There was onceof old timea virtuous woman among the children of Israelwho was pious and devout and used every day to go out to the place of prayerfirst entering a gardenwhich adjoined theretoand there making the ablution. Now there were in this garden two old menits keeperswho fell in love with her and sought her favours;but she refusedwhereupon said they,'Except thou yield thyself to uswe will bear witness against thee of fornication.'Quoth she'God will preserve me from your wickedness!'Then they opened the garden-gate and cried outand the folk came to them from all sidessaying'What ails you?'
Quoth they'We found this damsel in company with a youthwho was doing lewdness with her;but he escaped from our hands.'
Now it was the use of the people of those days to expose an adulteress to public ignominy for three days and after stone her. So they pilloried her three dayswhilst the two old men came up to her daily and laying their hands on her headsaid,'Praised be God who hath sent down His vengeance on thee!'
On the fourth daythey carried her awayto stone her;but a lad of twelve years oldby name Danielfollowed them to the place of execution and said to them'Hasten not to stone her,till I judge between them.'So they set him a chair and he sat down and caused bring the old men before him separately.(Now he was the first that separated witnesses.)Then said he to the first'What sawest thou?'So he repeated to him his storyand Daniel said'In what part of the garden did this befall?'On the eastern side,'replied the elder'under a pear-tree.'Then he called the other old man and asked him the same question;and he replied'On the western side of the gardenunder an apple-tree.'Meanwhile the damsel stood bywith her hands and eyes uplift to heavenimploring God for deliverance. Then God the Most High sent down His vengeful thunder upon the two old men and consumed them and made manifest the innocence of the damsel.
This was the first of the miracles of the Prophet Danielon whom and on the Prophet be blessing and peace!