六 结论与展望
[1]G.Pescaroli,I.Kelman. How critical infrastructure orients international relief in cascading disasters[J]. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management,2017,25(2):56-67.
[2]G.Pescaroli,D.Alexander. A definition of cascading disasters and cascading effects:Going beyond the â €œtoppling dominosâ €metaphor[J]. Planet@ risk,2015,2(3):58-67.
[3]K.H.Lee,D.V.Rosowsky. Fragility analysis of woodframe buildings considering combined snow and earthquake loading[J]. Structural Safety,2006,28(3):289-303.
[4]G.Zuccaro,F.Cacace,S.J.S.Spence,et al. Impact of explosive eruption scenarios at Vesuvius[J]. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,2008,178(3):416-453.
[5]W.Marzocchi,M.L.Mastellone,A.Di Ruocco,P.Novelli,E.Romeo,P.Gasparini. Principles of multi-risk assessment:interaction amongst natural and man-induced risks[R]. Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,2009.
[6]J.Selva. Long-term multi-risk assessment:statistical treatment of interaction among risks[J]. Natural hazards,2013,67(2):701-722.
[7]J.Zscheischler,Seneviratne S.I.. Dependence of drivers affects risks associated with compound events[J]. Science Advances,2017,3(6):e1700263.
[8]UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme[EB/OL]. http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/res_agenda21_07.shtml.2018-12-25.
[9]S.Menoni. Chains of damages and failures in a metropolitan environment:some observations on the Kobe earthquake in 1995[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2001,86(1-3):101-119.
[10]T.Tarvainen,J.Jarva,S.Greiving. Spatial pattern of hazards and hazard interactions in Europe[J]. Special Paper-Geological Survey of Finland,2006,42:83.
[11]M.S.Kappes,M.Keiler,K.V.Elverfeldt,et al. Challenges of analyzing multi-hazard risk:a review[J]. Natural Hazards,2012,64(2):1925-1958.
[12]郭增建,秦保燕. 灾害物理学简论[J]. 灾害学,1987(2):25-33.
[13]史培军. 再论灾害研究的理论与实践[J]. 自然灾害学报,1996,11(4):6-17.
[14]倪晋仁,李秀霞,薛安,李英奎,韩鹏,李天宏,刘仁志. 泥沙灾害链及其在灾害过程规律研究中的应用[J]. 自然灾害学报,2004(5):1-9.
[15]门可佩,高建国. 重大灾害链及其防御[J]. 地球物理学进展,2008(1):270-275.
[16]余瀚,王静爱,柴玫,史培军. 灾害链灾情累积放大研究方法进展[J]. 地理科学进展,2014,33(11):1498-1511.
[17]哈斯,张继权,佟斯琴,李思佳. 灾害链研究进展与展望[J]. 灾害学,2016,31(2):131-138.
[18]肖盛燮. 灾变链式理论及应用[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2006.
[19]徐道一. 灾害链演变过程的似序参量[A]. 中国可持续发展研究会. 2008中国可持续发展论坛论文集(2)[C]. 中国可持续发展研究会:中国可持续发展研究会,2008:4.
[20]郭海湘,李亚楠,黎金玲,尹朋珍. 基于灾害多级联动模型的城市综合承灾能力研究[J]. 系统管理学报,2014,23(01):91-103+110.
[21]杨珺珺. 事件树分析法评估建筑物地震灾害风险[J]. 自然灾害学报,2008(04):147-151.
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Understanding Cascading Disasters:Interpretative Framework and Resilience Building
Zhang Hui Jing Simeng
Abstract:The trend of increasing cascading disasters and consequent losses has become a truly global issue. The increasing vulnerability and the changing global risk landscape due to processes such as climate change,urbanization,and the increasing complexity of modern society poses major challenges for cascading disasters risk management. Based on comparative analysis on the Southern China freezing rain and snow storm disaster in 2008,the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull in 2010,the Tohoku earthquake in 2011,and Hurricane Sandy in 2012,this study discusses the essential difference between cascade disasters and other disasters and give the definition and characteristics of cascade disasters. We argue that cascading disasters results from the hazards’ non-linear effect in social systems,which can cause catastrophic damage. In the background of increasing interaction and complexity of risk network,the causes of cascading disasters are not just the superposition of the hazards,but the coupling of social vulnerability and the hazards is often the escalation point that leads to the amplification of cascading disasters. There are three typical paths that lead to the escalation of hazards in cascading disasters:action errors,the ossification of social system,power allocation. The construction of cascading disasters’ resilience framework is suggested to begin with reducing social vulnerability and to establish a global cross-border network governance model with an interdisciplinary approach.
Keywords:Cascading Disasters;Social System;Disaster Escalation;Resilience Building
[1] 基金项目:国家社科项目“中国城市疫病灾害弹性构建研究”(项目编号:16CGL061)。
[2] 张惠,广州大学公共管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为灾害治理与社区弹性;景思梦,广州大学大都市治理研究中心研究助理。
[3] G.Pescaroli,I.Kelman. How critical infrastructure orients international relief in cascading disasters[J]. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management,2017,25(2):56-67.
[4] G.Pescaroli,D.Alexander. A definition of cascading disasters and cascading effects:Going beyond the â €œtoppling dominosâ €metaphor[J]. Planet@ risk,2015,2(3):58-67.
[5] K.H.Lee,D.V.Rosowsky. Fragility analysis of woodframe buildings considering combined snow and earthquake loading[J]. Structural Safety,2006,28(3):289-303.
[6] G.Zuccaro,F.Cacace,S.J.S.Spence,et al. Impact of explosive eruption scenarios at Vesuvius[J]. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,2008,178(3):416-453.
[7] W.Marzocchi,M.L.Mastellone,A.Di Ruocco,P.Novelli,E.Romeo,P.Gasparini. Principles of multi-risk assessment:interaction amongst natural and man-induced risks[R]. Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,2009.
[8] G.Pescaroli,D.Alexander. A definition of cascading disasters and cascading effects:Going beyond the â €œtoppling dominosâ €metaphor[J]. Planet@ risk,2015,2(3):58-67.
[9] J.Selva. Long-term multi-risk assessment:statistical treatment of interaction among risks[J]. Natural hazards,2013,67(2):701-722.
[10] J.Zscheischler,Seneviratne S.I.. Dependence of drivers affects risks associated with compound events[J]. Science Advances,2017,3(6):e1700263.
[11] UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme[EB/OL]. http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/res_agenda21_07.shtml.2018-12-25.
[12] S.Menoni. Chains of damages and failures in a metropolitan environment:some observations on the Kobe earthquake in 1995[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2001,86(1-3):101-119.
[13] T.Tarvainen,J.Jarva,S.Greiving. Spatial pattern of hazards and hazard interactions in Europe[J]. Special Paper-Geological Survey of Finland,2006,42:83.
[14] W.Marzocchi,M.L.Mastellone,A.Di Ruocco,P.Novelli,E.Romeo,P.Gasparini. Principles of multi-risk assessment:interaction amongst natural and man-induced risks[R]. Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,2009.
[15] M.S.Kappes,M.Keiler,K.V.Elverfeldt,et al. Challenges of analyzing multi-hazard risk:a review[J]. Natural Hazards,2012,64(2):1925-1958.
[16] 郭增建,秦保燕. 灾害物理学简论[J]. 灾害学,1987(2):25-33.
[17] 史培军. 再论灾害研究的理论与实践[J]. 自然灾害学报,1996,11(4):6-17.
[18] 倪晋仁,李秀霞,薛安,李英奎,韩鹏,李天宏,刘仁志. 泥沙灾害链及其在灾害过程规律研究中的应用[J]. 自然灾害学报,2004(5):1-9.
[19] 门可佩,高建国. 重大灾害链及其防御[J]. 地球物理学进展,2008(1):270-275.
[20] 余瀚,王静爱,柴玫,史培军. 灾害链灾情累积放大研究方法进展[J]. 地理科学进展,2014,33(11):1498-1511.
[21] 哈斯,张继权,佟斯琴,李思佳. 灾害链研究进展与展望[J]. 灾害学,2016,31(2):131-138.
[22] 肖盛燮. 灾变链式理论及应用[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2006.
[23] 徐道一. 灾害链演变过程的似序参量[A]. 中国可持续发展研究会. 2008中国可持续发展论坛论文集(2)[C]. 中国可持续发展研究会:中国可持续发展研究会,2008:4.
[24] 郭海湘,李亚楠,黎金玲,尹朋珍. 基于灾害多级联动模型的城市综合承灾能力研究[J]. 系统管理学报,2014,23(01):91-103+110.
[25] 杨珺珺. 事件树分析法评估建筑物地震灾害风险[J]. 自然灾害学报,2008(04):147-151.
[26] 史培军. 三论灾害研究的理论与实践[J]. 自然灾害学报,2002(03):1-9.
[27] 李智. 基于复杂网络的灾害事件演化与控制模型研究[D]. 长沙:中南大学,2010.
[28] J.Douglas. Physical vulnerability modelling in natural hazard risk assessment[J]. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science,2007,7(2):283-288.
[29] 门可佩. 重大地震灾害链的时空有序性及其预测研究[J]. 地球物理学进展,2007(02):645-651.
[30] 张卫星,周洪建. 灾害链风险评估的概念模型——以汶川5·12特大地震为例[J]. 地理科学进展,2013,32(1):130-138.
[31] 潘安定,唐晓春,刘会平. 广东沿海台风灾害链现象与防治途径的设想[J]. 广州大学学报(自然科学版),2002(3):55-61.
[32] 陈香,陈静,王静爱. 福建台风灾害链分析——以2005年“龙王”台风为例[J]. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2007(2):203-208.
[33] 王然,连芳,余瀚,史培军,王静爱. 基于孕灾环境的全球台风灾害链分类与区域特征分析[J]. 地理研究,2016,35(5):836-850.
[34] W.Marzocchi,A.Garcia-Aristizabal,P.Gasparini,et al. Basic principles of multi-risk assessment:a case study in Italy[J]. Natural hazards,2012,62(2):551-573.
[35] L.Kleist,A.H.Thieken,P.Köhler,et al. Estimation of the regional stock of residential buildings as a basis for a comparative risk assessment in Germany[J]. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science,2006,6(4):541-552.
[36] L.J.Steinberg,H.Sengul,A.M.Cruz. Natech risk and management:an assessment of the state of the art[J]. Natural Hazards,2008,46(2):143-152.
[37] G.Antonioni,G.Spadoni,V.Cozzani. A methodology for the quantitative risk assessment of major accidents triggered by seismic events[J]. Journal of hazardous materials,2007,147(1-2):48-59.
[38] G.Antonioni,S.Bonvicini,G.Spadoni,et al.. Development of a framework for the risk assessment of Na-Tech accidental events[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2009,94(9):1442-1450.
[39] S.Girgin,E.Krausmann. Historical analysis of US onshore hazardous liquid pipeline accidents triggered by natural hazards[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,2016,40:578-590.
[40] A.M.Cruz,E.Krausmann. Vulnerability of the oil and gas sector to climate change and extreme weather events[J]. Climatic change,2013,121(1):41-53.
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