8.Daily Nursing Care日常护理
A.Sentences Commonly Used(常用语)
Greeting a Patient 问候病人
1.Good Morning,how are you feeling today?
2.Hello,how are you today?
3.Are you feeling comfortable?
4.Did you sleep well?
5.Are you in any pain or discomfort?
6.How are you today? / How was your sleep last night? / How is your appetite?
你今天怎么样? /你昨晚睡得怎么样? / 你的食欲怎么样?
7.What did you eat last evening? / last supper?
8.You look(a little)tired. Didn’t you sleep well last night?
9.Thank you for your cooperation.
10.That is our job.
Cleanness and Sponge Bath 擦洗和擦浴
11.You need to go to the bathroom for a wash / shower.
12.Do you need to go to the bathroom for a wash / shower?
13.Do you need to go to the bathroom / toilet?
14.Do you need a bedpan / bottle?
15.You can’t get up today.
16.I’ll rub your back with a warm towel and then massage it with alcohol and talcum powder.
17.May I help you to clean up?
18.I’m sure that I’ll be gentle and careful.
19.Do you need me to get you a bowl to wash yourself?
20.Would you like a bowl,so you can wash yourself?
21.Do you need a mouthwash?
22.Would you like a mouthwash?
23.Would you like a glass of water so you can clean your teeth?
24.Would you like your wash bag?
25.Do you need clean clothes?
26.Do you have everything you need?
27.Here are some water,your tooth-brush and tooth paste.
28.Now,please inhale,and split out the mouthwash into the tray.
29.Right,you are a good cooperator.
30.Now,I’ll massage you for protecting you from bedsore occurring.
31.Please lie on your right / left side.
Bed Making 整理床铺
32.Now,we will clean your bed.
33.Let me fuff up your pillow.
34.I need to make your bed.
35.I need to change your bed sheets.
36.Please can you get out of bed and sit in the chair?
37.Sit on the edge of the bed for a while and steady yourself.
38.Get up slowly.
39.Do you need any help?
40.Please roll / turn onto your right side.
41.Please roll / turn onto your left side.
42.Please roll/turn onto you back.
43.Please sit forward so I can do your pillows.
44.Are your pillows comfortable?
45.Do you feel comfortable?
46.Are you comfortable?
47.You need to get into bed now.
48.Please sit on the edge of the bed near the pillows.
49.Lean back on the pillows and raise your legs onto the bed.
50.Bend you knees and push yourself up the bed.
51.Do you need any help?
52.Please wait while I get another nurse to help me.
53.Do you have everything you need?
Eating and Drinking 饮食
54.Here is your breakfast.
55.Here is your lunch / dinner(supper).
56.Would you like your meal now?
57.Would you like something to eat?
58.Is the food OK for you?
59.Would you like something else?
60.What would you like?
61.Would you like something to drink?
62.Would you like a cold drink or hot drink?
63.Would you like a spoon or fork?
64.Do you drink alcohol?
65.How much alcohol do you drink in a day?
66.Any vomiting?
67.Do you vomit?
68.What did you bring up?
69.When did the vomiting start?
70.What foods don’t you like to eat?
71.Does any particular food upset you?
72.Did you eat any unusual food last night?
73.Do you think you eat a well-balanced diet?
74.Are you allergic to any food?
75.Do you have diffculty swallowing?
Fluids 流质
76.Would you like drink of...?
77.How much have you had to drink?
78.What have you drunk today?
79.What have you had to drink this morning /afternoon/evening?
80.You need to drink more fuids.
81.Please could(can)you drink more?
82.I would like you to drink more fuids.
83.I need to check how much you have had to drink today.
Nausea and Vomiting 恶心、呕吐
84.Please stay calm,I’ll get you a vomit bowl.
85.Take nice deep even breaths.
86.Inhale through the nose,and slowly out the mouth.
87.I’ll get you a wet(damp)towel for your face.
88.I’ll get the doctor to prescribe an anti-emetic tablet.
89.I’ll get the doctor to prescribe an anti-emetic injection(shot)for you.
90.Would you like a mouthwash to rinse your mouth?
Administrating Medication 药物治疗
91.The doctor has prescribe for you...
92.The doctor has prescribe for you a course of antibiotics.
93.You will need a course of injections,tablets.
94.The medication is called...
95.The medication is used for...
96.You need to take this medication...
97.Here is your medication.
98.Please take these tablets.
99.I need to give you an injection / a shot of...
100.I need to give you the injection in your arm / bottom / hand.
101.Here is your inhaler,please put the oxygen mask over your nose and mouth.
102.Can you feel it?
103.Please remove the mask when it is fnished.
104.This medication is for...
105.Are you in any pain?
106.Is the medication working?
107.Would you like some pain relief?
108.Would you like some medication to help you with the pain?
Checking Temperature,Pulse Rate,Respiration and Blood Pressure 量体温、脉搏、呼吸和血压
109.It’s time to take your temperature.
110.Did you drink any hot water within the half hour?
111.OK,Let me take your temperature.
112.Now,please put the thermometer under your arm.
113.Put your arm out,I’ll check your pulse rate.
114.I have checked your respiration without telling you so that breathing would be more natural.
115.Now,give me the thermometer.
116.Would you roll up sleeves,and lie in the bed?
117.I’m going to take your blood pressure now.
118.Your blood pressure is a little high,and I’ll examine you a step further.
B.Situational Conversational(情景会话)
Greeting a Patient 问候病人
Nurse: Good morning,Mrs. Smith. How are you feeling today?
护士: 早上好,史密斯夫人,你今天感觉怎么样?
Patient: I’m fne,thank you.
病人: 我感觉很好,谢谢你。
Nurse: Did you sleep well?
护士: 你睡得好吗?
Patient: Yes,thank you.
病人: 是的,谢谢你。
Nurse: Are you feeling comfortable?
护士: 你觉得舒服吗?
Patient: My pillows are a bit uncomfortable.
病人: 我的枕头有点不舒服。
Nurse: OK,let me help you,can you bend forward,is that better for you?
护士: 好的,让我帮你。你能向前弯一下吗?现在感觉好点了吗?
Patient: Yes,thanks very much.
病人: 是的,非常谢谢。
Nurse: Are you in any pain or discomfort?
护士: 你感到痛或者不舒服吗?
Patient: No pain at all,thank you.
病人: 一点疼痛也没有,谢谢你。
Nurse: OK,that’s great. I’ll come and see you later.
护士: 好的,那太好了。我过一会儿过来看你。
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Nurse: Good morning,Mrs. Smith. How are you feeling today?
护士: 早上好,史密斯夫人,你今天感觉怎么样?
Patient: Not so good.
病人: 不是很好。
Nurse: Oh,I’m sorry to hear that,what’s the problem?
护士: 哦,我很难过。有什么问题吗?
Patient: I don’t feel very well at all today.
病人: 我觉得今天一点都不舒服。
Nurse: Are you in any pain or discomfort?
护士: 你感到疼痛或不舒服吗?
Patient: I’m in a lot of pain.
病人: 我感到很痛。
Nurse: Oh dear,have the painkillers not worked?
护士: 天哪,止痛药没有效果吗?
Patient: No,and I haven’t slept very well.
病人: 没有,而且我睡得一点都不好。
Nurse: OK,I’ll ask the doctor to prescribe some stronger painkillers for you,Is there anything else you would like?
护士: 好的,我会告诉医生给你开些强力的止痛药。你需要别的什么东西吗?
Patient: Do you think I could have some cold water with ice in?
病人: 你觉得我能喝些加冰块的凉水吗?
Nurse: Yes,of course,I’ll go and get you some.
护士: 当然可以,我过去给你拿些过来。
Cleanness and Sponge Bath 擦洗和擦浴
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,do you need to go to bathroom?
护士: 史密斯夫人,你要去浴室吗?
Patient: Yes please,I would like to have a shower,is that OK?
病人: 是的,我想冲个澡,可以吗?
Nurse: Yes,it’s OK. Would you like your wash bag?
护士: 当然可以。你需要洗漱包吗?
Patient: No,thanks,just my facecloth,soap,toothpaste and toothbrush.
病人: 不用,有面巾、肥皂、牙刷和牙膏就可以。
Nurse: Where are they?
护士: 放在什么地方了?
Patient: In my cupboard.
病人: 在我的食橱里。
Nurse: Here you are,Mrs. Smith. Let me help you to the bathroom.
护士: 史密斯夫人,给你。让我扶你走到浴室。
Patient: Thanks,nurse.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。
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Nurse: You can’t get up today,Mrs. Smith. Would you like a bowl so you can wash yourself?
护士: 史密斯夫人,你今天不能起床。你需要脸盆来洗漱吗?
Patient: Yes,please,nurse.
病人: 是的,护士小姐。
Nurse: Do you need a bedpan?
护士: 你需要便盆吗?
Patient: No,not right now,thanks,maybe later.
病人: 不用,现在不用,谢谢,可能待会才会用到。
Nurse: Would you like your wash bag?
护士: 你需要洗漱包吗?
Patient: Yes,you’ll fnd it in the locker.
病人: 是的,洗漱包在锁柜里面。
Nurse: Would you like a glass of water,so you can clean your teeth?
护士: 你需要一杯水吗?你可以用来刷牙。
Patient: Yes,that would be great,do you have a mouthwash?
病人: 是的,那太好了。你有漱口水吗?
Nurse: Yes,I’ll go and get you one.
护士: 有,我去给你拿。
Patient: Thanks,nurse.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。
Morning Care 晨间护理
Nurse: Good Morning. Did you sleep well last night?
护士: 早安,你昨晚睡得好吗?
Patient: Thanks you. I slept very well.
病人: 谢谢你。我睡得很好。
Nurse: May I help you to clean up?
护士: 让我帮你梳洗好吗?
Patient: All right.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: Here are some water,your toothbrush and toothpaste.
护士: 这儿有水,你的牙刷和牙膏。
(Brushing teeth)
Patient: I feel some soreness in my mouth.
病人: 我感到嘴里有些痛。
Nurse: Don’t worry. I’ll take a look after you have fnished brushing your teeth.
护士: 不要紧。等你刷好牙,让我看看你的嘴。
(After examination)
Nurse: I think there are small ulcerations on account of the fever.
护士: 这是因为发烧而引起的几块小溃疡。
Patient: Can you do something about it?
病人: 你怎么来治疗这些溃疡呢?
Nurse: I will give you some solution to rinse your mouth. That will help to clear them up.
护士: 我将给你一些药水漱口。这些药水能促使溃疡愈合。
Nurse: Now,since you can’t move easily. I will help you to clean up and make you comfortable.
护士: 因为你行动不便,现在,让我帮忙给你整理整理。使你舒服一些。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: Let me fuff up your pillow.
护士: 让我给你拍松枕头。
Patient: That’s wonderful.
病人: 太好了。
Nurse: Please turn over to the other side. I will rub your back with a hot towel and then massage it with alcohol and talcum powder.
护士: 请翻身到那边去。我要用热毛巾给你擦背,然后用酒精和爽身粉按摩。
Patient: What for?
病人: 为什么?
Nurse: It is mainly to stimulate your blood circulation to prevent bedsore that generally results from persistent pressure on your back.
护士: 主要是促进血液循环,预防通常会在受压部位发生的褥疮。
Patient: I see. My clothes are all wet from sweating during the night. Can I have them changed now?
病人: 噢!明白了。我昨夜出汗衣服都湿透了。现在能换换吗?
Nurse: Of course. I have already brought some clean ones for you. I’ll help you to change.
护士: 当然可以。我已为你带来一些干净的衣服。让我帮你换上。
Patient: Fine.
病人: 好。
Nurse: I am also going to change the sheets on your bed.
护士: 我还要给你换床单。
Patient: Do we have to make a complete change? Should I get out of bed?
病人: 是全部换吗?要不要我下床?
Nurse: No you needn’t. You are very weak. I can do the change without you getting out of bed. You needn’t exert yourself either. I can do everything for you.
护士: 不用。你很虚弱。你不用起床我就可以给你换好床单。你不需要费劲。我可以为你做任何事。
Patient: Good.
病人: 好的。
(After changing sheets)
Nurse: Are you comfortable now?
护士: 现在你感到舒服些吗?
Patient: Yes. Thank you very much. I am quite comfortable.
病人: 是的。太感谢你了。我很舒服。
Nurse: You may rest now. Do you mind if I open the windows to air the room a little?
护士: 现在你该休息了。我开一会儿窗户换换气可以吗?
Patient: Sure.
病人: 当然可以。
Nurse: I will come back to close them for you later.
护士: 等一会儿我就来把窗户关上。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Eating and Drinking 饮食
Nurse: Good morning,Mrs. Smith,here is your breakfast.
护士: 早上好,史密斯夫人,这是你的早餐。
Patient: Thank you,nurse.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。
Nurse: Is the food OK for you?
护士: 感觉饭菜还可以吗?
Patient: Yes,the food is fne,thank you.
病人: 是的,饭菜很不错,谢谢你。
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Patient: Please may I have something to eat?
病人: 请问我能要些吃的吗?
Nurse: What would you like?
护士: 你想吃什么?
Patient: Do you have any bread?
病人: 你有面包吗?
Nurse: No,I’m sorry we don’t,would you like something else?
护士: 没有,很抱歉我们没有。你想要别的什么吗?
Patient: I’d like something light,do you have any eggs?
病人: 我想要些口味清淡的,你有鸡蛋吗?
Nurse: I don’t know,I’ll go and fnd out for you.
护士: 我不清楚,我过去给你看一下。
Patient: Thanks very much,nurse. I appreciate it. I can’t face any other food right now.
病人: 非常感谢你,护士小姐。我很感激。我现在不愿意吃任何其他的食物。
Nurse: OK,I understand.
护士: 好的,我明白。
※ ※ ※
Nurse: Hi,Mrs. Smith,here is your lunch.
护士: 你好,史密斯夫人,这是你的午餐。
Patient: OK,thanks,nurse.
病人: 好的,谢谢你,护士小姐。
Nurse: Would you like a spoon or fork?
护士: 你需要汤匙或叉子吗?
Patient: No,chopsticks are fne,thanks.
病人: 不用,筷子就可以,谢谢。
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,you haven’t eaten your lunch,is the food OK for you?
护士: 史密斯夫人,你还没有吃午饭,食物还好吗?
Patient: I’m sorry,but I don’t like this meal.
病人: 很抱歉,我不喜欢这些食物。
Nurse: Would you like something else?
护士: 你想要些别的东西吗?
Patient: Please can I have something cold to drink?
病人: 请问我能要些冷饮吗?
Nurse: OK,I’ll go and get it for you,would you like something else to eat?
护士: 好的,我过去给你拿些冷饮,你想吃些别的东西吗?
Patient: No,thank you,I’m not hungry now.
病人: 不用,谢谢。我现在不饿。
Nurse: OK,Mrs. Smith,I’ll go and get you your drink.
护士: 好的,史密斯夫人,我过去给你取冷饮。
Patient: Thanks,nurse.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。
Fluids 流质
Nurse: Hello,Mrs. Smith,I need to check how much you have had drunk today?
护士: 你好,史密斯夫人,我需要检查一下你今天喝了多少流体。
Patient: I’ve drunk about 3 glasses of water and had a cup of coffee.
病人: 我已经喝了三杯水和一杯咖啡。
Nurse: You need to drink more fuids,please can you drink more?
护士: 你需要喝更多的流体,请问你能再多喝些吗?
Patient: OK,but can I have some ice in the water? This water is too warm.
病人: 好的,但是我能在水里加冰吗?水不够凉。
Nurse: I’ll ask someone to bring you some.
护士: 我会叫人给你拿些。
Patient: Thanks,nurse.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。
※ ※ ※
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,you are having surgery later,you must not eat or drink anything from now.
护士: 史密斯夫人,你今天要进行手术,从现在开始你不能进食也不能喝水。
Patient: Oh no,what happens if I get really thirsty,it’s very hot in here.
病人: 噢,不要啊。如果我口渴了怎么办,这里太热了。
Nurse: If you are very thirsty,please tell me,I can give you a mouthwash to gargle,but please do not swallow any of it.
护士: 如果你非常口渴,请告诉我,我会给你些水漱口,但是请不要吞下去。
Patient: OK,nurse,thanks.
病人: 好的,谢谢你,护士小姐。
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Nurse: Mrs. Smith,because of your bowel operation,you can only drink small amounts of fuids today.
护士: 史密斯夫人,由于你进行了肠手术,你今天只能喝少量的流体。
Patient: What do you mean by small amounts?
病人: 你指的少量是多少?
Nurse: You can only drink 50 ml an hour.
护士: 你每小时只能喝50毫升。
Patient: What! That’s hardly anything,I already feel very dry.
病人: 什么!那根本不算什么,我已经感到很渴了。
Nurse: I’m sorry,but you have to give your digestive tract a rest for a few days,you are on intravenous fuids,so your fuids will be fne.
护士: 很抱歉,不过你需要让你的消化道休息几天,你在进行静脉输液,所以不要担心身体会缺水。
Patient: But my mouth feels very dry.
病人: 但是我感到口渴啊。
Nurse: I can give you water to gargle,but please do not swallow it,and I will give you the amount you are allowed to drink every hour,is that OK?
护士: 我可以给你一些水含着,但是请不要吞下去。每小时我都按你能喝的量给你一些水,可以吗?
Patient: OK,I guess.
病人: 好的,我想。
Nausea and Vomiting 恶心、呕吐
Patient: Nurse,I’m going to be sick.
病人: 护士,我感到恶心、想吐。
Nurse: It’s OK,Mrs. Smith,please stay calm,I’ll get you a vomit bowl.
护士: 别紧张,请镇静,我去给你拿痰盂。
Patient: Thanks,nurse.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。
Nurse: Take nice deep even breaths,inhale through the nose and slowly out the mouth.
护士: 请慢慢地深呼吸,用鼻孔大力吸气,用嘴慢慢地呼出来。
Nurse: OK,do you feel better?
护士: 好的,你现在感觉好点了吗?
Patient: Yes,thanks.
病人: 是的,谢谢。
Nurse: I’ll get you a damp towel for your face,and I’ll get the doctor to prescribe an antiemetic shot for you.
护士: 我会给你一条湿毛巾敷脸,然后我会叫医生开些治疗呕吐的注射液给你。
Patient: Thanks,nurse. Can I have some water to sip?
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。我能喝口水吗?
Nurse: Yes,of course,I’ll get you some.
护士: 当然可以,我去给你拿。
Medication 药物治疗
Nurse: Hello,Mrs. Smith,how are you feeling?
护士: 你好,史密斯夫人,你感觉怎么样?
Patient: Not too well,nurse,I’m still in some pain.
病人: 不太好,护士小姐。我仍然感到疼。
Nurse: Would you like some medication to help you with the pain?
护士: 你需要一些药物来治疗疼痛吗?
Patient: Yes,please,if you wouldn’t mind.
病人: 是的,请给我一些,如果你不介意的话。
Nurse: I’ll go and ask the doctor to prescribe a stronger painkiller for you.
护士: 我会过去叫医生开些强力止痛药给你。
Patient: Thanks,nurse. I appreciate it.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。我很感激。
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,the doctor has prescribed an injection for you to help with your pain,please can you turn over,I need to give you the injection in your bottom(buttock).
护士: 史密斯夫人,医生给你开了注射液来治疗疼痛,请问你能转过身来吗,我要在你的臀部打针。
Patient: Thanks,nurse.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。
Nurse: You’re welcome,I’ll come back in 30 minutes to see if the injection has worked and you are feeling better.
护士: 不客气。我30分钟后过来看注射液是否有效,看你是否会好转。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Checking Temperature,Pulse Rate and Respiration 测量体温、脉搏和呼吸
Nurse: Good afternoon,Mr. Li. Did you drink any hot water in the last half an hour?
护士: 下午好,李先生。你半小时前喝过热水吗?
Patient: No,I don’t.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: Good. Then I will take your temperature. Now,put the thermometer under your arm,please. I’ll also check your pulse rate and respiration.
护士: 很好,我来给你测体温。请把体温表放在腋下,我还要测量你的脉搏和呼吸。
Patient: How is my pulse rate?
病人: 我的脉搏怎样?
Nurse: A bit fast,because you had a fever this morning. But the rhythm is normal. That means your heart is pumping regularly without skipping.
护士: 有点快。那是因为你今早发烧了。但呼吸是正常的,这说明你的心律正常,也就是说你的心脏跳动正常,并且没有间歇。
Patient: Well,have you checked my respiration?
病人: 啊,你已经测量了我的呼吸?
Nurse: Yes,I did it without telling you so that your breathing would be more normal.The count is more accurate this way. Now give me the thermometer.
护士: 是的,为了让你正常呼吸,我没有告诉你。这样测量就更准确。好了,请把体温表给我。
Patient: Here you are. Do I have any temperature?
病人: 给你。我发烧了吗?
Nurse: Just a little. It usually follows a major operation. But it will certainly go down soon. Don’t worry.
护士: 有一点,通常术后会发烧。但很快就会退的,别担心。
Patient: Is there any other method to take temperature?
病人: 还有其他测量体温的方法吗?
Nurse: Yes,There are two other ways—under the tongue or by rectum. The temperature got under the arm would be half a degree lower than by mouth,and that by rectum half a degree higher. Of course,the oral measurement is easier and more accurate.
护士: 是的,还有两种其他的测量方法:口测和直肠测量法。腋下测量得到的体温比口测得到的体温低半度,而由直肠测得的体温比口测的高半度。当然,口测法既简单又准确。
Patient: Thanks you. I’ve learned a lot today.
病人: 谢谢你,我今天学到不少。
Nurse: Don’t mention it. I’ll take your temperature again this evening. See you then.
护士: 不用谢。今晚我会再来为你测一次体温。再见。
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Doctor: Do you have a fever?
医生: 您发烧了吗?
Patient: Yes,I do. I feel ghastly. My cheeks are burning. It started with a chill and fever.
病人: 是的,我觉得很不好,我的两颊很烫,开始时又冷又热。
Doctor: You look ghastly,too. You must have a high temperature. I’d better take your temperature. Where’s the thermometer?
医生: 您看起来是很不好,您肯定发高烧,我来量一下您的体温。体温表在何处?
Nurse: Let me take his temperature. Please,put this thermometer under your tongue.Let me feel your pulse. ...Give me the thermometer.
护士: 我来量吧。请把这体温计放在您的舌下,让我摸摸您的脉搏。……把体温表给我。
Doctor: What is it?
医生: 多少度?
Nurse: Thirty nine point eight degrees centigrade.
护士: 39.8℃。
Doctor: Pretty high. I expect it’s fu. Many people have it.
医生: 高了,我看是流感,现在很多人患流感。
Nurse student: How many times a day should this patient have his temperature taken,nurse?
护士生: 老师,这个病人一天量几次体温?
Nurse: The patient should take his temperature twice a day at least. If it still pretty high it must be taken every four hours or even every two hours.
护士: 这个病人应该一天量两次体温。如果仍然很高,应该每四小时或两小时量一次。
Nurse student: When I take his temperature should I count his pulse too?
护士生: 我量体温时还要数他的脉搏吗?
Nurse: Yes,you take the pulse and count his respiration. It is necessary to be careful when using the thermometer! Because should the patient break it and swallow the glass or mercury it would be very dangerous.
护士: 应该数,不仅要数脉搏还要数他的呼吸。用体温计时必须小心。因为如果病人把体温表咬碎,吞下了玻璃或水银,那是很危险的。
Nurse student: Some patients are delirious. How shall I take his temperature?
护士生: 有些病人是谵妄,我如何测他们的体温呢?
Nurse: Take it by rectum. Be careful that the anus is clean. Hold the thermometer in for three to fve minutes. If the patient’s mouth is sore.Take his temperature by axilla.
护士: 可以通过直肠量体温,但应该小心,肛门要清洁。把体温计放置3~5分钟。如果病人口腔有疮,可以通过腋下测体温。
Nurse student: How long shall I leave the thermometer in the axilla?
护士生: 在腋下测体温需放置多久?
Nurse: Ten minutes.
护士: 10分钟。
Nurse student: What are the different kinds of fever,doctor?
护士生: 医生,体温类型有几种?
Doctor: There are continuous fever like pneumonia,scarlet fever and typhus; remittent fever like typhoid and septic fever and intermittent fever like malaria.
医生: 有稽留热,如肺炎、猩红热和斑疹伤寒;弛张热如伤寒;脓毒性热和间歇热如疟疾。
Patient: What kind of fever is my temperature?
病人: 我的体温属于哪一种?
Doctor: It may be continuous fever. Flue is also continuous fever. We should give you an injection of penicillin and some medicine which will lower the fever. It should bring your fever down.
医生: 是稽留热,流感通常是持续性发热。我们要给您注射青霉素和口服一些退烧药,您的体温会降下来的。
Nurse student: Will his temperature come down by lysis?
护士生: 他的体温是渐退的吗?
Doctor: Yes,it will soon be normal after treating with medicine.
医生: 是的,用了药后会很快降到正常。
Nurse: Here is your medicine. Take one tablet three times daily after meal. Swallow them with a little boiled water.
护士: 这是您的药,1天3次,1次1片,饭后服。要用开水服药。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢您。
Doctor: Don’t mention it. You should have a good rest. Good-bye.
医生: 不客气,您要好好休息,再见。