Unit 2 蒂姆·库克:华盛顿大学演讲
①The idea that great progress is possible, whatever line of work you choose.
②There will always be cynics and critics on the sidelines tearing people down, and just as harmful are those people with good intentions who make no contribution at all.
③In his letter from the Birmingham jail, Dr. King wrote that our society needed to repent, not merely for the hateful words of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.
④The sidelines are not where you want to live your life.
⑤The world needs you in the arena. ⑥There are problems that need to be solved.
⑦Injustices that need to be ended. ⑧People that are still being persecuted, diseases still in need of cure.
⑨No matter what you do next, the world needs your energy, your passion, your impatience with progress.
⑩Don't shrink from risk. And tune out those critics and cynics.
⑪History rarely yields to one person, but think, and never forget, what happens when it does. ⑫That can be you. That should be you. That must be you.
⑬Congratulations Class of 2015. I'd like to take one photo of you, because this is the best view in the world. And it's a great one.
Key words and phrases
line of work行业
persecute [ˈpɜ:sɪkju:t] v.迫害
contribution [ˌkɒntrɪˈbju:ʃn] n.贡献
congratulation [kənˌgrætʃʊˈleɪʃn] n.祝贺

译 这个信念:无论你从事哪个行业,都有可能取得巨大进步。

译 总会有局外愤世嫉俗者和批评家在一旁想要击溃我们,他们对社会的毒害与那些有善意的但并无任何贡献的人一样。

译 金博士在伯明翰监狱的来信中写道,我们的社会需要忏悔,不仅仅是那些可恶的坏人,还有那些可怕的沉默的好人。

译 置身事外不是你想要的生活。

译 世界需要你在这个舞台上。

译 那里有需要解决的问题。

译 不公需要结束。

译 人们仍在遭受迫害,疾病仍需要治愈。

译 不管你下一步要做什么,世界都需要你的能量,你的激情,你对进步的渴望。

译 不要回避风险,无视那些愤世嫉俗者和吹毛求疵的人。

译 历史很少屈服于个人,但试想当它实现的时候会是什么样子,不要忘记这种感受。

译 历史屈服的对象可能是你。应该是你。必须是你。

译 祝贺2015届。我想拍一张你们的照片,因为这是世界上最好的风景。它很伟大。