3.2 水能及水资源利用 Water power and water resources utilization
(1)水能利用 Waterpower utilization
水能 waterpower,hydropower
水能资源(水力资源) waterpower resources,hydropower resources
水电蕴藏量 hydropower potential
理论蕴藏量 theoretical potential
可开发蕴藏量 exploitable potential
水能利用规划 waterpower utilization planning
设计保证率 design dependability
设计水平年 design time horizon
水能计算 hydroenergy computation
旱季 dry season
雨季 rainy season,wet season
枯水期 low-flow period
丰水期 high-flow period
反调节 re-regulation
调节周期 period of regulation
日调节 daily regulation
周调节 weekly regulation
年调节 yearly regulation,annual regulation
多年调节 overyear regulation,carryover regulation
调节流量 regulated flow
调节系数 regulation coefficient
水库起调水位 initial reservoir elevation
库水位年周期变化 annual periodic fluctuation of reservoir level
消落深度 drawdown
水库特征库容 characteristic capacities of reservoir
楔形库容 wedge storage
静库容 stilling storage
动库容 dynamical storage
总库容 gross reservoir capacity
防洪库容 flood control storage
调洪库容 flood regulation storage
兴利库容,有效库容 effective storage,live storage
共用库容,重复利用库容 common storage,shared storage
超高库容 surcharge storage
死库容 inactive storage,dead storage
防洪专用库容上限 top of exclusive flood control capacity
有效蓄水库容上限 top of active conservation capacity
非有效库容上限 top of inactive capacity
库容分配 storage allocation
库容系数 coefficient of storage
水库保证出水量 safe reservoir yield
水头 water head
毛水头 gross head
净水头 net head
设计水头 design head
平均水头 average head
加权平均水头 weighted average head
额定水头 rated head
水电站引用流量 power discharge
机组过水能力 turbine discharge
发电 power generation
装机容量 installed capacity
发电量 energy output
出力 output
保证出力 firm output
预想出力 expected output
技术最小出力 minimum output
出力系数 coefficient of output
可靠电能 firm energy
季节性电能 seasonal energy
多年平均年发电量 average annual energy output
装机容量年利用小时数 annual utilization hours of installed capacity
多年平均流量 long-period average flow预测长期流量 long-term prediction flow
可靠流量 dependable flow
可用流量 available flow
常年基流 perennial base flow
径流调节 runoff regulation
洪水调节 flood regulation
枯水调节 low flow regulation
水能计算 hydropower computation
补偿调节 compensative regulation
电源组成 constitution of power sources
电力电量平衡 balance of power and energy
负荷特性 load characteristics
能量指标 energy indexes
负荷曲线 load curve
峰荷 peak load
基荷 base load
腰荷 medial load
日平均负荷率(日负荷系数) average daily load factor
电力系统容量 installed capacity of power system
电力系统备用容量 reserve capacity of power sys tem
电力系统动态备用容量 spinning reserve of power system
工作容量 working capacity
负荷备用容量 standby capacity
事故备用容量 reserve capacity for emergency
空闲容量 idle capacity
重复容量 duplicate capacity
受阻容量 restricted capacity
可调容量 adjustable capacity
水库调节 reservoir regulation
水库群调节 multi-reservoir regulation
水库调洪 reservoir flood routing
水库调度 reservoir scheduling
防洪限制线 guide curve for flood control
上基本调配线,保证供水线 upper critical guide curve
下基本调配线,限制出力线 lower critical guide curve
防弃水线 guide curve for reducing abandoned water
水库库容面积曲线 reservoir storage capacity-area curve
水头保证率曲线 head dependability curve
厂房尾水水位-流量关系曲线 powerhouse tail water rating curve
出力保证率曲线和电量累积曲线 output dependability curve and cumulative power curve
Water resources development and utilization
水资源 water resources
水利区划 zoning of water conservancy
水资源分区 water resources regionalization
水资源规划 water resources planning
水资源分配 water resources allocation
地下水资源 groundwater resources
水平年 target year
水资源供需分析 demand and supply analysis of water resources
水资源保护 water resources protection
水资源危机 water resources crises
水资源评价 water resources assessment
水资源决策支持系统 water resources decision support system
水利计算 computation of water conservancy
径流调节 runoff regulation
承压水 artesian water(confined water)
潜水蒸发 phreatic water evaporation
地下水矿化度 mineralization of groundwater
降雨入渗补给 infiltration recharge by rainfall
地下水越层补给 recharge through weak permeable layer
地下水侧向补给 recharge by groundwater
灌溉回归水补给 recharge from return flow of irrigation
地下水人工补给 artificial recharge of groundwater
抽咸换淡 pump out the saline water and recharge the fresh water
地下水动态 groundwater regime
地下水开采 groundwater exhaustion
地下水下降漏斗 exhaustion cone of groundwater
地下水超量开采 excessive exhaustion of groundwater
地下水降深 drawdown of groundwater
自由孔隙率,贮水度 free porosity
水资源项目(水利项目) water resources project
综合利用规划 multipurpose planning
单一目的项目 single-purpose project
综合利用工程 multi-purpose project
水库综合开发利用 multipurpose development of reservoir
跨流域引水工程 trans-basin diversion project
跨流域调水 trans-basin water transfer
分期开发 staged development
供水 water supply
分层取水 water-taking at different levels
有坝取水 intake with dam
生活用水 domestic water
工业用水 industrial water
供水保证率 water supply dependability
回归水的重复使用 reuse of return flows
工程效益 project benefits
效益分摊 amortization of benefits
发电效益 power generation benefit
容量效益 capacity benefit
能量效益 energy benefit
供水效益 water supply benefit
灌溉效益 irrigation benefit
休闲效益 recreation benefit
防洪效益 flood control benefit
航运效益 navigation benefit
防洪规划 flood control planning
洪水 flood
季节性洪水 seasonal flood
汛期 flood season
防洪标准 flood control standard
洪水保险 flood insurance
河道安全泄量 safety discharge in river
淹没损失 flood damage
历史洪水灾害 historical flood damage
难确定的(无形)洪水灾害 intangible flood damage
洪水之前降低库水位 pre-flood drawdown
保证水位 highest safety stage
警戒水位 warning stage
分洪水位 flood diversion stage
防洪措施 Flood control measure
工程措施,结构措施 structural measure
非工程措施 non-structural measure
分洪工程 flood diversion works
分洪道 flood way
分洪区 flood diversion area
滞洪区 flood detention area
洪泛区 flood plain
行洪区 flood flowing zone
防洪水库 flood control reservoir
蓄洪垦殖 flood storage and reclamation
防洪对象 protected objects against flood
度汛方案 flood protection scheme
防洪堤 flood dyke
防洪墙 flood wall
航运 navigation
航道及运河 waterway and canal
主航道 main waterway
副航道 sub-waterway
渠化航道 channelized waterway
运河 canal
船闸 shiplock
船队 ship fleet
航道规划 waterway planning
通航标准 navigation standard
航道等级 grade of waterway
通航期 navigation period
航道通过能力 navigation capacity
通航密度 navigation density
通航保证率 navigation dependability
航道整治线 regulation line of waterway
航道设计水位 design stage of waterway
最高通航水位 maximum stage of waterway
通航水深 navigation depth
通航流量 navigation discharge
通航流速 navigation velocity
航道弯曲半径 curvature radius of waterway
通航净空 navigation clearance
航道断面系数 cross section factor of waterway
土壤水 soil water
土壤含水量(含水率) soil moisture content
土壤饱和含水量 saturated moisture content of soil
土壤蒸发量 soil evaporation
作物需水量 water demand of crop
田间需水量 water consumption on farmland
耗水强度 intensity of water consumption
需水模数 modulus of water demand
灌溉定额 irrigation duty
灌溉用水量 irrigation water consumption
设计灌水周期 designed interval of irrigation
灌溉制度 irrigation program
灌溉保证率 dependability of irrigation
灌溉典型年 typical design year for irrigation
泡田 steeping field
泡田定额 duty of steeping field
灌溉水源 water source for irrigation
引水灌溉 water diversion irrigation
蓄水灌溉 water storage irrigation
提水灌溉 pumping irrigation
自流灌溉 gravity irrigation
间歇灌溉 intermittent irrigation
串灌串排 irrigation and drainage from one field to another
灌区 irrigation area
灌溉系统 irrigation system
蓄引提结合灌溉系统 irrigation system with water storage,diversion and pumping facilities
渠系规划 planning of canal system
灌溉渠道 irrigation canal
总干渠 trunk channel
输水渠道 water conveyance canal
配水渠道 water distribution canal
退水渠 canal for water release
塘堰 pond
渠道毛流量 gross discharge in canal
渠道净流量 net discharge in canal
渠道输水损失 water conveyance loss in canal
渠道过水能力 carrying capacity of canal
渠道坡降 gradient of canal
渠床糙率 roughness of canal bed
渠道断面宽深比 ratio of bottom width to water depth in canal
渠道允许不冲流速 permissible unscouring velocity in canal
渠道允许不淤流速 permissible unsilting velocity in canal
渠道冲淤平衡 balance of scouring and silting in canal
农田排水 farmland drainage
排水不良 impeded drainage
涝 surface waterlogging
渍 subsurface waterlogging