2.5 天然建筑材料与岩土试验 Natural construction material and geotechnical test
(1)天然土石材料 Natural rock and earth materials
石料 rock material
土料 earth(soil)material
风化土料 weathered soil
碎石,岩屑 debris
团粒状土 crumbling soil
砂砾石 sand and gravel
分散性土 dispersive soil
骨料 aggregate
天然骨料 natural aggregate
针状颗粒 needle-shaped particle
片状颗粒 flake-shaped particle
软弱颗粒 soft particle
颗粒分析 grading analysis,particle size analysis
颗粒尺寸 grain (particle)size
颗粒大小分布曲线 particle size distribution curve
颗粒大小频率图 grain size frequency diagram
颗分曲线 gradation curve
细度模数 fineness modulus(FM)
粒度模数 grain modulus(GM)
曲率系数 coefficient of curvature
表观密度 apparent density
堆积密度 bulk density
采石场 quarry
土料场 borrow area
有用层 available layer,useful layer
无用层 unavailable layer,unuseful layer
剥离层 stripping layer
剥离量 stripped volume
剥采比 stripping ratio
平均厚度法 average thickness method
平行断面法 parallel section method
三角形法 triangular method
初查 preliminary investigation
详查 detailed investigation
(2)现场试验 Field test
现场调查 field investigation,site survey
原位试验 in-situ test
现场检验 in-situ inspection
现场监测 field(in-situ)monitoring
岩体原位测试 in-situ measurement of rock mass
地应力测试 geostress measurement
应力解除法 stress relief method
应力恢复法 stress restoration method
应力路径 stress path
有效应力路径 effective stress path
反复荷载 repetitive load
分级加荷 stage loading
扁千斤顶试验 flat jack test
狭缝法,刻槽法 narrow slot method
水压致裂法 hydraulic fracturing method
尺寸效应 scale effect
时间效应 time effect
标准贯入试验 standard penetration test(SPT)
圆锥贯入试验 cone penetration test(CPT)
标准贯入试验击数 SPT blow count
动力触探试验 dynamic cone penetration test
静力触探试验 static cone penetration test
比贯入阻力 specific penetration resistance
旁压试验 pressure-meter test(PMT)
平板载荷试验 plate bearing test
十字板剪切试验 vane shear test
普氏击实试验 Proctor compaction test
点荷载试验 point-loading test
回弹仪测试 rebond hammar test
孔隙压力消散试验 test of pore pressure dissipation
直剪试验 direct shear test
承压板试验 bearing plate test
抗剪试验 shear tests
快剪试验 quick shear test
慢剪试验 slow shear test
三轴剪试验 triaxial shear test,triaxial compression test
周期加荷三轴试验 cyclic triaxial test
动三轴试验 dynamic triaxial test
共振柱试验 resonant column test
固结试验 consolidation test
固结排水剪试验 consolidated drained shear test(CD)
固结不排水剪试验 consolidated undrained shear test(CU)
不固结不排水剪试验 unconsolidated undrained shear test(UU)
固结排水三轴试验 consolidated drained triaxial test
固结不排水三轴试验 consolidated undrained triaxial test
等速加荷固结试验 consolidation test under constant loading rate
等应变率固结试验 consolidation test under constant rate of strain
控制比降固结试验 consolidation test under controlled gradient
固结比 consolidation ratio
固结曲线 consolidation curve
固结压力 consolidation pressure
崩解试验 slake test,disintegration test
膨胀试验 expansion test,swelling test
阿太堡试验(土的界限含水量试验) Atterberg test
含水率试验 water content test
烘干法 drying method
酒精燃烧法 alcohol burning method
炒干法 fried dry method
密度试验 density test
蜡封法 wax-sealing method
比重试验 specific gravity test
比重瓶法 pycnometer method
浮称法 buoyancy method
虹吸筒法 siphon cylinder method
颗粒分析试验 grain size analysis test
筛析法 test sieving method
密度计法 densimeter method
移液管法 pipette method
界限含水率试验 side water content test
湿化试验 slaking test
收缩试验 shrinkage test
击实试验 compaction test
钻孔试样 borehole sample
岩芯试样 core sample
有闭合节理的试样 specimen with healed joints
固定式活塞取样器 fixed-piston sampler
环刀 cutting ring
环刀取样器 ring sampler
(3)试验室试验 Laboratory test
平行试验 parallel test
验证试验 proof test
布氏(硬度)试验 Brinell test
恰贝冲击试验 Charpy test
标准击实试验 standard compaction test(SCT)
物理力学性试验 physical and mechanical property test
物理化学分离制备法 physical and chemical separation method
湿研磨分离制备法 wet-grind separation method
有机质试验 organic matter test
烧失量试验 ignition loss test
游离氧化铁试验 free iron oxide test
阳离子交换量试验 cation exchange capability test
比表面积试验 specific surface area test
薄膜加热试验 thin-film oven test
坩埚 crucible
古氏坩埚 Gooch crucible
烧杯 beaker
锥形烧瓶 Erlenmeyer flask
比重瓶(密度瓶) pycnometer
克利夫兰开口杯 Cleveland open cup
隔离剂 release agent
环球法 ring-and-ball apparatus
碱溶法 acid diffusion
针入度仪 penetrometer
延度仪 ductilimeter
恒温水槽 thermostatic water bath
回馏 reflux distillation
重复性试验 repeatability test
再现性试验 reproducibility test
平行试验 comparative test
平行测定 parallel measure
抽检试验 random test
土样分析 soil sample analysis
颗粒组成 grain composition
颗粒结构 grain structure
颗粒比表面 specific grain surface
颗粒间空隙 intergranular space
颗粒胶结 granular cementation
取样 sampling
试样 sample,specimen
原状土样 undisturbed soil sample
袋装扰动土样 disturbed bag sample
完整试样 intact specimen
蜡封试样 wax-sealed sample
风干试样 air-dried sample
扰动土样,非原状土样 disturbed soil sample
渥太华砂 Ottawa sand
四分法 quartering method
圆柱体试样 cylinder specimen
同组试样 companion specimen
有侧限试样 laterally confined specimen
保留样品 retention of sample
筛余量 sample retained on sieve
量程 range
刻度 division
仪器最小刻度 graduated in divisions,less and accurate to within
精确到[仪器读数] reading to
精准至[计算结果] accurate to,to the nearest
精确到±X%以内 accurate to within plus or minus X percent
精确到小数点第X位 accurate to the X-th decimal place
标准值,特征值 characteristic value
平均值 mean value
大值平均值 average of the higher half values
小值平均值 average of the lower half values
加权平均值 weighted average
修正值 corrected value
修正系数 coefficient of correction
方差 variance
标准偏差 standard deviation
均值系数 coefficient of mean value
离差系数 coefficient of skew
变异系数 coefficient of variation
名义值 nominal value
分位数 quantile,fractile