更新时间:2021-04-15 18:57:45
Chapter1 震起时代的擂鼓 Knocking on the Drum of Era
在这个艰难的冬天 In This Winter of Our Hardship
永久的联邦与总统的权力 Permanent Federal and Presidential Power
我们唯一害怕的就是害怕本身 The Only Thing We Fear Is Our Own
任重而道远 Our Responsibility Is Heavy
在70寿辰宴会上的讲话 On His Seventieth Birthday
在马克思墓前的讲话 Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx
香港联合声明签字仪式上的讲话 Speech at the Signature Ceremony of the Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong
独立宣言 The Declaration of Independence
告别演说 Farewell Address
在殉国将士葬礼上的演说 The Funeral Oration of Pericles
成功之路 The Road to Success
杰斐逊首任就职演说 First Inaugural Address
致富之道 The Way to Wealth
给和平一个机会 Give Peace A Chance
Chapter2 我们为自由而战 We Fight for Freedom
我有一个梦想 I Have a Dream
不自由,毋宁死 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
论出版自由 The Liberty of the Press
弗吉尼亚权利法案 Virginia Declaration of Rights
要求国会对德国宣战 Ask Congress to Declare War Against Germany
要求对日本宣战 For a Declaration of War Against Japan
在法庭上的最后陈述 Last Statement to the Court
论四大自由 The Four Freedoms
自由的精神 Spirit of Liberty
解放宣言 The Emancipation Proclamation
印度人民在寻找出路 Appeal to America
为自由而战 Fighting for Freedom
获诺贝尔文学奖的演说辞 Nobel Prize Address for Literature
西雅图酋长谈话 The "Alternate Statement" of Chief Seattle
Chapter3 吹响良知的号角 Blowing the Trumpet of Conscience
申辩 Apology
论公民的不服从 Civil Disobedience
妇女的选举权 Women' s Right to Vote
对法庭的声明 Statement to the Court
用爱来迎接今天 I Will Greet This Day with Love in My Heart
金冠辩 On the Crown
最后的演说辞 His Last Speech
真假单纯 True and False Simplicity
科学和艺术 Science and Art
难以忽视的真相 An Inconvenient Truth
葛底斯堡公墓的演说 Gettysburg Address
美利坚的独立 American Independence
忠诚的反对党 Loyal Opposition
塞尼卡福尔斯感伤宣言与决议 The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions
炉边谈话 Fireside Chat