babe [beɪb] 婴儿(同baby)
He is a babe in arms. 他像婴儿一样无知。
例句 He is a babe in arms when it comes to politics.
She is a babe in the woods. 她像婴儿一样无知。
例句 She is a babe when it comes to romance.
back [bæk] 后面;回来
He is always backing and filling. 他总是犹豫不决,举棋不定。
例句 He is backing and filling on every issue.
He walked back and forth. 他来来回回地走着。(指在一定区域内徘徊)
例句 We threw the ball back and forth between us.
He is back at it again. 他又开始这么做了。
例句 He is back at smoking again.
Back off. 收手。/退出。
用法说明:指对某事失去兴趣,开始尝试退出。也可以说back away。
例句 1. Back off from the fire.
2. Back off, pretend to be not so interested in her.
You should back away from it. 你该离它远一点。
用法说明:也可以说back off。
例句 He backed away from investing in stocks.(注意介词from)
He is back in(to) circulation. 他又回到朋友圈里了。
例句 Now that Jack has broke up with Rose, he is back into circulation.
He lives at the back of the beyond. 他住在很偏远的地方。
用法说明:注意是“很”偏远的地方。也可以说in the back of the beyond。
例句 He doesn't like city life and lives in the back of the beyond.
Get back on your feet. 站起来。
例句 I will get back on my feet as soon as I get a work again.
I will back you up. 我会支持你的。
例句 Don't worry. I will back you up anytime you need.
I don't want to back the wrong horse. 我不想押错了马。
例句 He backed the wrong horse, and then failed.
Back to the drawing board. 回到原点,重新计划。
例句 It didn't work. Back to the drawing board.
Back to the salt mines. 又到了工作时间。
例句 Lunch time is over. Let's get back to the salt mine.
I don't need any backseat driver. 我不用别人告诉我该怎么做。
例句 Stop giving me all your advices. Nobody likes a backseat driver.
bad [bæd] 坏的
A bad excuse is better than none. 一个不好的借口也胜过没有。
例句 A What should I tell my Mom? It is too late. I should have been home two hours ago.
B Any reason. Tell her there was something at school. A bad excuse is better than none, you know. ➡随便找个理由。就说学校有事。一个蹩脚借口也比没有强。
It's been a bad hair day. 今天不太顺利。
例句 Yesterday was just another bad hair day.
Bad news travels fast.(好事不出门,)坏事传千里。
例句 A I am sorry to hear your failing in the exam.
B How could you know that? I just came to know it half an hour ago.
A Bad news travels fast, you know.
He is a bad penny. 他是个没用的人。
例句 My brother is a bad penny. He doesn't work, living on borrowed money.
A bad penny always turns up. 讨厌的人总会再出现。
例句 A I hope I will never see him again.
B I don't think so. A bad penny always turns up.
Don't give me a bad time. 别给我找麻烦。
用法说明:注意与下一词条(bad times)的区别。也可以说a hard time。
例句 Don't give me a bad time now. I have been through a lot today.
We went through bad times. 我们度过了艰难的时期。
用法说明:也可以说difficult times, hard times, tough times等。注意与上一词条(a bad time)相区别。
例句 We have been through bad times since Dad lost his job.
bag [bæɡ] 袋子
Bag it! 闭嘴!
用法说明:也可以说bag your face。
例句 Bag it, Tom! I will never do homework for you.
He is a bag of bones. 他瘦得皮包骨头。
例句 Are you losing weight? You are a bag of bones now!
What have you got in your bag of tricks?你有什么主意?(相当于我们说的“锦囊妙计”)
例句 What have you got in your bag of tricks that could help us out?
Stop bagging on me. 别总是批评(抱怨、指责)我。
例句 Don't bag on me anymore. I have had enough.
bail [beɪl] 保释
He bailed me out. 他把我救了出来。
用法说明:从“他保释了我(he bailed me out of jail)”引申而来。
例句 Thank you for bailing me out from trouble.
bait [beɪt] 诱饵
He took the bait. 他上钩了(中圈套了)。
例句 When the fish took the bait, they will be caught.
balance [ˈbæləns] 平衡
He balanced the account. 他算了算账。
用法说明:既指会计的算账,也可以理解为我们所说的找某人算账。还可以说balance the book。
例句 Tom hit Jerry, and Jerry balanced the account by breaking Tom's window.
bald [bɔ:ld] 秃头的,光秃的
He is bald as a coot. 他头秃的厉害。/他头发很少。
用法说明:所谓coot是一种黑色的鸭子,但额头有白色骨甲而无毛。还可以用(as) bald as a baby's backside来表示。
例句 I guess that Mike would be as bald as a coot by his 40s.
ball [bɔ:l] 球
He hates that ball and chain. 他厌恶这种负担。
用法说明:短语ball and chain的字面意思是“囚犯讨厌枷锁或铁链(电视里常看到的配有铁球的那种)”,可以指人,也可以指物,常用来比喻让人厌烦的工作。
例句 He said that he was tired of his ball and chain and wanted to quit.
He loves his ball and chain. 他爱他的妻子。
用法说明:短语ball and chain原指囚犯的枷锁和铁链,在这里是一种幽默的说法。
例句 I will have to go home to my ball and chain.
The ball is in your court now. 轮到你出招了。
例句 The ball is in your court now. Teach them a lesson.
Give me a ballpark figure. 给我一个大概数据。
例句 I don't need exact numbers. Give me a ballpark figure.
bargain [ˈbɑ:ɡən] 讨价还价
They are bargaining over prices. 他们在讨价还价。
例句 I don't want to bargain over money with you.
It's a good bargain. 买的真便宜。/一笔好买卖。
例句 I don't think it's a good bargain.
I need some bargaining chip. 我需要一些谈判筹码。
例句 I want to use his lateness as a bargaining chip.
be [bɪ] 是
Be good. 要乖。(父母对孩子的嘱咐)
例句 Be good when Dad and I are out. Go to bed early, OK?
Be just before you're generous. 想花钱时先把该付的账付了。
例句 A I want that nice coat.
B We have bills to pay. Be just before you are generous.
Be my guest. 您先请。
例句 A Be my guest.
B Be my guest.
➡不,你先请。(注意,第二个be my guest重音放在my上)
Be quiet. 安静。
例句 Be quiet. We are having a meeting here.
Be that as it may, I will still do it. 即使如此,我也会这么做。
例句 Be that as it may, I still can't do that for you.
Be there or be square. 不见不散。
例句 We will have a gathering at the garden at 8 tonight. Be there or be square.
beam [bi:m] 射线
Beam me up, Scotty! 把我从这堆麻烦里弄出去。
用法说明:这是一个固定的完整句子,包括Scotty在内,一个词也不能改。这是电视剧《星际迷航》(Star Trek)里的经典台词,意思是“史考特,把我传送出去!”
例句 I have had enough. Beam me up, Scotty!
补充:《星际迷航》(Star Trek)是由美国派拉蒙影视制作的科幻影视系列。由5部电视剧(分30季,约700多集)、1部动画片和12部电影组成。该系列成为全世界最著名的科幻影视系列之一,也是当代美国流行文化的重要组成部分,很多美剧的日常对话里都有涉及。
bear [beə(r)] 承担
Bear in mind that... 在心里记得(别忘了)……
例句 Bear in mind that all these need to be paid.
I will bear my cross. 我会背负我的十字架。
用法说明:指背负自己的负担,承担自己的困难或责任。也可以说carry one's cross。
例句 I am sorry to say that I can't help you. You will need to bear your cross.
He bears me up. 他鼓励了我。
例句 Your encouragement bore me up.
beat [bi:t] 击打
They will beat a path to your door. 他们会挤破你家的门。
例句 Now you are famous, people will beat a path to your door.
You are beating around the bush. 你在回避问题。(拖延时间)
用法说明:也可以说beat about the bush。
例句 Stop beating around the bush and answer my questions!
It beats me. 我答不上来。
用法说明:指我回答不了你的问题,或是我想不出答案来,也就是在这个问题上败给对方的意思。还可以说you got me beat,或直接省略成beats me。
例句 1.A What is the biggest fruit in the world?
B Beats me.
2. OK, you got me beat. Now tell me the answer.
Beat it! 滚!
用法说明:相当于get out或go away。
例句 Get out of here! Beat it!
补充:《Beat It》是世界流行天王迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)最著名的作品之一,收录在1982年《Thriller》专辑中。作为一首摇滚名曲,这首歌入围了摇滚名人堂史上500首经典之作之一,同时入围滚石杂志最佳100首摇滚吉他Solo之一。
He beat his brains out to do it. 他使尽浑身解数来做这件事。
例句 I beat my brains out to do this for you. ➡我用尽所有办法为你做这件事。
You are beating your gums. 你讲这些都是浪费时间。
例句 You are just beating your gums. Nobody will listen to you.
I will do my best to beat the record. 我会尽全力打破纪录。
用法说明:也可以用break the record。
例句 He was desperately eager to beat the record.
You are beating your head against the wall. 你做这些都是浪费时间。(好像拿头在撞墙)
例句 You should give it up. You are just beating your head against the wall.
beauty [ˈbju:tɪ] 美丽,美人
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。
例句 A I don't like Mike's new car.
B But he loves it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Beauty is only skin-deep. 外表美丽不一定代表人好。/美丽是肤浅的。
例句 A I want to ask Jane out. She is so beautiful.
B Beauty is only skin-deep.
become [bɪˈkʌm] 变成(becoming [bɪ'kʌmɪŋ] 适合的)
What become of him? 他出了什么事?
用法说明:相当于“What happened to sb? ”
例句 I don't know what become of Tom. He has been mad.
That dress is not becoming on you. 那件衣服衬你不合适。
例句 That color looks becoming on you.
bed [bed] 床
Go to bed. 去睡觉。
例句 I went to bed early yesterday.
He is in bed. 他躺在床上。
例句 He is in bed, reading a book.
It is on the bed. 它放在床上。
例句 The book is on the bed.
Stay in bed. 待在床上。(别下床活动,继续休息)
例句 Stay in bed. You are still in fever.
I need to bed down somewhere. 我得找个住的地方。
例句 Can I bed down here tonight?
Life is not a bed of roses. 生活不是一床玫瑰。
例句 If I had a lot of money, I would be in a bed of roses.
I need to take a bed-and-breakfast. 我得找个小旅馆。
用法说明:a bed-and-breakfast是一种提供早餐的小旅馆。
例句 I stayed in a bed-and-breakfast during my visit to Texas.
before [bɪˈfɔ:(r)] 以前
I will do that before long. 我很快就会做。
用法说明:before long是“很快”的意思,也就是说“还不到很久(before long...)”。千万不能理解成很久以前(long time before)。
例句 I will get back before long.
It was before my time. 这件事发生在我出生前。
例句 My grand-grand father passed away before my time.
It happened before you can say Jack Robinson. 这件事很快就发生了。
用法说明:句子里Jack Robinson是固定用法不能改变,常用在儿童故事里。也可以说quicker than you can say Jack Robinson。
例句 The eagle flew away before you can say Jack Robinson.
It will happen before you know it. 在你意识到以前,事情就发生了。
例句 I will finish this before you know it.
beg [beɡ] 请求
He begged for help. 他祈求帮助。
例句 I begged for her to help him.
I beg of you to help me. 我请求你帮助我。
例句 I begged of him to help the injured.
I will have to beg off. 我恐怕得说不。
例句 I am sorry to say I will have to beg off on your invitation.
I beg your pardon. 抱歉,你说什么?
用法说明:表示没有听清楚。字面意思就是道歉,我请求你的原谅。也可以作字面意思理解,简化为“Pardon? ”
例句 A It's a good day, isn't it?
B Pardon?
I beg to differ with you. 请允许我和你有不同的意见。
例句 1. I beg to differ with you, but I think you were wrong.
2. If I may beg to differ, you haven't been able to make your point.
Beggars can't be choosers. 祈求者没有挑选的余地。
例句 A The one you lend to me is old.
B Beggars can't be choosers.
begin [bɪˈɡɪn] 开始
I am beginning to see daylight. 我觉得(工作、任务等)就要结束了。
例句 I have been working on this for three weeks, and finally I am beginning to see daylight.
I began to see the light. 我开始有点明白了。(注意与上一词条相区别)
例句 After your explanation, I begin to see the light.
I will begin with... 我要以……作为开始
例句 The dinner begins with a soup.
My win is just beginner's luck. 我的胜利纯粹是(新手的)运气。
例句 You did great job. My win is just beginner's luck.
behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] 以后
I will put you behind bars. 我会把你绳之以法。
用法说明:behind bars指关到牢里,bars是监狱牢房的铁条。
例句 You will be behind bars for your crimes.
They did it behind closed doors. 他们秘密地做了这件事。
例句 They made the decision behind closed doors.
He did this behind my back. 他背着我做了这件事。
例句 Don't tell her that behind my back.
The work is behind schedule. 工作进度落后了。
例句 The project is behind schedule by two weeks.
He worked behind the scenes. 他做了幕后工作。
例句 1. He worked behind the scenes in the play.
2. He is the hero behind the scene.
He is behind the times. 他过时了。
例句 He is behind the times. All his clothes are old fashioned.
Behind you! 看身后!
例句 ”Behind you! ” he shouted.
believe [bɪˈli:v] 相信
I did that, believe it or not. 不管你信不信,那件事是我做的。
例句 Believe it or not, Tom didn't fail in the exam.
I believe in you. 我信任你。
用法说明:believe in后面既可以接人也可以接物,指信任、信仰、信赖。
例句 You will have to believe in your abilities.
I don't believe you. 我不相信你(的话)。
用法说明:和believe in有所区别。一般来讲,当后面都接人的话,believe指相信某人所说是对的,而believe in更多是指对某人的信任。
例句 Can you believe that Jerry made this breakfast?
Believe you me! 你得相信我!
用法说明:习语,不可变更顺序。意思就是you believe me,属于倒装结构,用来强调语气
例句 A Is it true that this dog is quite mean?
B Believe you me! You don't want to find out the answer yourself.
Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see. 谣言不可信,眼见不为实。
例句 A I heard that Mary is seeing someone else.
B Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.
below [bɪˈləʊ] 低于
His grades are below average. 他的得分低于平均水平。
用法说明:跟above average相反,也可以说below par。
例句 Jerry's strength is below average as a child in his age.
beneath [bɪˈni:θ] 低于
That kind of thing is beneath him. 那种事他做不出来。
例句 I don't believe this. Cheating in an exam is beneath him.
beside [bɪˈsaɪd] 以外
That is beside the point. 那件事无关紧要,不是重点。
例句 What you said is interesting, but it's beside the point.
best [best] 最好的
The best defense is a good offense. 最好的防守就是进攻。
例句 In basketball game, it's not like that the best defense is a good offense. Defense always comes first.
The best is the enemy of the good. “做到最好”是成功的敌人。
例句 Don't give yourself too much pressure. Remember that the best is the enemy of the good.
It took the best part of an hour. 这件事花了大半个钟头。
用法说明:the best part of并不是指“最好的部分”,而是“大部分”的意思。
例句 The best time of the meeting is wasted in speech.
The best things come in small packages. 浓缩是精华。
用法说明:也可以说good things come in small packages。
例句 A I am upset at Tom. He only gave me such a small package as my birthday gift.
B Don't be upset. Open it and what it really is. You know, the best things come in small packages.
The best things in life are free. 生活中最重要的东西是不需要钱的。
用法说明:不能理解成生命中最重要的是自由(如果想这么理解,需要变成the best thing in life is free/freedom)。
例句 Yesterday I asked Jane out to go for a walk in the field. We spent no money, but really had a lot of fun. The best things in life are free.
bet [bet] 打赌
I bet on him. 我押他赢。(并不一定牵涉赌博)
例句 I bet on John. He is a big man.
I bet my life I can do it. 我打赌我能做到。
例句 You bet your life you will pass the exam.
I won't bet with you. 我不跟你打赌。
例句 No, I won't bet with you. Nobody believe that Bulls will win.
Let's make a bet. 咱们打赌吧。
例句 Let's make a bet on the election.
better [ˈbetə(r)] 更好的
Better be safe than sorry. 凡事小心为好。
例句 Don't rush. Better be safe than sorry.
Better be head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为鸡头不为凤尾。
例句 Jack chose a low position in a big firm over a higher one in a small company. I think he is wrong. You know, better be head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
Better late than never. 迟到总比不来好。
例句 A I am sorry to be late.
B It is OK. Better late than never.
Better luck next time. 下一次希望你运气好些。
例句 You tried your best. Better luck next time.
between [bɪˈtwi:n] 之间
He is between a rock and a hard place. 他进退两难。
例句 That is a hard choice for him. He is sure between a rock and a hard place.
I am between jobs. 我失业了。
例句 I need some help. I am between jobs.
beyond [bɪˈjɒnd] 超过;越过
It's beyond me. 这我可不懂。
例句 I am confused. This is beyond me.
This is beyond my depth. 这个在我的能力或理解范围之外。
例句 Mark's problem is beyond his depth.
It is beyond my means. 我(经济上)负担不起。
例句 This car is beyond my means.
I am thankful beyond words. 我的感激不能用言语表达。
用法说明:beyond words一般用来形容感激或感动之类的话。
例句 I don't know how to thank you. I am grateful beyond words.
big [bɪɡ] 大的
He has big bucks. 他很有钱。
例句 He has big bucks but I don't know what he does for a living.
He is a big frog in a small pond. 他是个小地方的大人物。
例句 I would rather be a big frog in a small pond than the opposite.
You are making a big mistake. 你犯了个大错误。
用法说明:用作对别人的警告或威胁,意思是你这么对待我,我会让你付出代价的。如果想加强语气的话可以说a huge mistake。
例句 Don't do that to me. You are making a big mistake.
The big moment has come. 重要的时刻就要到了。
例句 We are all sitting in front of TV, waiting for the big moment.
That is very big of him. 他真是个大度的人。
例句 It was big of him to apologize first.
He is a big man. 他很强壮。
例句 He should go to play football. He is really a big man.
Now I see the big picture. 我总算知道事情的全部了。
例句 I didn't get the big picture until Bob told me all about it.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. 爬得越高,摔得越重。
例句 Jack was very rich, but he lost all his money recently. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
He is the biggest frog in the puddle. 他是水坑里最大的蛤蟆。
例句 They don't care about work. All they want to do is to become the biggest frog in the puddle.
I heard a big bang. 我听见一声巨响。
用法说明:指爆炸的声音。另外Big Bang Theory(宇宙大爆炸理论)是一种宇宙学和天文学上的关于宇宙起源的重要理论。
例句 A Do you know the Big Bang Theory?
B No, why?
A They say we are all started with a big bang!
补充:电视剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)是由查克·洛尔和比尔·普拉迪创作的一部美国情景喜剧,讲述的是四个宅男科学家的故事,目前该剧已更新至第八季,在国内深受美剧迷的追捧。
bird [bɜ:d] 鸟
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 两鸟在林不如一鸟在手。
例句 I could have sold my old car at a higher price, but Tom made me a pretty good offer. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢的鸟应当和睦。
例句 Forget about that, kids. Birds in their little nests agree.
Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。
bite [baɪt] 咬
Stop biting your nails. 别那么紧张(着急)。
例句 You have been biti ng my nails. You know we all worry about you.
Don't bite my head off. 说话别那么急(冲)。
例句 I have had enough. Don't bite my head off.
How can you bite the hand that feeds you? 你怎么能去咬那只喂过你的手。(不能恩将仇报)
例句 What I meant is that you should not bite the hand that feeds you.
Bite the ice. 见鬼去吧。
例句 Bite the ice! Leave me alone!
Bite me! 咬我啊!
例句 Yes, I did that. Bite me!
I need to get a bite. 我得弄点儿吃的。(也可以说grab a bite/ have a bite)
例句 I am hungry. I need to get a bite(to eat).
Bite your tongue! 别说这话!
例句 A He is not at home. Anything wrong with him?
B Bite your tongue! Call him again.
black [blæk] 黑的
He is all black and blue. 他浑身青一块紫一块的。
例句 What happened to you? You are all black and blue.
He is black as skillet. 他像铁锅一样黑。
用法说明:就是形容某物很黑。英语里形容颜色黑有很多固定的用法,除了这个还有:black as night(像夜一样黑), black as coal(像煤一样黑), black as the ace of spades(像黑桃A一样黑)等。
例句 Her hair is black as night.
He is a black sheep. 他是匹害群之马。
用法说明:英语里的black sheep指坏人,而且通常是对集体有害的人。迷信的人会认为黑色的绵羊不吉利。
例句 He is the black sheep of the family.
blood [blʌd] 血
Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。
例句 If you need help and can't get any from friends, go home to us. Blood is thicker than water.
Blood will have blood. 以血还血。/暴力只能带来暴力。
例句 The two country will continue to fight. Blood will have blood.
blow [bləʊ] 吹
It blew a fuse. 它短路了。
例句 The fridge blew a fuse, so we had no power.
He blew his fuse. 他发怒了。
例句 Don't blew your fuse. Calm down.
It blew away. 它被风吹走了。
例句 The leave blew away.
He is always blowing hot and cold. 他的(想法、意见等)总是变来变去的。
用法说明:blow hot and cold原意是“天一会儿刮凉风,一会儿刮热风”。现在多用比喻义,指想法易变。
例句 He is always blowing hot and cold. Anyway, I hope that he could make up his mind this time.
It blows in the wind. 它在风中飞舞。
例句 The leaves blow in the wind.
It blows my mind. 这真让人吃惊。
例句 A You hear that? Johnny is in a movie!
B Yeah! It blows my mind!
blue [blu:] 蓝的
He is a real blue blood. 他是个真正的贵族。(指封建制度下的贵族)
例句 He is a new blue blood of the city.
They are blue collar. 他们是蓝领。
用法说明:指体力劳动者,相对于白领(white collar)——脑力工作者。
例句 His parents are both blue collar.
I got the blues. 我有点伤感。
例句 He is getting blues missing his girlfriend.
She loves the blues. 她喜欢布鲁斯音乐。(蓝调音乐)
例句 He is good at singing the blues.
bluff [blʌf] 吓唬,虚张声势
He is bluffing. 他在吓唬你。/他在虚张声势。
例句 I actually believed that he was rich, but it turns out he was bluffing.
bore [bɔ:(r)] 无聊(bored [bɔ:d] 无聊的)
It bored me to death. 真是无聊至极。
用法说明:也可以说bore me to tears。
例句 Your story bored me to tears.
I am bored silly. 我快无聊死了。
例句 I am bored silly at the lecture.
I am getting bored. 我有点儿厌烦了。
例句 This whole relationship is making me bored.
born [bɔ:n] 出生
He was born and raised here. 他在这里出生成长。
例句 I was born and raised in a small village.
She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 她是含着银汤匙出生的。/她生于富有家庭。
例句 Susan was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and she had no idea what the poor man's lives are like.
bother [ˈbɒðə(r)] 打扰
Do not bother. 别麻烦了。
例句 A Need some money?
B Do not bother.
Don't bother me with that. 别拿那个烦我。
例句 Sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you with the noise.
Don't bother your pretty little head about me. 别拿你那可爱的小脑瓜替我担心啦。
例句 I am all right. Don't bother your pretty little head about me.
bottom [ˈbɒtəm] 底部
What is the bottom line? 底价是多少?/结果怎么样?
例句 1. Tell me your bottom line.
2. The bottom line is that you will have a meeting to discuss all the problems.
He is the bottom of the barrel. 他是最差的一个。
例句 This shirt is like the bottom of the barrel. Show me a better one.
The problems seems to be bottoming out. 出现的问题不会更坏了。/坏形势触底了。
例句 My problems seem to be bottoming out. I will be better off.
Bottoms up! 举杯!(祝酒辞)
例句 Bottoms up! Good, how about another one?
brain [breɪn] 大脑
You are brainwashed. 你被洗脑了。
例句 You have been brainwashed by those bad propagandas.
We need a brainstorm. 我们得来一次头脑风暴。
例句 It doesn't work. We need a brainstorm. Let's do it.
bread [bred] 面包
The bread always falls on the buttered side. 祸不单行。
例句 I was waiting for a very important call, and my phone was stolen. The bread always falls on the buttered side.
Bread is the staff of life. 人得吃饭才能生存。
例句 Don't forget to eat, Tom. Bread is the staff of life.
break [breɪk] 打破
Have a break. 休息一下。(也可以用take a break)
例句 Have a five minutes break.
Give me a break. 给我一个机会。
用法说明:相当于give me another chance。
例句 Give me a break. I know I was wrong.
He broke a code. 他破解了密码。
例句 Finally they broke the enemy's code.
He broke his habit. 他改变了习惯。
例句 I tried to break the habit of smoke, but I failed.
He broke a law. 他犯法了。/他触犯法律了。
例句 It's not fun to break a law. You should always obey them.
breathe [bri:ð] 呼吸
I breathed a sign of relief. 我长长地叹了口气。
例句 At the end of the meeting, we all breathed a sign of relief.
I can breathe easy again. 我总算能松口气了。
例句 After 2 weeks tense work, I am able to breathe easy again.
bright [braɪt] 明亮的
I will be there bright and early. 我会一早就到的。
例句 I want to see you here bright and early tomorrow morning.
It is bright as a new pin. 光亮如新。
例句 I cleaned my house; now it's as bright as a new pin.
I got a bright idea. 我想到一个好点子。
例句 I don't think Tom is smart, but this time he got a really bright idea.
bring [brɪŋ] 带来
She brought a charge against him. 她对他提出了诉讼。
用法说明:也可以说bring charges against sb,这里用单、复数在意义上没有区别,即使只有一项诉讼也可以用复数。
例句 I brought a charge against my company.
build [bɪld] 建造
If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. 如果你真能做出很重要的工作,全世界都会认识你。
用法说明:也可以只用“Build a better mousetrap.”意思是“做出好的发明。”
例句 Tom thought he could build a better mousetrap, but I don't think he is that smart.
You are building castles in the air. 你在做白日梦。
例句 Stop building castles in the air. You should do something for real.
bully [ˈbʊlɪ] 恶霸
He is a school bully. 他是个学校小霸王。
例句 That guy is a school bully. You should avoid him.
A bully is always a coward. 恶棍都是懦夫。
例句 You are not afraid of him. A bully is always a coward.
burn [bɜ:n] 烧毁;燃烧
It is burned down. 它烧毁了。
例句 The old building was burned down in the fire.
The fire burned out. 火熄灭了。
例句 The light burned out.
Burn not your house to fright the mouse away. 不要为了吓跑老鼠就去烧房子。
例句 A I want to have surgery to make my nose smaller.
B Just wear some makeup. Burn not your house to fright the mouse away.
It is a burning question. 一个炙手可热的问题。
例句 Let me ask a burning question: why did you leave your wife?
busy [ˈbɪzɪ] 忙碌的(business [ˈbɪznɪs] 生意)
I am busy doing this. 我在忙着做这个。
例句 I am busy doing my homework.
I am busy as a beaver(building a new dam). 我忙得像一只(建新水坝的)水獭。
用法说明:形容很忙。类似的说法还有busy as a bee(忙得像一只蜜蜂), busy as popcorn on a skillet(忙得像平底锅上的爆米花)等。
例句 Sorry I can not help you. I am as busy as a beaver building a new dam.
I am busy as a hibernating bear. 我一点不忙。
例句 Am I busy? I am busy as a hibernating bear.
Tom busied himself fixing lunch. 汤姆忙着做午饭。
例句 She busied herself (in) preparing for the party.
The busiest men have the most leisure. 最忙碌的人有最多的闲暇。
用法说明:意思是忙碌的人效率高,因此有更多时间自己支配。也可以说“The busiest men find the most time.”
例句 Jerry is a hardworking boy, yet he play basket ball a lot. The busiest men have the most leisure.
It is business as usually. 跟平常一样。
例句 OK, business as usually, let's get back to work.
Business before pleasure. 先工作,后娱乐。
例句 You should finish your homework first. Business before pleasure, you know.
buy [baɪ] 购买
He wants to buy his way out. 他想靠贿赂过关。
例句 You can not buy your way out of this. It is wrong.
I bought it on credit. 我用信用卡买了这个。
例句 Everyone is buying their houses on credit.
He bought the farm. 他去世了。
例句 He bought the farm at 90.
Buy me some time. 给我争取点时间。
例句 Buy me some minutes. I will finish this quickly.
I bought a pig in a poke. 我连看都没看就买了下来。
例句 A How could it don't work at all?
B Did you examine when you buy it?
A I forgot. I guess I just bought a pig in a poke.
by [baɪ] 被,由
I escaped by a hair's breadth. 我差一点就没逃出来。
用法说明:也可以只说by a hair。还有一种说法是by a whisker(差一根胡须的距离)。
例句 1. The car almost hit me, and I escaped by a hair's breadth.
2. I missed the train by a hair.