1.4.2 Research Methods Theoretical analysis
Based on the relevant literature,this research theoretically analyzes the impact of economic risk on the scale and efficiency of China's foreign infrastructure investment by using the location decision theory of FDI,transaction cost theory,agglomeration theory,and resource allocation theory. This provides a theoretical basis for the subsequent empirical analysis of the thesis. Statistical analysis
Firstly,this reseach uses statistical data to analyze the evolution and main characteristics of China's OFDI and OFDII from various aspects;then,this research uses the global economic risk index to study the evolution and features of the economic risk. Econometric analysis
Based on theoretical analysis and statistical analysis,this research uses panel data from China and the host countries to study the impact of economic risk on the scale and efficiency of China's OFDI under the Belt and Road Initiative. Empirical methods include the difference-in-differences method,spatial econometric analysis method,stochastic frontier analysis method,etc. Comparative analysis
Comparative analysis is also carried out in this research. Firstly,when examining the characteristics and evolution of OFDI,OFDII,and economic risk,we compare the performance of China and other countries,especially developed countries. Secondly,in the empirical analysis,I explore the heterogeneous relationship between economic risk and China's OFDII based on the host countries with different income levels and natural resource endowments. I also investigate the impacts of economic risk on the efficiency of China's OFDII from economic risk and its components.