Thank you to the distinguished leaders and faculty of Zhejiang University for inviting me to be a part of this 120th anniversary celebration.It is an honor to participate in it.On behalf of the University of Illinois and all of your institution's global partners, congratulations on this historic milestone.
It is a great pleasure for me to be here.But, I also fully understand that this honor wasn't extended to Robert Jones personally, but to the Chancellor of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—a role that I have been privileged to hold for just nine or ten months now.The ambitious and ground-breaking ZJU-UIUC partnership that officially launched last year has seen the first 30 students and our joint faculty complete a very successful inaugural year.And we are excited to see that program grow significantly with an expected 160 new students to j oin them in the fall term.
This is our first comprehensive joint venture between our universities—encompassing education, research, service and economic develop at all levels.It is a partnership unique to the University of Illinois—truly the first of its kind for us.Our university has a long history of“firsts”and“bests”when it comes to discovery, innovation and invention—and this collaboration now takes its place on that list.
As I hope you all know, this may be the newest thread that links our institutions, but our connection goes back more than a century.We trace our relationship to 1913 when your great president, Coching Chu, earned his agricultural degree from the University of Illinois. And as a crop scientist myself, I am truly honored and humbled to be standing here today surrounded by the legacy of his impact on this university and this nation.
You are among the truly elite universities of China—just as we are in the United States. Your place among the C9 here is well-known and like Illinois, your record of service and accomplishment to your nation and the world traces back more than a century.In fact, in this year when you celebrate 120 years of excellence, we at Illinois are celebrating the 150th anniversary of our own founding.And in February, we had a celebration much like this one to honor that occasion.So, I know what a special privilege it is for a visitor to be included in such a significant event.
It is clear we have found, here in Zhejiang University, a level of excellence, a global vision and a bold ambition to change the world that matches our own.
I truly believe the great universities of the 21st century and beyond will not be defined by what they accomplish alone.But, instead, they will be known by the international networks and collaborations they establish that lead to new solutions to the global challenges that confront every person on this planet.
It is my experience and my belief that the great universities of the world seek each other out and find ways to work together to solve the grand challenges of our times.They aren't content to rest on their past reputations and they aren't afraid to ask themselves—“how can we be better?”
Zhejiang University has been doing this for 120 years now—and the world is a better place because of that commitment.
Congratulations on this milestone.And I wish you an even more successful second 120 years!