第6章 古希腊最伟大的雕塑家
supposed to be the wisest of creatures.In the center of the breastplate was the head of Medusa.You may remember I told you that Athena helped Perseus to cut Medusa’s head off.Well, around the head of Medusa, between the serpents and the head, a battle between the Amazons and the Greeks was shown.Athena wore a helmet.On top of this helmet was a sphinx and on each side of the sphinx were winged horses.
Athena's left arm rested on a shield and carried a lance, around which coiled another serpent. In her right hand Athena held a statue of Victory, who faced her and offered her a wreath of gold.The statue of Victory was about six feet tall, so you can see how big the statue of Athena herself must have been.
This statue of Athena has entirely disappeared, probably stolen piece by piece for its gold and ivory. We know what it looked like only by a small, probably very poor copy that was made of it.And judging by the copy we have, we cannot quite agree that the statue was as beautiful as the ancient Greeks thought it.A full-size statue was made from that copy.Today it stands in a full-size copy of the Parthenon in Tennessee, not Greece.
Phidias's statue of Athena, as I told you, was inside the Parthenon. All around the four outside walls of the temple, high up near the roof, was a band or strip of sculptured figures in low relief called a frieze.This frieze was almost a tenth of a mile long and showed in marble a parade of grand procession that took place in Athens once every four years.
The object of the procession was to bear a gift of a golden dress made by the girls of
Athens for their goddess, and it was carried with great pomp and ceremony to the temple.All Athenians-men, women, and children-took their part in the procession.There were horsemen with their horses.There were animals to be sacrificed.There were girls and boys bearing gifts.There were musicians and singers.
The frieze of the procession starts at one end of the Parthenon and proceeds along both sides of the temple to the other end where the entrance is. It is the most perfect relief work that we know anything about.And although there are hundreds of figures of men, women, and animals, Phidias planned it all and, with his students, made it all.There is a tenth of a mile of it and yet, at the time it was completed, there was not one rough or unfinished part in the entire frieze-even the parts that could not be seen were finished.Nothing except perfection was good enough for the temple of this goddess of the Athenians.
When the relief was in place on the Parthenon wall, it could just barely be seen because it was so high up and closed in by the portico of columns that surrounded it. The background and the figures were painted in bright colors so they could be seen better.
Above and between the columns in the Parthenon are spaces or panels called metopes. These metopes contain high reliefs illustrating battles, most of which are between gods and animals called centaurs.A centaur is a mythological monster that has the body of a horse and the head and trunk of a man.
There are ninety-two groups of these metopes, and all are now broken!In many cases, an arm or a leg is gone, a nose is broken, or an ear or an eye is missing. So you have to use your imagination to understand what the figure looked like when it was perfect.If you
have no imagination, you probably will exclaim,“What!You call that beautiful?”
At each end of the Parthenon there is a large triangular space made by the sloping roof called a pediment. In these two triangular spaces were groups of superb, heroic-size figures of gods and goddesses.The word heroic-size means bigger than real life.The figures are fully in-the-round-that is, they stand free from the background.Unfortunately, little is left of these sculptures.
The group in one triangular end represented the birth of Athena. Athena was not born as a tiny baby but full-grown and fully armed.And she came from the brain of the king of the gods-that is why she was so wise.Zeus, the chief of the gods, was in the center of this group.Hephaestus, the blacksmith god, had just struck Zeus on the head with his hammer and, according to the story, Athena sprang out of Zeus's head in full armor.
On each side of this central group, the other gods and goddesses are looking on. Some are standing, some are sitting, and some are lying down.The groups were planned to fit the triangular spaces.Dionysus Reclining is one of the remaining statues.
Lord Elgin, an English nobleman, saw these sculptures many years ago and thought them so beautiful that he wanted his country

to have them.The sculptures could not be seen properly and they were gradually being destroyed, for there seemed to be no one interested enough to take care of them.So Lord Elgin bought most of them for about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and took them to England, where they were put in the British Museum.They are now known as the Elgin Marbles.
But the greatest of all the sculpture that Phidias made was not in Athens. It was in a temple at Olympia.For this temple he made a statue of Zeus.It, too, was made of gold and ivory, and it, too, has disappeared.This statue of Zeus was so famous that it was called one of the Seven Wonders of the World and every Greek hoped to see it before he died.When Phidias had completed it, he prayed to Zeus and asked him to show in some way if he liked the statue of himself-whereupon a thunderbolt shot down from the blue sky overhead and struck near the sculptor's feet!
But after all he had done, the great Phidias was put in prison. You'd never guess why!It was because he had carved a picture of himself on the shield of Athena in the Parthenon.To the Athenians, it was a terrible crime for a mortal to put a picture of himself on the shield of their goddess!And so Phidias died in prison.What an end for such a great sculptor.
