admire [əd'maɪər] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to regard with admiration 钦佩
v. to marvel at 惊奇
v. to like very much 赞美
根 ad-:加强 mir:惊奇 “使人惊奇”→“钦佩”→“赞美”
类 让人惊奇到不断地夸赞、赞美
axiomatic [ˌæksiə'mætɪk] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. taken for granted; self-evident 理所应当的,不言而喻的
adj. based on or involving an axiom or system of axioms 公理的
根 axiom:公理 -atic:形容词后缀,表示具有某种性质 “公理的”→“公认的”→“理所应当的”“不言而喻的”
类 公理的
betray [bɪ'treɪ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to reveal unintentionally 暴露
v. to deliver to an enemy by treachery 出卖,背叛
根 be-:加强 tray:欺骗 “欺骗”→“背叛”“出卖”→“暴露”
类 旋转出去类概念
bruit [bruːt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. report rumor 散布谣言
根 来源于法语bruit(喧闹) “喧闹”→“散布”→“散布谣言”
类 散布,散播
characterize ['kærəktəraɪz] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to describe the character or quality of 表现……的特色,描绘……的性格
根 character:标记 -ize:动词后缀 “使……有标记”[唯物]→“表现……的特色”[唯心]→“描绘……的性格”[唯心] character:性格[同根词]
类 有……特色,有……性格
demonstrate ['demənstreɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence 使明白易懂
v. to illustrate and explain especially with many examples 表明
v. to make a demonstration 示威
根 de-:加强 monstr:显示 -ate:动词后缀 “显示出来”→“表露”“表明”“使明白易懂”;“显示力量”→“示威” monster:妖怪[同根词]
类 使显示出来
disseminate [dɪ'semɪneɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to spread abroad as though sowing seed 传播
v. to disperse throughout 散布
根 dis-:加强 sem:种子 -in(e):名词后缀 -ate:动词后缀 “种子”→“播种”→“传播”[唯物]“散布(言论)”[唯心] seminate:散布[同根词]
类 四处播种,散播
embellish [ɪm'belɪʃ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to make beautiful with ornamentation; decorate 装饰
根 em-:使 bell:美 -ish:动词后缀 “使变美”→“装饰”
类 使美丽
espouse [ɪ'spaʊz] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. marry 结婚
v. to take up and support as a cause; become attached to 支持
根 来源于拉丁文spondere(举行仪式) “举行仪式”→“举行婚礼”→“结婚”;“举行仪式”→“支持”
类 定下支持某事
evince [ɪ'vɪns] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to display clearly; reveal 表明
根 e-:出 vinc=vict:征服→胜利 “从中胜出”→“可以由证据得出的”→“证明”→“表明” victory:胜利[同根词]
类 从中胜出
exemplify [ɪɡ'zemplɪfaɪ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to be an instance of or serve as an example; embody 例示
根 ex-:出 empl=empt=ampt:拿 -ify:动词后缀 “拿出”→“作为示例”→“例示” example:例子[同根词]
类 拿出来示例
explicit [ɪk'splɪsɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity; leaving no question as to meaning or intent 明确的
adj. fully developed or formulated 成熟的
adj. unambiguous in expression 表达清晰的
根 ex-:否定 plic=pl:折叠 -it:形容词后缀 “不折叠”→“打开的”→“呈现出来的”→“明确的”→“成熟的”;“明确的”→“表达清晰的” imply:暗示[同根词]
类 展开来呈现
hallmark ['hɔːlmɑːrk] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature 特点
根 hall:大厅 mark:标志 “大厅的标志”→“典型特征”→“特点” Goldsmiths' Hall:金匠大厅。《神探夏洛克》(英文名为Sherlock)中,拍摄地点其实是在金匠大厅,而不是白金汉宫Buckingham Palace)[同根词]
类 标志,特点
illustrate ['ɪləstreɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to make clear; clarify 阐明
v. to make clear by giving or by serving as an example or instance 举例说明
根 il-:里面 lustr=lumin:光 -ate:动词后缀 “使里面有亮光”→“使明白”→“阐明”→“举例说明”
类 使明白
indicate ['ɪndɪkeɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to point out or point to 指出
v. to be a sign, symptom, or index of 显示
根 in-:加强 dic:说 -ate:动词后缀 “说”→“显示”;“说”→“指出” dictionary:字典[同根词]
类 显示出,说出
intimate ['ɪntɪmət] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to communicate delicately and indirectly; hint 间接沟通,暗示
vt. to make known especially publicly or formally 宣布,通告
adj. of a very personal or private nature 私密的
n. a very close friend or confidant; an intimate friend 密友
根 intim:深入 -ate:形容词、动词、名词后缀 “最深入的”→“秘密的”→“私密的”→“密友”→“亲密的”;“秘密的”→“间接沟通”“暗示”→“通告”→“宣布”
类 亲密隐秘,公开直白(反义同根现象)
ostensible [ɑː'stensəbl] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. being such in appearance; plausible rather than demonstrably true or real 表面上的
根 os-:向前 tens=tend:伸展 -ible:形容词后缀,“能……的” “能够向前伸展开的”→“能够展示的”→“表面上的” tendency:趋势[同根词]
类 伸展的,展示的
perceptive [pər'septɪv] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. responsive to sensory stimuli; discerning 感知的
adj. capable of or exhibiting keen perception; observant 敏锐的
根 per-:完全 cept:拿,抓 -ive:形容词后缀 “完全抓住的”→“感知的”[唯心]→“敏锐的”[唯心] accept:接受[同根词]
类 完全抓住的
proclaim [prə'kleɪm] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing; announce 宣布
v. to give outward indication of; show 表明
根 pro-:前 claim:喊 “向前喊”→“向公众宣布”→“宣布”→“表明” acclaim:称赞[同根词]
类 向公众宣布
abeyance [ə'beɪəns] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. temporary inactivity; suspension 暂时停顿,中止,搁置
根 a-:否定 bey:期待 -ance:名词后缀 “不能按照期望进行”→“搁置”→“暂时停顿”→“中止”
类 不按照预期进行的节奏→停止
allude [ə'luːd] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to make indirect reference 间接提到
根 al-:加强 lud:行动→表演 “表演”→“嘲弄模仿”→“暗藏含义”→“暗指”→“间接提到” collude:共谋[同根词]
类 间接提到
allusion [ə'luːʒn] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. an implied or indirect reference especially in literature 暗指,间接提到
根 al-:加强 lus=lud:行动→表演 -ion:名词后缀 “表演”→“嘲弄模仿”→“暗藏含义”→“暗指”→“间接提到” collude:共谋[同根词]
类 间接提到
belie [bɪ'laɪ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to give a false impression of 给人错误的印象
v. to keep secret or shut off from view 掩饰
v. to show (something) to be false or wrong 证明为假
v. to run counter to; contradict 矛盾
根 be-:饰以…… lie:说谎 “用谎言掩饰”→“给人错误的印象”→“矛盾”→“证明为假” lie:谎言[同根词]
类 掩盖,揭示(反义同根现象)
conceal [kən'siːl] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to prevent disclosure or recognition of 隐藏,隐瞒
根 con-:加强 ceal:隐藏 “隐藏”[唯物]→“隐瞒”[唯心]
类 隐藏
conspire [kən'spaɪər] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement 密谋,共谋
根 con-:共同 spir:呼吸 “共同呼吸”→“密谋”“共谋” inspire:激发[同根词]
类 共同谋划
furtive ['fɜːrtɪv] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. done by stealth; surreptitious 秘密的,鬼鬼祟祟的
根 fur(t)=fer:拿→运 -ive:形容词后缀 “运走”→“偷偷运走”→“秘密的”“鬼鬼祟祟的” transfer:转移[同根词]
类 秘密的,偷偷摸摸的
garner ['ɡɑːrnər] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to gather into storage 存储
v. to acquire by effort; earn 获得
根 garn=gra(i)n:谷粒 -er:动词后缀 “收集谷粒”→“存储”“获得” grain:谷粒[同根词]
类 聚集式存储
innuendo [ˌɪnjʊ'endəʊ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. an oblique allusion; hint, insinuation 暗示,含沙射影
根 in-:加强 nuendo:点头 “点头”→“暗示”→“含沙射影”
类 暗示
intrigue [ɪn'triːɡ] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a secret scheme; machination 阴谋
v. to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of 激起兴趣
根 in-:加强 trig(ue)=tric:障碍物 “有障碍的”→“有阴谋的”→“阴谋”;“有障碍的”→“混乱的”→“卷入”→“激起兴趣” intricate:复杂的[同根词]
类 卷入其中
latent ['leɪtnt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. present and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious, active, or symptomatic 潜在的
根 la-:隐藏 tent=tend:伸展 “隐藏的”→“潜在的” tendency:趋势[同根词]
类 隐藏的,潜在的
lurk [lɜːrk] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose 潜伏
根 lurk:隐藏 “隐藏”→“潜伏”
类 隐藏,潜伏
machination [ˌmæʃɪ'neɪʃn] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end 诡计
根 machin:设计 -ation:名词后缀 “设计”→“密谋”→“诡计” machine:机器[同根词]
类 设计,密谋,诡计
plot [plɑːt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. the plan or main story (as of a movie or literary work) 情节
n. a secret plan for accomplishing a usually evil or unlawful end; intrigue 阴谋
v. to make a plot, map, or plan of 密谋,策划
根 来源于古法语complot(计划) “计划”→“密谋”“策划”→“阴谋”;“计划”→“情节”
类 计划,谋划,策划
surreptitious [ˌsɜːrəp'tɪʃəs] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. acting or doing something clandestinely; stealthy 秘密的,鬼鬼祟祟的
根 sur-:下→私下 rept:夺走 -itious:形容词后缀 “私下夺走”→“秘密夺走”→“秘密的”“鬼鬼祟祟的”
类 暗中的(行动)
tacit ['tæsɪt] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. implied or indicated (as by an act or by silence) but not actually expressed 暗示的
根 tac:沉默 -it:形容词后缀 “沉默的”→“不用说明的”→“暗示的”
类 沉默的,不作声的
transition [træn'zɪʃn] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another 过渡
根 trans-:穿过 i(t):走→经历 -tion:名词后缀 “经历过”→“过渡” ambition:雄心[同根词]
类 经过,过渡
veil [veɪl] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. something that hides or obscures like a veil 遮盖物
v. to cover, provide, obscure, or conceal with or as if with a veil 遮盖
根 veil:遮盖物 “遮盖物”→“遮盖”
类 遮盖物
wiretap ['waɪətæp] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to tap a telephone or telegraph wire in order to get information 窃听
n. the act or an instance of wiretapping 窃听
根 wir:金属线→电报 tap:听 “窃听电报”→“窃听” wireless:无线的[同根词]
类 窃听,偷听
gradation [ɡrə'deɪʃn] 记忆次数 □□□□□□□□□□
释 n. the act or process of grading 分等级
根 grad:程度 -at(e):动词后缀 -ion:名词后缀 “程度不同”→“分等级” grade:分数[同根词]
类 分等级