第3章 基路伯与国王
person looking at him from the front would see two legs together as if he were standing still, and when looking at him from the side a person would see the animal walking.
The next two pieces of Assyrian sculpture are in low relief. Notice the muscles that these men have.They are different from the Egyptian men, who were shown to be slender and with no muscles.The Assyrians thought that beauty was strength and that to be beautiful, a person must be strong, so they showed their kings with big, bulging muscles.
The Assyrians believed also that hair was another sign of strength and that no real man who could grow a beard would choose to have a smooth, less-manly face. Do you know the Bible story of Samson?His great strength was supposed to be due to his long hair.When it was cut off, he became weak.
Here the men have long hair and long beards tightly curled like ropes. Notice that the eyes are like the Egyptians'-front view on the side view of their heads.The men have more clothing on, too, with tasseled shawls or skirts that come to their ankles and half sandals.They are not altogether barefooted.
The two chief things the Assyrian kings liked to do best-their two chief sports—

were hunting animals and killing their enemies in battle, so most of their reliefs show them doing these things.But the best things the Assyrian artists made were figures of animals.They made them much more lifelike than those of the Egyptians.In many reliefs the horses are fine spirited steeds, and their manes and tails are tightly curled.
The Assyrians also made tiny reliefs on the curved surfaces of cylindrical-shaped pieces of stone or clay. A small axle was put through a hole in the center of the cylinder.The cylinder then became a tiny rolling pin that could be rolled over any soft surface such as mud or wax to leave a flat imprint of the picture on the cylinder.
In this way they could make as many small reliefs as they pleased. We think, however, they used these cylinders as seals to sign their writing.They did not write on paper since they had none.They wrote on mud bricks before the bricks were dried, and they stamped their seal at the end instead of signing their names.
Today in Japan and China, artists sign their names with a stamp made of carved stone called a chop. If you have seen a round or square symbol made with red-orange ink on the


comer of a watercolor or block print, you know just what I mean.
These sculptures of the Assyrians have been dug up from the ruins of their old cities, carried away, and placed in museums. So if you want to see them, you must go not to Assyria but to the British Museum in London, the Louvre Museum in Paris, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland, or to other great museums.
From what I have told you of Assyrian sculpture, how would you describe it in a few words?


And that's about all we know of Assyrian sculpture. There are not many remains left to tell the tale of the proud, powerful, and cruel tyrants who ruled over millions of people.These monarchs and their subjects have been dead for thousands of years.
Perhaps you think some things you are familiar with will last forever too. Can you name some of them?Imagine that a boy or girl in Assyria must have thought the very same thing about what they saw around them, but those things have practically all disappeared.