2.Registration and Appointment挂号和预约
A.Sentences Commonly Used(常用语)
1.Do you understand Chinese?
2.Is this your frst visit to our hospital?
3.Have you been here before?
4.Do you have medical health insurance?
5.If you do not have medical health insurance,you may have to pay for the medical bill.
6.Even though you have medical health insurance,you may have to pay the bill and claim afterwards.
7.Please tell me what your problem is?
8.You need to register frst; the counter is over there.(pointing to the counter)
9.You need to pay the cashier and then register,and the cashier counter is over there.
10.The registration form is in Chinese. I will help you.
11.I will help you.
12.I will help you,please sit down. I will get you the form.
14.DOB —date of birth
15.Address(Chinese address and home address for doctor’s letter)
17.Telephone No.
18.Medical Insurance No.
19.Have you a registration card?
20.Are you a medical or surgical case?
21.Do you have your history sheet?
22.Which department do you want to register with?
23.I think you should see a dermatologist frst.
24.Please don’t lose your registration card.
25.This is your registration card.
26.Bring it whenever you come.
B.Situational Conversation(情景会话)
Nurse: Hello! Can I help you?
护士: 你好!有什么可以帮你的吗?
Patient: Hi! I’m new here. I want to see a doctor. Can you show me the way to the registry?
病人: 你好!我第一次来这里。我要看医生。请问挂号处往哪边走?
Nurse: Yes. It’s just on the frst foor of that tallest building over there.
护士: 喔,挂号处在那座最高的楼里面,在第一层。
Patient: I’m sorry. Did you mean the ground foor or the second foor?
病人: 抱歉,你是说第一层还是第二层?
Nurse: The ground foor.
护士: 第一层。
Patient: Thank you very much.
病人: 非常感谢。
Nurse: You are welcome.
护士: 不客气。
Nurse: Good morning. What can I do for you?
护士: 早上好,我能为你做些什么?
Patient: Good morning. I have a bad cough,and I want to see an internist.
病人: 早上好。我咳嗽很严重,想挂个内科医生的号。
Nurse: OK! Have you ever been here before? Do you have a registration card?
护士: 好的。请问你以前来过吗?有没有挂号卡?
Patient: It’s my frst visit here. I’m a tourist.
病人: 我第一次来这里。我是观光客。
Nurse: Then you need to register a new card. Can I have a look at your ID card or passport? I need your name,age,occupation and address.
护士: 那么你得办张新卡。我可以看看你的身份证或者护照吗,我需要输入你的姓名、年龄、职业和地址。
Patient: Here you are.
病人: 给你。
Nurse: Thank you.
护士: 谢谢。
Nurse: Er,can I have your telephone number? If you have no,please tell me the phone number of your hotel room.
护士: 唔,你的电话是多少?如果没有,请告诉我你旅馆房间的电话。
Patient: The phone number of my hotel room is eight,one,double eight,seven,two,double three,extension three,eight,four,zero,three.
病人: 我旅馆房间的电话号码是81887233-38403。
Nurse: Eight,one,double eight,seven,two,double three,extension three,eight,four,zero,three. Right?
护士: 81887233-38403,对吗?
Patient: Yes,you got it.
病人: 对。
Nurse: Good! Which kind of medicine do you prefer? Western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine?
护士: 好的。请问你想看中医还是西医?
Patient: Er,I have been longing to try the supernatural traditional Chinese medicine. It’s very popular in China-town.
病人: 唔,我一直想试试神奇的中医。它在唐人街很吃香。
Nurse: That’s a good idea. You’ll fnd that Chinese herb can make magic. 7 yuan please.
护士: 好注意!你会发现中草药的神奇效果。请给我7元人民币挂号费。
Patient: OK!
病人: 给你。
Nurse: Here is your passport. Please make sure it’s in safe keeping. Here is your registration card and receipt. I recommended a famous old herbalist doctor. His office is on the ffth foor of the building 2 at the east district. You can get there easily by yourself or you can ask a guide-nurse to help you.
护士: 请拿回你的护照,千万别弄丢了。这是你的挂号卡和收据。我向你推荐了一位著名的老中医,他的办公室在东区5楼,你很容易就能找到那儿,你也可以请一位导诊护士带你去那儿。
Patient: Thanks a million.
病人: 万分感谢。
Nurse: How long do you intend to stay in China?
护士: 你准备在中国待多久?
Patient: Two weeks or longer.
病人: 两周或更久。
Nurse: Wish you a great time and a safe travel.
护士: 祝你旅途愉快、一路顺风。
Patient: Thank you! Goodbye.
病人: 谢谢。再见。
Patient: Excuse me,which line should I stand in to register,please?
病人: 请问,我挂号该排哪一队?
Nurse: This is the line for new patients. The registration fee will be 7 yuan. Pay over there,and they will give you a registration card. Fill it in and bring it back to me.
护士: 初诊的病人站那条队。挂号费7元。排到那边后付了款,他们会给你一张挂号卡。填写后交到这儿。
Nurse: What’s the problem?
护士: 你哪里不舒服?
Patient: Since this morning I’ve had high temperature,and I feel generally wretched.
病人: 今天早上开始,我发高烧,浑身疲乏无力。
Nurse: In that case,you’d better go to the Medical Department.
护士: 像你这样的情况,还是去看内科吧。
Patient: Which way do I go?
病人: 内科怎么走?
Nurse: Go up to the second foor,and you’ll see the sign. Give the doctor your registration card.
护士: 上了二楼,你可以看到内科的牌子。把挂号卡给医生就行了。
Patient: Is it very busy?
病人: 内科病人多不多?
Nurse: Normally yes,but today you are lucky.
护士: 往日很多,可今天却不多。
Patient: Oh,good. Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: Do you want to see a doctor?
护士: 你要看病吗?
Patient: Yes.
病人: 是的。
Nurse: Have you ever been here before?
护士: 你以前来过这里吗?
Patient: No,this is my frst visit.
病人: 没有,这是第一次来。
Nurse: Have you a registration card?
护士: 你有挂号卡吗?
Patient: Yes,I have.
病人: 有的。
Nurse: Do you remember your card number?
护士: 你记得你的挂号卡号码吗?
Patient: No,I can’t remember it.
病人: 不记得了。
Nurse: I’ll make a fle(record)for you.
护士: 我要给你做一份病历。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢你。
Nurse: Which department do you want to register with?
护士: 你要挂哪科的号?
Patient: I want to see a surgeon.
病人: 我要看外科。
Nurse: This is your fle. Please don’t lose it and bring it whenever you come.
护士: 这是你的病历。请不要遗失。每次来时带着它。
Patient: Yes,I will. But can you tell me how to get to the Consulting Room?
病人: 好的,我会带的。请问到诊疗室如何走?
Nurse: Go down this road until you come to the drugstore. Make a left turn and it’s just there.
护士: 沿着这条路走到药房再向左拐就到了。
Nurse: Hello,I am Nurse Li Dehong. My English name is Linda. Please call me Nurse Linda.Can I help you?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士。我的英文名叫琳达。请称呼我为琳达护士。有什么我能帮你的?
Patient: I want to see a doctor. I don’t feel very well,but I don’t know what to do.
病人: 我想看医生。我有点不舒服,但是不知该怎么做。
Nurse: What are your symptoms?
护士: 你有什么症状?
Patient: I have a temperature,feel very tired and my joints are aching and I just feel unwell.
病人: 我发烧,感觉很累,关节疼痛,感觉很不舒服。
Nurse: You need to see an Internal Medicine doctor. Do you understand Chinese?
护士: 你需要看内科。你会讲中文吗?
Patient: No.
病人: 不会。
Nurse: You need to register frst and then I will take you to Outpatients. The registration fee is 7 yuan. Please take a seat,I will get a form for you.
护士: 你需要先挂号,然后我带你去门诊部。挂号费是7元,请坐一会儿,我去给你拿表。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: Here is the registration form,and you need to write the answers to a few questions.
护士: 这是挂号表,你需要填写一些信息。
Nurse: What is your name?
护士: 你叫什么名字?
Patient: Linda Smith.
病人: 琳达·史密斯。
Nurse: What is your date of birth?
护士: 你的出生日期?
Patient: 3. 4. 1980.
病人: 3. 4. 1980。
Nurse: Is that 3rd April 1980 or 4th March 1980?
护士: 您指的是1980年4月3日还是1980年3月4日?
Patient: 3rd April 1980.
病人: 1980年4月3日。
Nurse: What is your address here in Beijing?
护士: 你在北京的住址是哪里?
Patient: Hotel Lido,Chaoyang District.
病人: 朝阳区丽都饭店。
Nurse: Are you a tourist?
护士: 你是游客吗?
Patient: Yes,I am.
病人: 是的。
Nurse: Please can I have your address in your own country?
护士: 请问能告诉我你在你自己国家的住址吗?
Patient: 16,Trafalgar Square,Greenwich,London,E13 9DL.
病人: 伦敦,格林威治区特拉法广场16号,邮编E13 9DL。
Nurse: Please can you write that down on this form?
护士: 请问你能在挂号表里填写吗?
Nurse: What is your nationality?
护士: 你是哪国人?
Patient: British.
病人: 英国人。
Nurse: What is your telephone number?
护士: 你的电话号码是什么?
Patient: My mobile number is 1498765321.
病人: 我的手机号码是1498765321.
Nurse: Who is your next of Kin?
护士: 你的近亲是哪位?
Patient: Mr. Alan Week.
病人: 阿伦·维克先生。
Nurse: Please can you write his name and address and telephone number?
护士: 请问你能填写一下他的姓名、地址和电话号码吗?
Nurse: Do you have health insurance?
护士: 请问你有医疗保险吗?
Patient: Yes,I do.
病人: 我有。
Nurse: Even though you have health insurance,you will have to pay the medical bill frst and then claim. The hospital will give you a letter to give to your insurance company.
护士: 即使你有医疗保险,你也需要先支付医疗费用,再进行索赔。医院会给你的保险公司开一份证明。
Patient: No,I don’t.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: You will have to pay your medical bill before you leave the hospital.
护士: 你需要在出院之前付清医疗费用。
Nurse: I will take this form back to the counter and get your paperwork. Please can I have 7 yuan for the registration fee? Please stay here,I will come back.
护士: 我会将挂号表送到收费处换你的电脑记录表。请给我7元挂号费。在原地等一会儿,我马上回来。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: I will take you to Outpatients now,would you like a wheelchair?
护士: 我会带你去门诊部,你需要轮椅吗?
Patient: No,thank you. I will be OK.
病人: 不用,谢谢!我自己能行。
Nurse: We need to go to the third foor,the elevators are over there,please follow me.
护士: 我们要到三楼,那边有电梯,请跟我来。
Nurse: Here is the Outpatient Department. I will tell the nurse you are here.
护士: 门诊部到了。我会告诉护士你在这里。
Nurse: The nurse will come and take you to the doctor when he is ready for you. Is there anything else I can do for you? Is there anything else you would like to ask me?
护士: 护士一会儿过来。轮到你的时候,她会带你到医生那里。还有什么需要我帮忙的吗?还有什么需要咨询的吗?
Patient: No,thank you. You’ve been very kind.
病人: 不用了,谢谢。你已经帮了很大忙。
Nurse: You are welcome. I hope you get better soon. Goodbye.
护士: 不用客气,希望你尽快康复,再见!
Nurse: Hello,I am Nurse Li Dehong. My English name is Linda. Please call me Nurse Linda.Can I help you?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士。我的英文名叫琳达。请称呼我为琳达护士。有什么我能帮你的?
Patient: I want to see a doctor. I’m ill.
病人: 我要看医生,我病了。
Nurse: What are your symptoms?
护士: 你有什么症状?
Patient: I have had diarrhea and vomiting for the last couple of days.
病人: 我两天来一直呕吐腹泻。
Nurse: You need to see a doctor in the Emergency Room. Do you understand Chinese?
护士: 你需要看急诊。你懂中文吗?
Patient: No.
病人: 不懂。
Nurse: You will need to register frst and then see the emergency doctor. I will take you to the Emergency Department,would you like a wheelchair? The registration fee is 7 yuan.Please wait a moment,I will get a form for you.
护士: 你需要先挂号再看急诊医生。我会带你去急诊科,你需要轮椅吗?挂号费是7元。请等一会儿,我去给你拿挂号表。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: Here is the registration form,and you will need to write the answers to a few questions.
护士: 这是挂号表,你需要填写一些信息。
Nurse: What is your name?
护士: 你叫什么名字?
Patient: Paula Jones.
病人: 保拉·琼斯。
Nurse: What is your date of birth?
护士: 你的出生日期是?
Patient: 8. 9. 1963.
病人: 8. 9. 1963。
Nurse: Is that 8th September 1963 or 9th August 1963?
护士: 1963年9月8日还是1963年8月9日。
Patient: 8th September 1963.
病人: 1963年9月8日。
Nurse: What is your address here in Beijing?
护士: 你在北京的住址是哪里?
Patient: Hotel Beijing,Wangfujing.
病人: 王府井北京饭店。
Nurse: Are you a tourist?
护士: 你是游客吗?
Patient: Yes,I am.
病人: 是的。
Nurse: Please can I have your address in your own country?
护士: 请问能告诉我你本国住址吗?
Patient: 16a,Crowthorne Crescent,Handscross,West Sussex,BN12 7RN.
病人: 地址是:西苏塞克斯市(英)汉迪克罗斯区克劳索恩新月街16号a门邮编是:BN12 7RN。
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Nurse: What is your nationality?
护士: 你是哪国人?
Patient: British.
病人: 英国人。
Nurse: What is your telephone number?
护士: 你的手机号码是多少?
Patient: My mobile number is 7079857432.
病人: 我的手机号码是7079857432。
Nurse: Who is your next of Kin?
护士: 你的近亲是哪位?
Patient: Mr. David Jones.
病人: 大卫·琼斯先生。
Nurse: Please can you write his name and address and telephone number?
护士: 你能填一下他的姓名、地址和电话吗?
Patient: Yes,certainly.
病人: 当然可以。
Nurse: Do you have health insurance?
护士: 你有医疗保险吗?
Patient: Yes,I do.
病人: 有。
Nurse: Even though you have health insurance,you will have to pay the medical bill frst and then claim. The hospital will give you a letter to give to your insurance company.
护士: 即使你有医疗保险,你也需要先支付医疗费用,再进行索赔。医院会开一份证明给你的保险公司。
Patient: No,I don’t.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: You will have to pay your medical bill before you leave the hospital.
护士: 你需要在出院之前付清医疗费用。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: I will take this form back to the counter and get your paperwork. Please can I have 7 yuan for the registration fee? Please stay here,I will come back.
护士: 我会将挂号表送到收费处换你的电脑记录表。请给我七元挂号费。请原地等一会儿,我马上回来。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: I will take you to the emergency doctor now.
护士: 我现在带你去急诊医生那里。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: Is there anything else I can do for you? Is there anything else you would like to ask me?
护士: 还有什么需要我帮忙的吗?还有什么需要咨询的吗?
Patient: No,thank you. You’ve been very kind.
病人: 不用了,谢谢。你已经帮了很大忙。
Nurse: You are welcome. I hope you get better soon. Goodbye.
护士: 不用客气,希望你尽快康复。再见!
Nurse: Good morning.This is doctor Johnson’s offce. What can I do for you ?
护士: 早上好,这里是约翰逊医生的办公室。有什么需要帮忙的吗?
Mrs. Reed: Yes,this is Mrs.Reed. I’d like to make a appointment to see doctor this week.
雷德太太: 是的,我是雷德太太。我想本周预约看病。
Nurse: Well,let’s see. I’m afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday.
护士: 好的,让我查看一下。约翰逊医生本周星期一和星期二都已经预约满了。
Mrs. Reed: How about Thursday ?
雷德太太: 星期四怎么样?
Nurse: Sorry,but he is also booked on Thursday. Will Wednesday be OK for you,Mrs.Reed?
护士: 抱歉,周四也已经预约满了。雷德太太,星期三您方便吗?
Mrs. Reed: I have to work on Wednesday. By the way,is Dr. Johnson available on Saturday?
雷德太太: 星期三我得上班。顺便问一下,约翰逊医生周六有空吗?
Nurse: I’m afraid the offce is closed on weekends.
护士: 我们周末不上班。
Mrs. Reed: Well,what about Friday?
雷德太太: 那么,星期五如何?
Nurse: Friday,let me check. Oh,great. Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon.
护士: 星期五,让我查一下。太好了,约翰逊医生星期五下午有空。
Mrs. Reed: That fne; I’ll go on Friday afternoon then. Thank you.
雷德太太: 好,那我周五下午过去。谢谢你。
Mrs. Lee: Can I speak to Dr. Johnson,please?
李太太: 请问约翰逊医生在吗?
Nurse: I am Dr. Johnson’s nurse. What can I do for you?
护士: 我是他的护士,有什么需要帮忙的吗?
Mrs. Lee: This is Mrs. Lee. Please help me.
李太太: 我是李太太,请帮帮我。
Nurse: What the problem,Mrs. Lee?
护士: 您怎么啦,李太太?
Mrs. Lee: Oh,no,it’s not me,My son Bill is sick.
李太太: 哦,不,不是我,我的儿子比尔病了。
Nurse: What happened?
护士: 比尔怎么了?
Mrs. Lee: he has red spots on his arms,his shoulders...
李太太: 他的手臂上、肩膀上长有红斑。
Nurse: Does he have red spots elsewhere on his body?
护士: 他是不是其他部位也长了?
Mrs. Lee: Yes,he dose.
李太太: 是。
Nurse: Dose he have a fever?
护士: 他有没有发热呢?
Mrs. Lee: Yes,he dose. This morning his temperature was 39 degrees Celsius.
李太太: 发热了。今天早上他烧到了39℃。
Nurse: Oh.
护士: 哦。
Mrs. Lee: What’s the wrong with bill? He cried all day long. I just can’t stop him.
李太太: 医生,比尔究竟怎么了?他哭一整天了,劝都劝不住。
Nurse: He may have an infection.
护士: 他可能是感染了。
Mrs. Lee: Infection? Oh,dear. Can Dr. Johnson come and see him now?
李太太: 感染了?天啊!约翰逊医生现在可以来看他吗?
Nurse: Dr. Johnson is going to have an operation this morning. But you should bring Bill to the ER(emergency room)as soon as you can.
护士: 今天上午约翰逊先生得给病人手术,你应该尽快带比尔去看急诊。
Mrs. Lee: Thank you very much.
李太太: 非常感谢。
Nurse: Goodbye.
护士: 再见。
Patient: I would like to see a dentist.
病人: 我想看牙医。
Nurse: For a flling,a denture,or a cleaning?
护士: 补牙、镶牙、还是洗牙?
Patient: I want to have a denture ftted and my teeth cleansed; please make an appointment for me.
病人: 我要镶牙并洗牙,请给我约个时间。
Nurse: OK!Next Wednesday,do you prefer eight o’clock,or ten o’clock?
护士: 好吧!下周星期三,您愿意上午8点钟来还是10点钟来?
Patient: Ten o’clock is better.
病人: 10点钟对我更合适。
Nurse: All right,ten o’clock,next Wednesday. See you then.
护士: 好,下周星期三10点见。
(Next Wednesday,9:55 a.m.)
Nurse: Please come with me.
护士: 请随我来。
Patient: How long do I have to wait?
病人: 我还需要等多久?
Nurse: You are next. The patient before you is a rather complicated case. I am afraid you will probably have to wait for at least half an hour.
护士: 下一个就轮到您了。您前面那个病人情况比较复杂。恐怕您至少还得等半个小时。
Patient: OK,I’ll wait.
病人: 好的,我等着。