第14章 寻宝者和秘密
buildings that had been buried in the ground since Roman times were dug up.Old Roman and Greek writings were brought to light and read again.By learning what the ancients had done in art, the Renaissance people were able to do great things in art too.
One of the first sculptors to make a thorough study of the Roman statues was named Donatello. He lived in Florence, but as a young man, he went to Rome with his friend Brunelleschi, an artist we have already met.In Rome the two friends spent their time hunting through the old ruins for any beautiful Roman artwork they could find.Brunelleschi was more interested in architecture and he measured the old Roman buildings while Donatello looked for sculpture.Soon people called them the Treasure Hunters because they always seemed to be looking for buried treasure.
When the two Treasure Hunters came back to Florence, Donatello made a beautiful marble cantoria, or singing gallery, for a choir on the wall at one end of a cathedral. He decorated the outside of the gallery with sculpture of little children who look like cupids dancing and singing.It is a wonderful piece of work, full of life and action.
Donatello's next famous statue was placed outside a church in Florence. It is of Saint George.Saint George was a Christian in the Roman army at a time when it was very unsafe to be a Christian.To show he was not afraid of being a Christian, he carried a shield that had a bright red cross on a white background on it.This symbol has ever since been called the cross of Saint George and is part of the flag of England because the English adopted Saint George as their favorite saint.Saint George was a brave man, and when the
Roman emperor began to persecute the Christians, he went to him and asked him to stop.For this, and because Saint George was a Christian, the emperor had him killed.
Of course Donatello didn't know what the real Saint George looked like because the man who became the saint had lived so long before, so this statue is not a portrait statue. Instead it is what Donatello thought a brave young Christian officer in the Roman army ought to look like.And because so many other people thought this was what Saint George ought to look like, too, the statue became very famous.It is very lifelike.
“There is only one problem with it,”someone told Donatello.
“What is that?”asked the sculptor, who was afraid the man had found some fault in the statue.
“The trouble is, it can't speak,”said the man.
Donatello's most famous work was of a man on horseback. I'll tell you about that in the next chapter, for in this chapter I still have to tell you about a secret.Can you keep a secret?
A sculptor who was a friend of Donatello's had a secret. It was a very good secret and he didn't tell anyone except his adopted son.The adopted son had five sons of his own, and when they grew up they were let in on the

secret too.It was a family secret.
The sculptor with the secret was Luca della Robbia. Like Donatello, he lived in Florence.He was a little younger than Donatello, and so we call him the second great sculptor of the Renaissance.Luca della Robbia made statues in marble and bronze.One of his marble works was a singing gallery for an end wall in the same cathedral as Donatello's marble gallery.

Luca della Robbia carved singing boys on this gallery as Donatello had on his. The two galleries are called the Singing Galleries.Luca della Robbia's looks better than Donatello's when you are close to it because it is smoother and more finished.But when you are looking at the galleries from the floor of the cathedral, Donatello's figures stand out better because they are rougher, so it's about even between them.They are both so valuable that they are now in a museum instead of in the cathedral.
But we've almost forgotten about the secret.

Luca della Robbia found it took a great deal of time to carve in marble, and marble was very expensive to buy.When he finished and was paid for his work, he often found that he hadn’t made much money.Bronze had the same drawbacks.He decided to try to find another material that was inexpensive and could be used quickly.He found it.What do you think it was?Not wood or stone, and of course not marble or bronze.It was clay.
“Well,”you say,“even the Greeks used clay. I remember the terra-cotta figurines of Tanagra.”
True, but wait. Luca della Robbia used terra cotta, but here comes his secret.After he finished a clay statue, he put over it a coating of porcelain, which, when hardened, is something like glass.Then he baked the figure in an oven for just the right length of time.His secret was in mixing the porcelain, or glaze as it was called.When it was finished, the porcelain glaze would resist the rain and bad weather almost as well as marble, whereas the terra cotta without the glaze would soon crumble away.Other sculptors tried it but none did as fine of work in glazed terra cotta as Luca della Robbia.His secret glazing process was very successful.
Most of the sculpture Luca della Robbia did in glazed terra cotta was in relief. The relief part was generally white like marble but the background was a beautiful shade of blue.
Luca della Robbia taught his nephew, whom he had adopted as a son, the secret of the glazed terra cotta. The nephew's name was Andrea della Robbia and he became almost as famous as Luca.Andrea did most of his work in glazed terra cotta and he added many
more colors to his reliefs, although he generally left the flesh part of his statues white.His best examples were reliefs of the Madonna and Child.
Andrea did a series of terra-cotta high reliefs of babies in swaddling clothes for the outside of a children's hospital and orphanage in Florence. Swaddling clothes are strips of cloth wrapped around and around the body of a newborn baby to keep it still and quiet.Each baby is on a separate round background.You may have seen plaster casts of these babies, but the plaster casts are white and do not show the colors that Andrea della Robbia put on the originals.Each figure is called a bambino, which means baby in Italian.
Luca Della Robbia is also famous for extending the relief by adding to it a frame that looks like a wreath of greens decorated with fruit. Today many wreaths of greens decorated with fruit are called Della Robbia for his famous relief frames.
