Project Type: Strategic Flood-Controlling Planning
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Translated by Zhang Xu

暴雨总平面图Rainstorm site plan

晴天鸟瞰图Aerial view in sunny day

雨天鸟瞰图Aerial view in rainy day

雨天景观Landscape in rain

Studio Dreiseitl and RAMBOLL International Engineering Group collaborated in compiling the urban water drainage & waterlogging preventing plan. This case demonstrates how to combine the sponge urban design with urban drainage & waterlogging preventing planning in the latest round of Danish urban planning, and how to how to construct extensive and effective blue and green infrastructure in the face of climate change. This case illustrates how to adopt strategic and feasible approach following the cleared streets stormwater management indicators on the balanced green space, biological space and hydraulic space integration. The project has won the internationally renowned INDEX Award in 2013.
As the world's most sustainable city, Copenhagen is in the forefront in terms of the climate change. In recent years the city has experienced a growing number of storm events. From the August of 2010 to the August of 2011, Copenhagen was attacked by three heavy storm, major highways and urban infrastructure were submerged. A large area of the city severely suffered from the flooding disasters on July 2nd, 2011. Storm flooded most of the city streets and underground space in the central urban area. The initial economic analysis pointed out that if no measures ware taken, the devastating storm result from dramatic climate change would cause three times the damage in the next one hundred years. This event has been perceived as an opportunity for an innovative urban design, Copenhagen decided to develop comprehensive climate-adaptive strategies to protect the city. The stormwater management plan was produced in this context. It has the ability to prevent the city from future damage caused by storm, and it is capable to offer more blue-green space. Meanwhile, it could increase urban biodiversity and provide more recreational space for citizens as well.
The plan of stormwater management is expected to be accomplished in the next 30 years, which fully takes the extreme weather conditions caused by climate change into account, it can protect Copenhagen against the heavy rains of once a year. In order to be efficiently responsive to the once a hundred years'rain, the plan could accommodate 10cm lifted rainwater level on the streets, and it supposed to share and dispose 30%~40% volume of the rainwater discharged by the urban drainage system. The determination of the project'indexes base on the extreme storm precaution, in which is forewarned of the increased 40% amount of precipitation cause by the climate change. The stormwater management plan is entirely on the basis of a simple principle, the main point is that the controlled rainwater should be retained or detained on site, rather than increasing the already highly cost to upgrade or reconstruct the underground pipeline networks.
Copenhagen is divided into eight regions. For every water catchaent areas, a figurative design was delivered. Ramboll International Engineering Group and Atelier Dreiseitl cooperated on the planning & design for four regions. They comprehensively and carefully analyzed the roads, retention streets and green neighborhoods, and illustrates how could the detailed plan & design be supportive to purpose of the master plan vividly, and enhanced the sense of comfort and security for the citizens.Multipurpose space design is a key factor to these figurative planning, such as parks and plazas could be used as the flood discharge area during heavy rains and remained the public recreational space in the dry season. In the densely populated and space deficient city, these versatile spaces will be used for entertainment and leisure purposes in 99% of the time.

Sponge measures
Copenhagen city is composed of two administrative parts: Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. Over the past 30 years, Ramboll Engineering Consultant Firm has been planning and designing the urban sewage treatment infrastructure systems and two wastewater-treatment plants which serve the city. Objectives of the systems are to control the sewage water discharge and to realize the full treatment of sewage water, and to create the ports with excellent water quality and pleasant coastal environment. It is also the reason why Copenhagen already have the detailed data of all the water infrastructure in each region, and using the synthetic computer modeling to predict the volume of the rain and runoff which flow into the two treatment plants and the volume of the overflow which discharged into the streams and the ports. And the 2011 storm event also happened to provide a real opportunity for conducting a test for the statistics model.
The stormwater management plan in Copenhagen can successfully be undertaken mainly because of the available information and the modeling calculations. In Frederiksberg Administrative Region, for example, implementing the stormwater management under the framework of the climate adaptation, the plan should focus on low-lying parts of the city, the remained headspace to reserve and conserve the possibility of future urban development, and the construction of sustainable drainage infrastructure to ensure the flood elevation is beneath 10cm in the circumstance of heavy storm. The strategic planning based on three principles, shown as follows.
(1) Retain rainwater in the high-lying area, to protect the security of the low-lying areas.
(2) Establish a reliable and flexible stormwater runoff discharge system in the low-lying area.
(3) Implement stormwater runoff management in the sub low-lying areas.
Through these strategic planning, the sensitive areas were identified, a series of stormwater management planning projects were determined under a balanced consideration of other specialized planning as a prerequisite, so as an example, the improvement of transportation infrastructure and urban renewal plan were integrated in the stormwater management planning.
Frederiksberg stormwater management planning project consists of the following elements: stormwater management street planning, stormwater retention block planning, central retention zone planning (parks and squares), greenway planning, traditional stormwater drainage planning. Frederiksberg Avenue-stormwater management street design & planning. The underpass beneath Frederiksberg Avenue was designed as a discharge channel of rainwater during heavy rains. As one of the most scenic, historic avenue in Copenhagen, the vehicle parking challenged its beautiful scenery and function exerting. In the re-design of Frederiksberg Avenue, the greenway's walking paths area will be enlarged, the parking lot will be set in the two underground channels. When the rains are heavy, these channels could be used as flood venue. In wet season, rainwater will flow trough the central green belt to the street, and delivered to the building following the slope variation on the streets, and played little role in relieving the drainage pressure in the bottom of the building.
The modular street model designed by Ramboll Group has changed the overall features and characteristics of the roads, forming a V-shaped path, creating large volume of rainwater retention & detention space in the middle of the green belt on the roads. When it rains, the rainwater from the surrounding roofs and streets can flow into these green spaces. The URBAN RIVER resulted from heavy rains can accommodate and contain 3300 cubic meters per second amount of rainwater. In the condition of regular rain and dry season, the low-lying greenbelt can also be used as entertainment places for the surrounding citizens.
Central retention region is also a core element for the stormwater management planning. A new proposal is to transform St. George Lake into a waterfront park by lowering the water level in the lake. St. George Lake is one of the three great inner city lakes in Copenhagen. In the lakeshore area, a new park will be designed and built to provide leisure venues, such as walking, jogging path. One can enjoy the sunny weather on sundrenched lawn. A paddling playground is also available. The new park will effectively enhance the index of biodiversity and can be efficiently regulated microclimate in this environment. The quality of the water imported to the lakes will be improved, in expect to promote the ecological characteristics of lakes. And a new plaza will be built opposite to planetarium, the green space design on a secondary street are also included. The park will be submerged during heavy rains play a role in the function of flood drainage. So, this formed a large space to collect rainwater, and also improved the recreational value of the city. In the anticipation of transfer 500,000m3 rainwater by creating the large scaled and highly expensed stormwater drainage network combined with the entertainment and recreational function, in this approach it could saved nearly 134 million Euros of reconstructing underground municipal sewer system instead.
Copenhagen stormwater management planning and a series of related project design planning will first go through the rigorous process of review and discussion, and then enter the program-prioritizing and decision-making stage. Exactly like other planning & construction projects in Copenhagen, the process will involve in all the relevant municipal stakeholders to participate in and allow public opinions to be reflected. Ramboll Engineering Consulting Firm has prepared a detailed cost-benefit assessment for the decision approval during the review process. For instance, this assessment weighed in the budget of income & expenses from the financial investment and new facilities operation. It can protect the city against flooding, alleviate air pollution due to the increase of green space, and reduce the cost of the existing sewer system renovation in return to improve the properties'value. Hundreds of specific projects were approved in 2015. Bid and tender work has begun afterwards.
Social economic analysis shows that the benefits and profits from this kind of project design, which dedicated in promotion of the urban livability, are far beyond the cost of its construction and maintenance. Despite the need of injecting totally 1.3 billion Euros into the project in the following 30 years, the cost of investment could barely compare to the effectiveness yield from the urban flood & waterlogging preventing and the damage & lost minimizing. This case shows a long-term, efficient, comprehensive and sustainable solutions to urban issues, and can serve as a model in dealing with similar problems in other area worldwide. Just like Copenhagen combat climate change in this way, and obtain many benefits in social and economic aspects.
Copenhagen stormwater management plan demonstrated the necessity of multi-disciplinary collaboration among a traditional professional team. The hydraulic engineers cooperated with the latest modeling experts to break through the bottleneck constraints in facing with the management of the complex hydro engineering and hydraulic techniques. Landscape architects and urban planners put forward a brand new blue & green urban environment design for the projects in joint efforts, and economists provide the cost-benefit assessment required by the evaluation and decision making process. Stormwater management planning in Copenhagen can enhance the sustainability of the city and promote the quality of its environment, safeguard the citizens'living standards, ensure long-term flexibility of the city's adaptive capacity, and stimulate and fuel economic growth of the city.