Part One Basic Nursing Care 基础护理篇
1.Meeting Patients in Hospital医院会面
A.Sentences Commonly used(常用语)
1.How are you?
2.Glad to meet you.
认识你我很高兴(见面时用,分手时说Glad meeting you.)。
3.Good morning,Miss Paine. I am nurse Johnson.
4.Mr. And Mrs. Gates,my name is Miss White. I am a nurse.
5.Hello,I am nurse Hunt. Are you Mrs. Bill?
6.Hi,Peter,I am your nurse. Who is here with you today?
7.Hello,Mr. George. Nice to see you again. How have you been?
8.You’re looking better today.
9.Hello,I haven’t seen you for a long time. How’s everything going?
10.How are you feeling today?
11.May I help you?
12.What can I do for you?
13.What’s the trouble?
14.Please come in and have a seat.
15.Please take a seat! / Please sit down!
16.Wait a moment,please.
17.Sorry to have kept you waiting.
18.It’s nice weather today. How did you come here?
19.Did you have any trouble fnding us today?
20.How was the traffc?
21.How do you do! This way,please!
22.Welcome to our hospital(ward)!
23.What can I do for you?
24.May I help you?
25.Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you?
26.Which department do you want to visit?
27.Put your medical card in the box at the reception desk.
28.Today the department of ophthalmology is closed.
29.Surgery is open till noon every day.
30.Please observe the clinical hours.
31.Please come with me,I will show you the way to the Radiology.
32.I will take you there.
33.What’s your problem?
34.What’s wrong with you?
35.When did your problem start?
36.How long have you been sick?
37.What do you fnd the most uncomfortable ?/What bothers you the most?
38.Is your pain bearable?
39.Can you tolerate this pain?
40.You will be the third to be seen.
41.Please wait for a moment.
42.Please be seated until your name is called.
43.When did you come to China?
44.What was your profession in your country?
45.What are you doing in China?
46.Thank you. Please wait a while.
47.Please come to room No. 5 when your name is called.
B.Situational conversation(情景会话)
Nurse: Hello,my name is Nurse Li Dehong. My English name is Linda. Please call me Nurse Linda. Can I help you? What’s your problem?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士。我的英文名叫琳达。请称呼我为琳达护士。请问有什么我能帮你的?你哪里不舒服?
Patient: I want to see a doctor,please. I don’t feel very well,but I don’t know what to do.
病人: 我想看医生。我有点不舒服,但是不知道该怎么办。
Nurse: What are your symptoms?
护士: 你有什么症状?
Patient: I have a temperature,I feel tired and aching and I just feel unwell.
病人: 我发烧,感觉酸痛乏力,很不舒服。
Nurse: You need to see an Internal Medicine doctor. Do you understand Chinese?
护士: 你应该挂内科。你会讲中文吗?
Patient: No.
病人: 不会。
Nurse: I will help you to register frst and take you to the Outpatient’s Department.
护士: 我会先帮你挂号,然后带你去门诊部。
Patient: Thank you very much.
病人: 非常感谢。
Nurse: Hello,my name is Nurse Li Dehong. My English name is Linda. Please call me Nurse Linda. Can I help you? What is your problem?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士。我的英文名叫琳达。请称呼我为琳达护士。请问有什么我能帮你的?你哪里不舒服?
Patient: I have had severe diarrhea and vomiting since yesterday,I’d like to see a doctor.
病人: 从昨天开始我一直腹泻呕吐,需要看医生。
Nurse: You need to go to the Emergency Room; I will show you where to go. You will have to register frst and then you can see a doctor,I will help you.
护士: 你需要去看急诊,我会告诉你怎么走。你需要先挂号才能看医生,我会帮助你完成这一切。
Patient: Thank you very much,you are very kind.
病人: 非常感谢,你人真好。
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Nurse: Hello,may I help you? My name is Nurse Lee.
护士: 你好,我是李护士,请问有什么我能帮你的?
Patient: Yes,please. I have a severe headache,I need to see someone,where do I have to go?
病人: 有,我头好痛,我要看医生,该怎么走?
Nurse: You need to see a neurologist,the Neurology Department is on the fourth foor,the elevators and stairs are over there in the corner,but you will need to register frst.
护士: 你需要看神经科医生,神经科在四楼,电梯和楼梯在那边拐角处,不过你需要先挂号。
Patient: Thank you,can you tell me how I do that?
病人: 谢谢!你能告诉我怎么挂号吗?
Nurse: Hello,my name is Nurse Li Dehong. My English name is Linda. Please call me Nurse Linda. Can I help you?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士。我的英文名叫琳达。请称呼我为琳达护士。有什么我能帮你的?
Patient: Yes,please. I’m looking for an ATM machine,is there one in the hospital?
病人: 好的,谢谢。我在找自动取款机,请问医院里面有吗?
Nurse: Yes,there is. You’ll fnd it down this corridor,(pointing)you’ll fnd it on your right.
护士: 医院有!沿着走廊一直走,就在你的右手边。
Patient: Thanks.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: Hello,my name is Nurse Li Dehong. My English name is Linda. Please call me Nurse Linda. Can I help you?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士。我的英文名叫琳达。请称呼我为琳达护士。有什么我能帮你的?
Patient: I’m looking for the toilet/WC/cloakroom/bathroom/washroom.
病人: 请问卫生间在哪里?
Nurse: Yes,they are on the second foor. The stairs are over there(pointing)or you can take the elevator. You will fnd the toilets straight ahead of you,when you get out of the elevator.
护士: 卫生间在二楼。楼梯在那边,或者你可以坐电梯上去。从电梯出来后,正对着你的就是。
Patient: Thanks a lot.
病人: 非常感谢。
Nurse: Hello,my name is Nurse Li Dehong. My English name is Linda. Please call me Nurse Linda. Can I help you?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士。我的英文名叫琳达。请称呼我为琳达护士。有什么我能帮你的?
Patient: Yes,thank you. I’m looking for the X-ray Department.
病人: 好的,谢谢。我在找放射科。
Nurse: The X-ray Department is down that corridor,and you fnd it on your right hand. Please follow the orange line,that will take you to the X-ray Department.
护士: 沿着走廊走下去,在你的右手边就是。请沿着那条橙线一直走,你就能找到放射科。
Patient: Great,thanks.
病人: 太好了,谢谢。
Nurse: Hello,my name is Nurse Li Dehong. My English name is Linda. Please call me Nurse Linda. Can I help you?
护士: 你好,我是李德红护士。我的英文名叫琳达。请称呼我为琳达护士。有什么我能帮你的?
Patient: Please can you tell me where the subway is from here?
病人: 请问你能告诉我到地铁站怎么走?
Nurse: You will need to take a taxi or bus to get to the subway.
护士: 你需要打的或者坐公交车到地铁口。
Patient: Oh,is it quite far from here?
病人: 哦,离这儿很远吗?
Nurse: Yes,it is. To get a bus you need to go out of the hospital to the main road,cross over the road,the Bus Stop is on your left,you will need to get the No. 104 bus.
护士: 是的,如果坐公交车,你需要出了医院到主路上去,穿过主路之后左手边就是公共汽车站,你需要坐104路。
Patient: How long will it take me to get to the subway?
病人: 坐到地铁口需要多长时间?
Nurse: It will take about 15 minutes.
护士: 大概15分钟。
Patient: OK. Where can I get a taxi?
病人: 好的,在哪里乘出租车?
Nurse: If you go out of this door to the main road,there are taxis waiting.
护士: 穿过这个门到主路上就有。
Patient: That’s great,thanks.
病人: 太好了,谢谢!