HAVE you ever wondered what size of shoes did the first man to walk on the moon wear? Or who the first person to wear a bikini in public was? Or what animal has the highest blood pressure? Or who invented the flushing toilet? Who created the crossword puzzle?
This ebook, which I call TRIVIAMANIA, is a fascinating cocktail of interesting facts and bizarre trivia.
From the technical term of pregnancy to the first Apollo mission to carry a color television camera on the moon to the name of Julius Caesar's sword to Superman's pet monkey to Toblerone chocolate bar to the number of teeth a mosquito has to the middle name of Donald Duck, this ebook contains rarely found bits of general knowledge and tantalizing facts you never thought anyone would know.
This ebook covers a wide range of subjects arranged in no particular pattern to induce variety for light reading purposes and versatility for the mind as a reviewer. It aims to benefit students, lecturers, trivia buffs and other learning curiosers.
Overall, this ebook is not only informative and educational, but is also a useful reference at home, school of office alike--an invaluable addition to your collections of ebooks, guaranteed!
This ebook was a pleasure for me to write. So I hope -- and am amply sure -- that it will be a pleasure as well for you to read.
TRIVIAMANIA is guaranteed to surprise, entertain and inform.
Read on!
Amold Centeno Orlaen
Manila, Philippines