A man brought his wife a fish one Friday and bidding her cook it against the end of the congregational prayerswent out to his business. Meanwhilethere came in her friendwho bade her to a wedding at his house;so she agreed and laying the fish in a jar of waterwent off with him and was absent a whole weekwhilst her husband sought her from house to house and enquired after her;but none could give him any news of her.
On the following Fridayshe came home[and he fell to chiding and reproaching her;] but she brought out to him the fish alive from the jar and assembled the folk against him. He told them his case;but they credited him not and said'It cannot be that the fish should have remained alive all this while.'So they caused adjudge him mad and imprisoned him and laughed at himwhereupon he wept sore and recited the following verses:
A hagthat holds high rankindeedin lewdness! In her face Are witnesses that testify to filth and wantonness.
When she's uncleanshe bawds;and when she's cleanshe plays the whore: Soall her timeshe's either bawd or else adulteress.