第18章 米开朗琪罗之后

John of Bologna was born in Belgium but he didn't stay there. He moved to Italy and lived in Italy the rest of his life.All of his important work was done in Italy.When a famous fountain he made was placed in the city of Bologna in Italy, people began to think he was a man of Bologna and called him Giovanni da Bologna, which means John of Bologna.
When people get joyful news, you may have heard them say,“I'm walking on air!”That is really pretty hard to do. Don't try it.But Bologna made a statue that is walking on air.How?A statue can't walk on air any more than a person can!But this statue is walking on air.It is Bologna's masterpiece and it is called Flying Mercury.
Now to make Mercury fly through the air, there shouldn't be anything but air to hold him up. So Bologna held Mercury up by the wind.The wind is a bronze wind and is shown coming out of the mouth of a bronze wind god.The wind is blowing on the bottom of Mercury's foot.Look closely and you can see the head of the wind god facing up toward the sky.
Mercury really looks as if he were running in the air as well as flying with his winged cap and sandals and his caduceus-a winged staff or wand with two snakes curling around it. Mercury was the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology.He was also the god of commerce, thievery, travel, and science.If you ever want to think of someone considered to be very important, think of Mercury.
His caduceus is a Roman symbol of truce and neutrality. When animals or people quarreled, the caduceus was supposed to make them friends again.Mercury once saw two snakes fighting.He threw his staff down between them and the two snakes curled peacefully around it.So Mercury kept them there to show the power of his staff.Today the caduceus is used as the symbol of doctors in the United States Army.
Now when people think of Mercury, they generally think of Flying Mercury by Bologna. That statue fits my idea of how flying Mercury should look.Does it fit yours?