A.Sentences Commonly Used(常用语)
1.Would you hand me your medical record,the sheet of the injection and drugs?
2.Did you take this kind of medicine before?
3.I’m going to do a tetanus hypersensitive test for you.
4.I’ll do a skin test to see if you have sensitivity streptomycin.
5.Well,it’s not very painful,is it?
6.You need to wait here for twenty minutes to get the result of the test.
7.Don’t leave here and please don’t touch the injection spot.
8.Twenty minutes later,I’ll have a look at your reaction.
9.If you have any discomfort,please tell me in time.
10.You have been given an intravenous injection. Don’t move this arm.
11.Please lie on your right side and raise your left leg to relax gluteal muscle.
12.Can you put down your pants a little and I’ll give you a shot?
13.Please don’t be nervous,you may feel a bit sour and swollen,but it will be right soon.
14.Please press for 3~5 minutes with a cotton stick and don’t scratch.
15.It’s the frst time you have used penicillin so please wait for 30 minutes to be observed.
16.You could leave if you don’t feel any discomfort.
17.According to the medical order,I have to get blood from the vein of your upper limb.
18.Please take off your overcoat,and roll up your sleeves.
19.Could you put your arm here and clench your fts,OK?
20.OK,release your fts.
21.Please press here for a moment with a cotton stick.
22.In order to prevent dehydration,we must give you venous transfusion.
23.It’ll take nearly 6 hours to give you transfusion. It’s better for you to go to the washroom.
24.Please stretch out your hands and let me choose the part to inject.
25.I’m sorry to your pain. Could you cooperate with me for your own good?
26.Now rest your arm on mine.
27.If there is anything wrong with you(Whatever you need),please press the button,I’ll come soon.
28.As your heart isn’t in a good condition,the speed of infusion will be slower.
29.We’ll use more antibiotics for you.
30.Hi,kid. I’ll give you a shot. I’m sure you are brave.
31.Did you feel better after the injection last time?
32.Better put hot towels on it. Twice a day for ffteen minutes.
33.Did you feel uncomfortable at the injection spot?
B.Situational Conversation(情景会话)
Patient: How often should I have the injection?
病人: 这针多久注射一次?
Nurse: Once a day(twice a day).
护士: 每天一次(每天两次)。
Patient: Where do you give it?
病人: 在哪个部位注射呢?
Nurse: In the buttocks(in the arms).
护士: 在臀部(在手臂上)。
Patient: I discovered a lump on my buttock yesterday. What shall I do?
病人: 我昨天发现我的臀部有个硬块。该怎么办呢?
Nurse: Let me have a look. Better put hot towels on it. Two times a day for ffteen minutes. If it doesn’t get better,we’ll try physiotherapy.
护士: 让我看一下。最好用热毛巾敷。一天敷两次,每次15分钟。假若不见好,我们可以做做理疗。
Nurse: Good morning. Mrs.Hu. It’s time for me to give you IV fuids.
护士: 早晨好,胡太太,我要给你静脉输液了。
Patient: Could you tell me about the use of the IV fuids?
病人: 你能告诉我静脉输液的作用吗?
Nurse: Of course. The fluids can provide energy for heart functions and prevent you from electrolytic imbalances after operation.
护士: 当然。这液体能为心肌提供能量。并预防术后电解质失衡。
Patient: Why don’t you let the fuid drop more quickly?
病人: 能不能让液体滴快些?
Nurse: Your IV fuids must be given slowly so as not to overload you.
护士: 不行,你的静脉液必须要慢以免使你的心脏负担过重。
Patient: Nurse,don’t give me the injection again.
病人: 护士,别给我打针了。
Nurse: What’s happen?
护士: 为什么?
Patient: I think it is no use.
病人: 我想打针也没用。
Nurse: Don’t say that. You’ll soon be well after the operation.
护士: 别这么说,术后情况会迅速好转的。
Patient: Perhaps you’re right,but I’m always feeling anxious. I think I’m a heavy burden on others. Don’t bother any more.
病人: 也许你说的对,可我总感到难过,我觉得自己对别人而言是沉重的负担,你别麻烦了。
Nurse: Mrs. Hu,you know we all care for you,especially your husband and children. Do what you’re told,then,you can live a full,useful,and happy life.
护士: 胡太太,你知道大家都关心你,特别是你丈夫和孩子们。按我们的话做,你会生活得充实又幸福的。
Patient: No,I feel that everything in the world is meaningless. So I don’t want to live in the world to bother others.
病人: 不,我觉得一切都没有意思,我不想活在世上给人添麻烦。
Nurse: Mrs. Hu,everyone has his own trouble,but he shouldn’t see the world through darkcolored glasses. He can correctly deal with matters. Don’t worry about too much. I’m sure your condition will soon be better if you cooperate with us.
护士: 胡太太,每个人都有自己的烦恼。只要不用灰色眼镜看世界,就能正确处理这些事。别太担心,我保证你只要和我们合作,你的情况很快会好转的。
Patient: Thank you for your kindness.
病人: 多谢你的好意。
Nurse: Look at the people around you. They are all full of confdence. Mr. Li’s condition was worse than yours before operation,but you see he can do everything for him now.
护士: 看看你周围的人,他们都那么自信,李先生术前情况还不如你,可你看他现在完全可以自理了。
Patient: I see,nurse. Please give me the shot.
病人: 我懂了,请给我打针吧。
Patient: Is this injection room?
病人: 这是注射室吗?
Nurse: Yes. Could you show me your prescription,please?
护士: 是的,请给我你的处方。
Patient: Here you are. Well,could you tell me how many injections I have got to take?
病人: 在这,请问我要打几针?
Nurse: Let me see. One every other day for two weeks. From today on,you need to come to the hospital to get a shot every other day. The treatment will last for two weeks.
护士: 让我看看处方,每两天一次,连续两周。从今天开始,你每隔一天来医院打一针,要持续两周。
Patient: In the morning or in the afternoon?
病人: 上午来还是下午来?
Nurse: You can decide yourself whether mornings or afternoons. But you should be consistent in your visit,and it should be around the same time every time.
护士: 随便你,但你一定要坚持来,每次要在同一时间。
Patient: I will. What happens if I can’t come?
病人: 我知道。假如我不来会怎样?
Nurse: It’s very important that you don’t skip a day. You should come here consistently.Otherwise the course may not be effective,all the former treatment may be in vain.
护士: 任何一天都不能忘记打针,这很重要。你一定要坚持来,否则以前做的治疗都无效。
Patient: I understand.
病人: 我懂了。
Nurse: Do you know if you’re allergic to any antibiotics?
护士: 你对抗生素过敏吗?
Patient: No,defnitely not.
病人: 不会,绝对不会。
Nurse: Fine. Is there anybody else in your family allergic to penicillin?
护士: 你家里有人对青霉素过敏吗?
Patient: I can’t think of anyone who is allergic to it.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: Could you tell me when you used penicillin last time?
护士: 能告诉我上次使用青霉素是什么时候?
Patient: Well,let me see. It could be three or four years ago when I...Actually I don’t quite remember the exact time.
病人: 让我想想,大概是三或四年前,……我记不清了。
Nurse: Are you allergic to any other particular drugs?
护士: 你对其他药物过敏吗?
Patient: No,as far as I can remember.
病人: 不会。
Nurse: OK. Now I’ll give you a small injection frst. Please roll up your sleeve and stretch out your left arm. Don’t be nervous. It’s just a small shot.
护士: 我先给你做个皮试,请挽起袖子伸出你的左臂。别紧张,只是个小小的皮试。
Patient: Shall I sit down?
病人: 我能坐下来吗?
Nurse: Yes,rest your arm on the table and relax. Hold still please. If you feel any discomfort,such as dizziness,sweating or chest distress,please tell me.
护士: 可以,把胳膊放在桌子上,放松。坚持一会。如果你感到任何不舒服,如头晕、出汗或是胸闷的话就告诉我。
Patient: Yes,I will. I don’t understand why I still need to have a penicillin allergic test. You know,you give an allergic test of this kind every time before a penicillin injection. I have never been found allergic to it. I’m wondering if it’s necessary.
病人: 知道。我真不明白为什么每次打青霉素都要做皮试,我对青霉素从不过敏。有必要吗?
Nurse: Some of the patients may become allergic to some types of penicillin even though they have used penicillin before. Though it’s rather rare,we must be very careful of this,since the allergy to penicillin can cause serious consequences and sometimes it’s life threatening. Now wait just outside for at least 15 minutes,then,I’ll have a look at your reaction.
护士: 有些病人有可能对不同批号的青霉素过敏,即使他以前使用过青霉素。虽然这种情况很少,但我们还是应该谨慎,因为青霉素过敏的后果很严重,甚至会有生命危险。现在你在外面等至少15分钟,然后我再看看你的反应。
(After ffteen minutes)
Nurse: Please come in. Let me have a look at your arm.
护士: 请进来,让我看看你的手臂。
Patient: Here. Nothing seems to have happened.
病人: 好像没什么。
Nurse: No,there is no red or swelling. That’s all right. The test shows you are not allergic to penicillin. Now I am going to give you the frst injection.
护士: 是的,没有红肿。皮试证明你对青霉素不过敏。现在我给你打第一针。
Patient: You know I am kind of nervous and I hate shots.
病人: 我有点紧张,我讨厌打针。
Nurse: Take it easy. I will use this swab to sterilize first. Do you feel a pain where I am pressing? Bend your leg a little and relax your muscle,try to relax as much as possible.
护士: 放松点,我先用棉球给你消毒。我按压的地方痛吗?把腿稍微蜷起来,肌肉放松,尽量放松。
Patient: Oh,it really hurts. How long will the pains last?
病人: 哦,好痛。疼痛要持续多久?
Nurse: Don’t worry. When you get home,put a warm towel onto the injection spot. But don’t press too hard. Don’t rub it. The pain will go away in a couple of hours.
护士: 别担心,回家后,用热毛巾敷在打针的部位,但别用力按压,也别擦,疼痛会在几小时内消退。
Patient: Excuse me. Is this the injection room?
病人: 请问,这里是注射室吗?
Nurse: Yes,please show me your fle. Are you Huang Lu?
护士: 是的,请把你的病历给我。你叫黄路,是吗?
Patient: Yes.
病人: 是的。
Nurse: You’ve got pneumonia. The doctor has prescribed penicillin.
护士: 你得了肺炎,医生给你开了青霉素。
Patient: What is that?
病人: 这是什么药?
Nurse: It is a kind of antibiotic. Have you used it before?
护士: 是一种抗生素,你以前用过这种药吗?
Patient: Yes,about three or four years ago.
病人: 三四年前用过。
Nurse: Are you allergic to it?
护士: 你对这药过敏吗?
Patient: What do you mean?
病人: 你指什么?
Nurse: Well. Did you feel any discomfort,such as:dizziness,sweating or chest distress after given it?
护士: 就是说,打完针后是否有头晕、盗汗或胸闷的现象?
Patient: Well,let me see. Perhaps not.
病人: 哦,我想想,好像没有。
Nurse: I wonder if anyone in your family has been allergic to it.
护士: 你家里有人对这药过敏吗?
Patient: I don’t think of anyone.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: OK. Please roll up your sleeves and stretch out your hand. I’ll give you an allergy test.
护士: 好的,请把你的袖子卷起来,伸出手,我来给你做皮试。
Patient: I hate shots. It is really painful.
病人: 我讨厌打针,好痛。
Nurse: Don’t be nervous. It is just a small shot. Please sit down.
护士: 别紧张,就是一个小小的皮试。请坐。
(Giving the patient an allergy test)
Patient: Ouch!
病人: 哎哟!痛呀!
Nurse: You will fell a bit swollen. It will be all right soon. Please sit here for 20 minutes to get the result and don’t scratch the injection spot. You can watch TV for a while. If you have any discomfort,please tell me in time,OK?
护士: 有点胀,很快就会好。请在这等20分钟,别抓打针的地方,你可以看会儿电视。假如有什么地方不舒服,请立刻告诉我,好吗?
Patient: OK. Thank you.
病人: 好的,谢谢。
(Twenty minutes later)
Nurse: Let me have a look. There is no red and swelling. That’s all for penicillin.
护士: 让我看看,没有红肿现象,这说明你对青霉素不过敏。