我衷心感谢乔伊斯·科尔斯夫人(Mrs.Joyce Coles)对本书的全力付出,尤其附录的整理主要由她完成。
M.马苏德·R.汗(M.Masud R.Khan)慷慨地拨冗指教和批评,让我受益匪浅,没有他的帮助,这本书无法顺利完成。
个案3:Voices (Spring 1968),a journal published by the American Academy of Psychotherapists; also handbook of the Psychotherapy of Children,edited by Dr.G.Bierman (Ernst Reinhardt,Munich,1969).
个案4:International Journal of Psycho-Analysis,Volume 46.
个案6:St Mary's Hospital Gazeite,Jan./Feb.1962,under the title “A Child Psychiatry Interview”.
个案7:A Crianca Portuguesa,Ano.ⅩⅪ,1962—1963(Lisbon).
个案9:Foundations of Child Psychiatry,edited by Emanuel Miller(Pergamon Press,1968).
个案12:The World Biennial of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Basic Books,1970).
个案13:Crime,Law and Corrections,edited by Ralph Slovenko(Charles C.Thomas,1966),under the title “A Psychoanalytic View of the Antisocial Tendency”.
个案14:British Journal of Medical Psychology (1963),Volume 36,Number 1,under the title “Regression as Therapy”.
个案15:Modern Perspectives in Child Psychiatry,edited by John G.Howells(Oliver & Body,1965).
个案17:published in shortened version as “Becoming Deprived as a Fact: A Psychotherapeutic Consultation”,Journal of Child Psychotherapy (December 1966),Volume I,Number 4; also delivered as a lecture,“Principles of Direct Therapy in Child Psychiatry”,at the invitation of the Judge Baker Guidance Center,April 1967,the Fiftieth Anniversary of their Founding.