大
● a huge amount of something
● 一种巨型动物
● a huge animal
● 一大群人
● a huge crowd
● 产生巨大的差异
● make a huge difference
● (某事) 取得了巨大成功
● (something) was a huge success
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
I would ( do something) ( in an imaginary situation)我会 (做某事) (在假定的情况下)
You can talk about imaginary situations with"I would…",for example:
你可以用 “I would…” 谈论想象中的情况,例如:
A:If you could have a conversation with any person from history,who would you want to talk to?(如果你可以与历史上的任何人进行对话,你想与谁对话?)
B:I would love to talk to Albert Einstein.(我很想与Albert Einstein交流。)
"Imaginary situations" are things that are not possible,or not likely to happen."I would________"can be shortened to"I'd________".
“imaginary situations” 表示没有可能或不太可能发生的事情。“I would________” 可以缩减为“I'd________”。
The third expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第3个表达是
blow ( money)大手大脚地花钱
"Blowing money" means spending it wastefully.People blow their money on things that are fun but not necessary.
“blowing money” 意思是大手大脚地花钱。这个短语表示的是把钱花在购买华而不实的东西上。
We probably blew five thousand dollars on that trip to Vegas.
This is a casual expression.It's a little slangy,but won't offend anyone.
A more generally accepted word is "waste".
另一个被更为普遍接受的同义词是 “waste”。
The fourth expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第4个表达是
a shopping spree疯狂购物
A"shopping spree" is when someone buys a lot of stuff in a short amount of time.You might do this if you suddenly become wealthy.You go on a shopping spree.
“疯狂购物” 是指某人在短时间内购买了大量东西。如果你突然变得富有,你可能会这样做。你狂欢血拼。
I wish I could go on a shopping spree and buy new cars for everyone in my family.