第7章 神农尝百草
Shennong Tasted Herbs
Tea-drinking is a constituent part of Chinese culture.
According to Lu Yu's Tea Classics,tea-drinking in China can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty(1046 B.C.-222 B.C.),"ea was discovered by Shennong and became popular as a drink in the State of Lu(1043 B.C.-249 B.C.)because of Zhou Gong." Tea drinking in China has a history of four thousand years.As the legend has it,Shennong,a legendary hero,tasted hundreds of wild plants to see which were poisonous and which were edible,so as to prevent people from eating the poisonous plants.It is said that he was poisoned seventy-two times in one day and was saved by chewing some tender leaves of an evergreen plant with white flowers blossoming.Since he had atransparent belly,people could see how the food moved throughout his stomach and intestines.When they saw the juice of the tender leaves go up and down in the stomach as if it were searching for something,they called it“查(cha)"(meaning "search”).Later it was renamed“茶”(cha)having the same pronunciation of“查”.
People told and retold this story from generation to generation,paying great respect to this ancestor,who pioneered agriculture and Chinese medicine.