

SCENE I. Elsinore. A platform before the castle.

FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO


Who’s there?1


Nay,2 answer me. Stand, and unfold3 yourself.4


Long live the King! 5




5 He.6


You come most carefully7 upon your hour8.9


’Tis10 now struck twelve;11 get thee12 to bed, Francisco.


For this relief much thanks. ’Tis bitter cold,

10 And I am sick at heart.13


Have you had quiet guard?


Not a mouse stirring.14


Well, good night.

If you do meet Horatio and Marcellus,

15 The rivals15 of my watch, bid them make haste.


I think I hear them. Stand, ho! Who’s there?



Friends to this ground.


And liegemen16 to the Dane17.


Give18 you good night.


20 O, farewell, honest soldier.

Who hath19 relieved you?


Bernardo has my place. Give you good night.



25 Holla20! Bernardo!



What, is Horatio there?21


A piece of him.22


Welcome, Horatio. Welcome, good Marcellus.


What, has this thing23 appeared again tonight?


30 I have seen nothing.


Horatio says ’tis but our fantasy24,

And will not let belief take hold of him25

Touching26 this dreaded sight, twice seen of27 us.

Therefore I have entreated him along

35 With us to watch the minutes of this night,28

That if again this apparition come,

He may approve our eyes29 and speak to it.HORATIO

Tush30, tush, ’twill not appear.


Sit down awhile,

40 And let us once again assail31 your ears,

That are so fortified32 against our story

What33 we have two nights seen.


Well, sit we down,

And let us hear Bernardo speak of this.


45 Last night of all35

When yond36 same star that’s westward from the pole37

Had made his38 course to illume39 that part of heaven

Where now it burns, Marcellus and myself,

The bell then beating40 one—

Enter Ghost


50 Peace, break thee off; look, where it comes again!


In the same figure, like the King that’s dead.


Thou art41 a scholar42, speak to it, Horatio.43


Looks it not like the King? Mark44 it, Horatio.


Most like. It harrows45 me with fear and wonder.


55 It would46 be spoke47 to.


Question it, Horatio.


What art thou that usurp’st48 this time of night,

Together with that fair and warlike form49

In which the majesty of buried Denmark50

60 Did sometimes51 march? By heaven I charge thee, speak!


It is offended.


See, it stalks52 away!


Stay! speak, speak! I charge thee, speak!

Exit Ghost


’Tis gone, and will not answer.53


65 How now, Horatio! You tremble and look pale54

Is not this something more than fantasy?

What think you on’t55?


Before56 my God, I might not57 this believe

Without the sensible58 and true avouch59

70 Of mine own eyes.


Is it not like the King?


As thou art to thyself.

Such was the very armor he had on

When he the ambitious Norway60 combated61;62

75 So frowned he once, when, in an angry parle63

He smote64 the sledded Polacks65 on the ice.

’Tis strange.MARCELLUS

Thus twice before, and jump66 at this dead hour67,

With martial stalk hath he gone by our watch68.


80 In what particular thought to work I know not69;

But in the gross and scope70 of my opinion,71

This bodes72 some strange eruption73 to our state.74


Good75 now, sit down, and tell me, he that knows,

Why this same strict and most observant watch76

85 So nightly toils77 the subject78 of the land,

And why such daily cast of brazen cannon,

And foreign mart79 for implements of war;

Why such impress80 of shipwrights, whose sore task

Does not divide the Sunday from the week;81

90 What might be towarda81-1, that this sweaty haste82

Doth make the night joint-labourer83 with the day?

Who is’t84 that can inform me?


That can I;85

At least, the whisper86 goes so. Our last king,

95 Whose image even but now appeared to us,

Was, as you know, by Fortinbras of Norway,

Thereto pricked on87 by a most emulate pride,88

Dared to the combat89; in which our valiant Hamlet,

For so this side of our known world90 esteemed him,91

100 Did slay92 this Fortinbras; who by a sealed compact93,

Well ratified by law and heraldry,94

Did forfeit, with his life, all those his lands

Which he stood seized of95, to the conqueror;

Against the which96, a moiety competent97

105 Was gaged98 by our king; which had99 returned

To the inheritance of Fortinbras,

Had he been vanquisher; as, by the same covenant100,

And carriage of the article designed101,

His102 fell to103 Hamlet.104 Now, sir, young Fortinbras,105

110 Of unimproved106 mettle107 hot and full,

Hath in the skirts108 of Norway here and there

Sharked up109 a list of lawless resolutes110,

For food and diet111, to some enterprise

That hath a stomach112 in’t; which is no other—

115 As it doth well appear unto our state—

But to recover of113 us, by strong hand

And terms compulsatory114, those foresaid lands

So by his father lost;115 and this, I take it,

Is the main motive116 of our preparations,

120 The source of this our watch and the chief head117

Of this post-haste118 and romage119 in the land.


I think it be no other but e’en120 so.

Well may it sort121 that this portentous122 figure123

Comes armèd through our watch; so like the King

125 That was and is the question124 of these wars.125


A mote126 it is to trouble the mind’s eye.127

In the most high and palmy128129 state of Rome,

A little ere130 the mightiest Julius fell,

The graves stood tenantless131 and the sheeted132 dead

130 Did squeak and gibber133 in the Roman streets;134

As stars with trains of fire135 and dews of blood,

Disasters136 in the sun; and the moist star137

Upon whose influence Neptune’s empire138 stands139

Was sick almost to doomsday140 with eclipse.

135 And even141 the like142 precurse143 of fierce events,

As harbingers144 preceding still145 the fates146

And prologue to the omen147 coming on,

Have heaven and earth together demonstrated

Unto our climatures148 and countrymen.149

140 But soft150, behold! Lo, where it comes again!

Re-enter Ghost

I’ll cross151 it, though it blast152 me. Stay, illusion!

If thou hast any sound, or use of voice,

Speak to me.

If there be any good thing to be done,

145 That may to thee do ease and grace153 to me,154

Speak to me.

Cock crows

If thou art privy to155 thy country’s fate156,

Which, happily157, foreknowing158 may avoid, O, speak!

Or if thou hast uphoarded159 in thy life.

150 Extorted160 treasure in the womb of earth,

For which, they say, you spirits oft161 walk in death.

The cock crows.

Speak of it! Stay, and speak! Stop it, Marcellus!


Shall I strike at it with my partisan162?


Do, if it will not stand163.


155 ’Tis here!


’Tis here!


’Tis gone!

Exit Ghost

We do it wrong, being so majestical164,

To offer it the show of violence;

For it is, as the air, invulnerable,

And our vain blows malicious165 mockery166.


160 It was about to speak, when the cock crew.


And then it started like a guilty thing

Upon a fearful summons. I have heard,

165 The cock, that is the trumpet167 to the morn,

Doth with his lofty168 and shrill-sounding throat

Awake the god of day169; and, at his warning,

Whether in sea or fire, in earth or air,170

The extravagant171 and erring172 spirit hies173

170 To his confine174; and of the truth herein

This present object175 made probation176.177


It faded on the crowing of the cock.

Some say that ever178 ’gainst179 that season180 comes

Wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrated,

175 The bird of dawning181 singeth all night long;

And then, they say, no spirit dares stir abroad182;

The nights are wholesome183; then no planets strike184,

No fairy takes185, nor witch hath power to charm,

So hallowed186 and so gracious187 is the time.


180 So have I heard and do in part believe it.188

But, look, the morn, in russet189 mantle clad,

Walks o’er the dew of yon high eastern hill.190

Break we our watch up191; and by my advice192,

Let us impart what we have seen tonight

185 Unto young Hamlet193; for, upon my life,

This spirit, dumb to us, will speak to him.

Do you consent we shall acquaint him with it,

As needful194 in our loves, fitting our duty?


Let’s do’t, I pray; and I this morning know

190 Where we shall find him most conveniently.


1 Who’s there: The play begins with a question, which establishes a foreboding atmosphere.

2 Nay: but

3 unfold: reveal

4 unfold yourself: disclose your identity

5 Long … the King: It is the password, which sounds ironic because the King is dead in fact.

6 He: Him. (Me.)

7 carefully: punctually

8 your hour: point hour.

9 You … hour: He may be ironic, or even reproving, as if Bernado is only just on time.

10 ’Tis: it’s

11 ’Tis … twelve: The play begins at midnight. (Cf. I. iv. 4—5: “I think it lacks of twelve.– /No, it is struck.”) “Struck” is an anachronism, for clock was invented in early 14th century.

12 thee: you

13 ’Tis … heart: It creates an eerie atmosphere that runs through the whole play. (Cf. V. ii. 208—209: “thou wouldst not think how ill all’s here / about my heart.”)

14 Not … stirring: a sense of uncanniness

15 rivals: partners (in buddy system), fellow sentries

16 liegemen: men who have sworn allegiance to the King; subjects

17 the Dane: King of Denmark

18 Give: May God give (optative)

19 hath: has

20 Holla: hallo / hello

21 What … there: It is a pleasant surprise.

22 A piece of him: i.e. his hand (It makes some comic effect, hence a switch of atmosphere.). Cf. Twelfth Night, I. v. 26: “a piece of Eve’s flesh” (a girl); The Tempest , I. i. 56: “a piece of virtue”(piece: specimen)

23 this thing: the ghost (Cf. this dreaded sight; this apparition). The word “thing” can be used as a euphemism for undesirable things, e.g. seeing things, one of those things, etc.

24 fantasy: fancy, imagination

25 will … him: will not let himself believe

26 Touching: about, concerning

27 of: by

28 watch … night: keep watch through the night

29 approve our eyes: confirm what we have seen

30 Tush: Poof!

31 assail: attack

32 fortified: incredulous (military metaphors)

33 What: with what

34 Bernardo: What follows is a flashback, a theatrical device prevalent in ancient Greek tragedies, such as the chorus in Agamemnon , who introduces what’s happened before.

35 Last night of all: the most recent night

36 yond: yonder

37 pole: pole-star, Polaris

38 his: its

39 illume: illuminate

40 beating: striking, tolling

41 art: are

42 scholar: student

43 Thou … Horatio: Medieval people believed scholars (philosophers, e.g. Faust) knew witchcraft and could communicate with supernatural spirits.

44 Mark: observe closely

45 harrows: lacerates, torments

46 would: requires to

47 spoke: spoken

48 usurp’st: usurp: invade, encroach on (ironic, for it is the present king who is a usurper)

49 form: shape, appearance

50 Denmark: king of Denmark

51 sometimes: sometime, formerly (i.e. when he was alive)

52 stalks: moves in a stiff or stately way

53 ’Tis gone … answer: He is looking for his son Hamlet.

54 You … pale: Cf. V. ii. 349: “You that look pale and tremble at this chance” etc.

55 on’t: of it

56 Before: I swear before

57 might not: would not be able to

58 sensible: able to be sensed, confirmed by senses

59 avouch: avouchment, testimony

60 Norway: King of Norway (i.e. old Fortinbras)

61 combated: accented on the first syllable

62 When … combated: A foreshadow of the ensuing plot. This happened thirty years ago, in the very year when Hamlet was born. (How could Horatio possibly see him?)

63 parle: parley, talk; encounter

64 smote: past tense of smite, stroke

65 the sledded Polacks: Polish soldiers riding in sleds

66 jump: just, exactly

67 dead hour: dead night

68 our watch: as we stood on watch

69 I know not: I don’t know exactly

70 gross and scope: gross scope (hendiadys)

71 in the gross … opinion: in my general opinion

72 bodes: forebodes

73 eruption: revolt or disturbance

74 This bodes … state: The state is the King’s body politic. Cf. 128—130: “A little ere the mightest Julius fell” etc. I. iv. 99: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”

75 Good: my good friends

76 watch: vigilance

77 toils: gives toils to, wearies

78 subject: subjects, inhabitants

79 foreign mart: foreign trade, expenditure abroad

80 impress: impressments, forced labor, conscription

81 Does…week: work without rest (Cf. Genesis 2: 2—3; Exodus 8—11)

81-1 toward: in prospect, about to happen

82 sweaty haste: personification

83 night joint-labourer: night guards

84 is’t: is it

85 That can I: Horatio plays the choric role who introduces antecedent happenings to the audience.

86 whisper: rumor

87 pricked on: stimulated

88 Thereto … pride: provoked to do this by a proud desire to rival the Danish king

89 combat: single combat

90 our known world: all Europe

91 For … him: an ironic comment

92 slay: kill

93 a sealed compact (accented on the second syllable): sworn agreement

94 law and heraldry: heraldic law (hendiadys), the law of arms

95 stood seized of: had possessed (his personal estates)

96 the which: which (i.e. the compact)

97 a moiety competent: an equivalent portion

98 gaged: engaged, pledged

99 which had: would have

100 covenant: co-mart, mutual bargain

101 carriage of the article designed: tenor of the agreement drawn up

102 His: his land

103 fell to: would be forfeit to

104 94—109: Jungle law: might makes right.

105 young Fortinbras: This is the first mention of Fortinbras (French: “fort en bras” = strong arm), the shadow of and complement to Hamlet.

106 unimproved: unrefined, undisciplined

107 mettle: courage

108 skirts: outskirts, bordering parts

109 sharked up: seized, gathered

110 a list of lawless resolutes: a mob of desperadoes

111 For food and diet: as cannon fodder

112 stomach: appetite, spirit of adventure (a maw image)

113 of: from

114 compulsatory: compulsory

115 So by his father lost: Hence a second revenging son-prince.

116 motive: cause

117 chief head: source, origin

118 post-haste: urgency, rapid activity

119 romage: commotion, bustle

120 e’en: exactly

121 sort: accord, fit

122 portentous: foreboding some calamity

123 figure: the ghost

124 question: cause

125 “Valiant” old Hamlet has left his country in turmoil and peril.

126 mote: dust

127 A mote…eye: Matthew 7:3 “Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but don’t notice the log in your own eye?” It is the first mention of the Holy Bible. There are altogether 39 biblical mentions and quotations, 28 of them made by Hamlet.

128 palmy: triumphant, prosperous

129 palmy: triumphant, prosperous

130 ere: before

131 tenantless: empty, void of corpses

132 sheeted: wrapped in shrouds

133 squeak and glibber: made inarticulate noises

134 127—130: Cosmic correspondence. Cf. Julius Caesar, I. iii. 63, 74&II. ii. 14—24.

135 stars with trains of fire: comets

136 Disasters: threatening signs

137 the moist star: the moon, which governs the tides

138 Neptune’s empire: the oceans

139 stands: depends

140 almost to doomsday: almost as if it were the end of the world

141 even: exactly

142 the like: the same

143 precurse: precursor(s), warning signs

144 harbingers: heralds

145 still: always

146 the fates: Goddesses of Fate

147 omen: ominous events

148 climatures: climes, geographical regions

149 Unto … countrymen: Medieval Europeans generally believed in the doctrine of cosmic correspondence. (Cf. Macbeth, II. iii. 50—56; iv. 5—18)

150 soft: enough; be quiet

151 cross: cross its path; draw a cross (to ward off the supernatural)

152 blast: destroy

153 grace: do grace

154 That may … me: make you rest in peace and bring me credit

155 art privy to: have secret knowledge of

156 fate: destiny

157 happily: haply (perhaps); fortunately

158 foreknowing: advance knowledge

159 uphoarded: accumulated

160 extorted: wrongfully obtained

161 oft: often

162 Partisan: halberd

163 stand: stay

164 majestical: majestic

165 malicious: are malicious

166 mockery: mock (ineffectual) malice

167 trumpet: trumpeter, herald

168 lofty: high-pitched

169 the god of day: sun-god

170 Whether … air: Sea, fire, earth and air are the four elements.

171 extravagant: out of bounds

172 erring: wandering (e.g. knight errant)

173 hies: hastens

174 confine: proper home; place of confinement

175 object: sight

176 probation: proof.

177 This … probation: This recent sight has just proved its truth.

178 ever: every time

179 ’gainst: against, just before

180 season: late December

181 bird of dawning: cock

182 stir abroad: move beyond its confine

183 wholesome: healthy

184 strike: blast with misfortune, exert evil influences

185 takes: bewitches, puts under magical spell

186 hallowed: sanctified

187 gracioius: blessed

188 So … it: He is less of a scholar now!

189 russet: grayish, brownish

190 But … hill: Cf. Much Ado about Nothing, V. iii. 27—29: “and look, the gentle day, /Before the wheels of Phoebus, round about / Dapples the drowsy east with spots of grey.”

191 Break … up: Let us bring our guard duty to an end

192 by my advice: I suggest

193 young Hamlet: the first mention of the title hero

194 needful: necessary