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Chapter 1. Developing Cloud Services for Microsoft Azure
Setting up solutions and projects to work with Cloud Services
Debugging a Cloud Service locally with either Emulator or Emulator Express
Publishing a Cloud Service with options from Visual Studio
Debugging a Cloud Service remotely with Visual Studio
Configuring the service model for a Cloud Service
Providing a custom domain name for a Cloud Service
Implementing HTTPS in a web role
Using local storage in an instance
Hosting multiple websites in a web role
Using startup tasks in a Microsoft Azure role
Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a Cloud Service
Managing upgrades and changes to a Cloud Service
Configuring diagnostics in Cloud Services
Chapter 2. Deploying Quickly with Azure Websites
Deploying a Website
Administering and monitoring a Website
Source versioning and continuous integration with Git and TFS
Logging abstraction from .NET and PHP
Deploying Java with Azure Websites
Chapter 3. Getting Storage with Blobs in Azure
Managing the Azure Storage service
Connecting to the Azure Storage service
Connecting to the storage emulator
Managing access control for containers and blobs
Creating a shared access signature for a container or blob
Using a container-level access policy
Setting properties and metadata for a blob
Using blob directories
Creating and using a blob snapshot
Creating and using the root container for blobs
Uploading blocks to a block blob
Uploading a VHD into a page blob
Downloading a blob asynchronously
Using retry policies with blob operations
Leasing a blob and implementing distributed locks
Using the Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Chapter 4. Going Relational with the Azure SQL Database
Creating a SQL Database server and database
Managing SQL Database logins and firewall rules
Developing a SQL Database with Visual Studio
Connecting to a SQL Database with ADO.NET
Connecting to a SQL Database with Entity Framework
Connecting to a SQL Database from PHP and Java
Migrating a database to a SQL Database
Leveraging backup solutions with SQL Database
Monitoring SQL Database with the dynamic management views
Handling connection failures to a SQL Database
Chapter 5. Going NoSQL with Azure Tables
Creating a table
Inserting updating deleting and querying data against the Table service
Using entity group transactions
Using continuation tokens and server-side paging
Going inside continuation tokens and segmented queries
Handling entity serialization events
Facilitating NoSQL with client-side projection
Chapter 6. Messaging and Queues with the Storage and Service Bus
Managing Azure Storage queues
Managing Azure Service Bus queues
Adding messages to a Storage queue
Adding messages to a Service Bus queue
Receiving messages with Storage queues
Receiving messages with Service Bus queues
Implementing publish/subscribe with Service Bus topics
Implementing relayed messaging with the Service Bus
Communication between .NET and Java with the Service Bus and AMQP
Chapter 7. Managing Azure Resources with the Azure Management Libraries
Setting up the management client
Managing the Storage service
Deploying Cloud Services
Inspecting and managing Cloud Services
Managing and using the Azure Scheduler
Monitoring and automating infrastructure operations
Automating SQL Database operations
Using Azure PowerShell
Chapter 8. Going In-memory with Azure Cache
Building a simple cache for applications
Using local cache and notifications