Copyright © Gillian Butler and Freda McManus 1998
Psychology was originally published in English in 1998.
This Bilingual Edition is published by arrangement with Oxford University Press and is for sale in the People's Republic of China only, excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan, and may not be bought for export therefrom.
Chinese and English edition copyright ©2013 by Yilin Press, Ltd
著作权合同登记号图字:10-2007-046 号
书名 生活中的心理学
作者 (英)吉莉恩·巴特勒 弗雷达·麦克马纳斯
译者 韩邦凯
责任编辑 於梅
出版发行 译林出版社
ISBN 9787544729796
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