1.Residents’Dietary Status and Trends
1.1 In 2012, Chinese residents’ average energy intake per capita per day was 2172kcal,with urban’s lower than rural’s; compared with that in 2002, energy intake decreased slightly in urban areas. Protein intake was 65g, with urban’s higher than rural’s, and basically remained the same as that in 2002 while quality protein intake increased. Fat intake was 80g, with urban’s higher than rural’s, and fat intake increased compared with that in 2002 in rural areas.Carbohydrate intake was 301g, with urban’s lower than rural’s; compared with that in 2002,urban and rural intakes fell slightly.
1.2 Over the past 10 years, Chinese urban/rural residents’ grain intake remained stable,while beans and milk consumption remained at the low side, soybeans and milk intakes were only 10.9g and 24.7g; fruit intake was 40.7g, generally on the low side; compared with that in 2002, intake level in urban fell slightly. Inadequate intakes of calcium, iron, vitamin A and other micro-nutrients remained.
1.3 In 2013, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding was 20.8% for Chinese infants aged below 6 months old: 19.6% and 22.3% for urban and rural; predominantly breastfeeding rate stood at 48.3%: 43.0% and 54.1% for urban and rural. Both the exclusive breastfeeding rate and predominantly breastfeeding rate were lower in urban areas than in rural areas.