111 Cambodia/kæmˈbəʊdiə/ n.柬埔寨
用 Cambodia Air柬埔寨航空
例 The Kingdom of Cambodia is a Southeast Asian nation.柬埔寨王国是一个东南亚国家。
112 campaigner/kæmˈpeɪnə(r)/n.活动推动者,竞选者
用 seasoned campaigner老将
例 Some anti-smoking campaigners are calling for the smoking of cigarettes anywhere to be made illegal.一些反吸烟人士呼吁立法禁止在任何地方吸烟。
113 cancer/ˈkænsə(r)/ n.癌症,恶性肿瘤
用 lung cancer肺癌
例 Smokers face an increased risk of developing lung cancer.吸烟者患肺癌的风险增加。
114 Canon/ˈkænən/ n.佳能
例 Canon reportedly sent its 22,000 workers on paid annual leaves during September 17 and 18.据报道,9月17日至18日,佳能让2.2万名员工休了带薪年假。
115 capability/ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti/ n.能力,才能;容量
用 beyond the capabilities超出能力范围
例 Industrial policies include the establishment of a research and development capability, as well as the investments in human capital.产业政策包括建立研究和发展能力,以及对人力资本的投资。
116 capitalist/ˈkæpɪtəlɪst/ n.资本家
用 a famous capitalist一位著名的资本家
例 There are conflicts between capitalists and workers.资本家和工人之间有很多矛盾。

117 capture/ˈkæptʃə(r)/ vt.俘获;夺得
用 capture one's attention捕捉某人的注意力
例 The reason why the low-price firm makes much higher profits is that by charging a low price it captures a large portion of sales from its rival.这家低价公司之所以能获得如此高的利润是因为通过低定价,从竞争对手那里抢占了不少销售额。
118 caretaker/ˈkeəteɪkə(r)/ n.照顾者,看管人;管理员
同 gatekeeper
用 bankrupt caretaker破产管理人
例 In any of India's new shopping malls many of the shop workers, caretakers and security staff are employed by companies other than those of the owners of the mall.在印度的任何一家新购物中心,许多店员、看门人和安保人员都是受雇于商场所有者以外的公司的。
119 cargo/ˈkɑːɡəʊ/ n.货物;船装货
用 bulk cargo大宗货运
例 Cargo volumes would double and UK competitiveness would increase.货运量将翻一番,英国的竞争力将增强。
120 cartel/kɑːˈtel/ n.卡特尔;企业联合;垄断联盟
用 tariff cartel关税同盟
例 A cartel is a formal price or output agreement between firms in an industry to restrict competition.卡特尔是行业内企业之间为限制竞争而签订的正式价格或产量协议。
121 categorisation/ˌkætəɡəraɪˈzeɪʃn/ n.分类
用 historical categorisation历史分类
例 Some football clubs also adopt a similar approach with what they call‘price-categorisation'.一些足球俱乐部也采用了类似的方法,他们称之为“价格分类”。
122 categorise/ˈkætəɡəraɪz/ vt.将……分类
用 categorise risks分类风险
例 In Economics we categorise the resources available to us into four types.在经济学中,我们把可用的资源分为四类。

123 cease/siːs/ v.停止,终止
用 cease doing sth.停止做某事
例 What might cause a country's currency notes to cease to act as money?什么原因会导致一个国家停止使用纸币作为其货币?
124 celebrity/səˈlebrəti/ n.名人,名声
用 TV celebrities电视明星
例 Some firms attempt to create a favourable image by use of celebrity advertising.一些公司试图通过明星广告代言来建立良好的形象。
125 centralise/ˈsentrəlaɪz/ vt.把……集中起来
同 center
用 centralise power使权力集中
例 The foreign exchange market is not a centralised meeting place, but involves any location where one currency can be exchanged for another.外汇市场不是一个集中的交易场所,而是一个兑换货币的地方。
126 chain/tʃeɪn/ n.连锁;束缚;链条
用 a chain of coincidences一连串的巧合
例 In Australia two big supermarket chains control up to 80%of grocery sales.澳大利亚两大连锁超市占据了高达80%的零售额。
127 chairman/ˈtʃeəmən/ n.主席,会长;董事长
用 honorary chairman名誉主席
例 The chairman believes that this is likely to increase domestic prices for Basmati rice by 20%.主席认为这可能会使印度香米的国内价格上涨20%。
128 challenge/ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ vt.向……挑战
用 face challenge面对挑战
例 All countries, including the rich and the poor, have the right to challenge each other through the WTO.所有国家,无论是富裕和贫穷,都有权通过世贸组织相互质疑。
129 challenging/ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ adj.具有挑战性的
用 a challenging career富有挑战性的职业
例 In these challenging economic times, critical thinking and self-confident leadership are more important than ever.在这个充满挑战的经济时代,批判性思维和自信的领导力比以往任何时候都重要。

130 chamber/ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)/ n.会馆;居室;议院
用 the upper/lower chamber上/下议院
例 According to data published by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, around 17% of a typical company's total expenditure is absorbed by such costs.根据印尼工商会公布的数据,一家公司大约17%的总支出被这些成本所吸收。
131 channel/ˈtʃænl/ v.提供资金,输送
用 channel A through B通过B传递A
例 Why is more and more ODA channelled through NGOs?为什么越来越多的官方发展援助是通过非政府组织提供的?

132 check/tʃek/ v.确认,检查
用 check in登记,报到
例 Using this book and the glossary in the student CD, check on their meanings.通过这本书和学生CD中的词汇表,检查它们的意思。
133 chronic/ˈkrɒnɪk/ adj.长期的;慢性的
用 chronic disease慢性病
例 Many people don't realise that having chronic nightmares is a medical problem that can be treated.许多人并不知道长期的梦魇是一种可以治疗的医学问题。

134 circulate/ˈsɜːkjəleɪt/ v.流通;传播;循环
用 circulate briskly迅速周转
例 When people go to the mall and buy televisions and eat out, their money circulates through the economy.当人们去购物,买电视机,出去吃饭,他们的钱在经济中流通。
135 classification/ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ n.分类
同 categorisation
用 the classification of sth.某物的分类
例 The classification of countries into developing and developed is, therefore, never clear.把国家分为发展中国家和发达国家的界定从来就不清楚。
136 cocaine/kəʊˈkeɪn/ n.可卡因
用 cocaine addiction可卡因成瘾
例 They established bans on heroin and cocaine consumption.他们禁止吸食海洛因和可卡因。
137 coincide/ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd/ vi.一致,符合;同时发生
用 coincide with sth.与某事物一致
例 The government increases spending on education, which coincides with an increase in wage.政府增加教育支出,这与工资上涨是一致的。
138 collapse/kəˈlæps/ n.崩溃;(货币)暴跌;倒塌
同 break down
用 share prices collapse股价暴跌
例 Commercial banks and the international community suddenly woke up to the possibility of a banking collapse.商业银行和国际社会突然意识到银行业崩溃的可能性。

139 collude/kəˈluːd/ vi.勾结;串通
用 collude with sb. to do sth.串通某人做某事
例 Firms sometimes act together or collude, usually illegally, to acquire greater monopoly power.公司有时会联合行动或勾结,通常是非法的,以获得更大的垄断势力。
140 commentary/ˈkɒməntri/ n.评论,注释,说明
用 commentary on sth.实况报道某事
例 Our reporters will give a running commentary on the election results as they are announced.我们的记者将对公布的选举结果作实况追踪报道。
141 commerce/ˈkɒmɜːs/ n.贸易;商业
用 international commerce国际商务
例 We pioneers and leaders of electronic commerce, are meeting here to call for changes in patent law.我们这些电子商务的创始人和领导人在此集会,共同呼吁修改专利法。
142 commission/kəˈmɪʃn/n.委员会;委任;犯罪行为
用 the commission of a crime犯罪
例 In 2007 the UK Competition Commission indicated that failure in the market mechanism would result in both winners and losers. 2007年,英国竞争委员会指出,市场机制的失败会对赢家和输家都造成一定影响。
143 commitment/kəˈmɪtmənt/ n.承诺,保证
同 assurance
用 make a commitment承诺
例 Social scientists, like everyone else, have class interests, ideological commitments, and values of all kinds.社会科学家和其他人一样,有阶级利益、意识形态承诺和各种价值观。
144 common/ˈkɒmən/ adj.普遍的;通常的;共同的
用 in common共同的
例 Inflation is far more common than deflation.通货膨胀比通货紧缩普遍得多。
145 compact/kəmˈpækt/ adj.袖珍的;紧密的;简明的
用 a compact narration简明的叙述
例 The notebook computer is small and compact and weighs only 3.6 lb.这款笔记本电脑体积小巧,重量仅3.6磅。
146 compelling/kəmˈpelɪŋ/ adj.引人注目的;令人信服的
用 a compelling need迫切的需要
例 You have to write compelling abstracts and introductions that hook the reader and make her feel like investing time in your work.你要写出引人注目的摘要和引言,这是为了吸引读者并且让他们乐于花时间在你的文章上。
147 compensate/ˈkɒmpenseɪt/ v.补偿,赔偿;弥补
用 compensate a loss弥补损失
例 Financial investors require much higher interest rates on bonds, in order to compensate them for the increased risk.金融投资者要求更高的债券利率,以补偿他们增加的风险。
148 competitor/kəmˈpetɪtə(r)/ n.竞争者,对手
用 strategic competitor战略竞争对手
例 In which market situation will a firm take account of the reactions of its competitors before deciding to cut its price?在什么样的市场情况下,一家公司在做出降价决定前会考虑其竞争对手的反应?
149 complain/kəmˈpleɪn/ v.抱怨,投诉;控告
用 complain about sth.抱怨某事
例 Now the governments in developed countries are complaining that the transport of products around the world increases pollution and should be limited.如今发达国家的政府抱怨世界各地的产品运输增加了污染,应加以限制。

150 comply/kəmˈplaɪ/ vi.遵守,顺从
用 comply with...遵守……
例 They refused to comply with the UN resolution.他们拒绝遵守联合国决议。
151 compound/ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ adj.复合的;混合的;化合的
用 compound fertiliser复合肥料
例 The alternative is to lend the money to a finance company at a compound interest rate of 5%.另一种选择是把钱以5%的复合利率借给一家金融公司。

152 co-ordination/kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn/ n.协调;对等
用 in co-ordination with...与……相协调
例 The firm seeks to improve management control and co-ordination.公司寻求改善管理控制和协调。
153 comprehensive/ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv/
用 comprehensive utilisation综合利用
例 Canada and the European Union signed the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.加拿大与欧盟签署了《全面经济贸易协定》。
154 comprise/kəmˈpraɪz/ vt.包括,包含;由……组成
用 be comprised of...由……组成
例 The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.委员会由来自政府和私人部门的双方代表组成。
155 concave/kɒnˈkeɪv/ adj.凹的
用 a concave mirror凹透镜
例 Indifference curves are concave or bowed inward to the origin.无差别曲线是向内凹或向原点弯曲的。
156 concentrate/ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ v.集中,全神贯注于
用 concentrate on sth.全神贯注于某事
例 We should concentrate on improving the use of existing capacity, not building another runway.我们应该集中精力提高现有资源的性能,而不是建造另一条跑道。

157 concern/kənˈsɜːn/ vt.关系到,涉及,关心
用 be concerned with sth.与某事(物)有关
例 The theory of the firm is also concerned with how much output a loss-making firm should produce in order to minimise its loss.企业理论还关心的是一个亏损企业应该有怎样的产出,才能使其损失最小化。
158 concert/ˈkɒnsət/ n.音乐会
用 a pop concert一场流行音乐会
例 What is likely to affect the position of the demand curve for tickets to pop concerts?什么因素会影响流行演唱会门票的需求曲线?
159 condemn/kənˈdem/ vt.谴责,声讨;宣判
同 damn, doom, sentence
用 condemn the killings谴责屠杀
例 Some people have condemned efforts to support the currency, arguing that a weaker rouble is good for exports.一些人谴责支持卢布的做法,认为卢布贬值有利于出口。
160 confectionery/kənˈfekʃənəri/ n.糕点糖果;糖果店
用 confectionery warehouse糖果仓库
例 When asked about its role in confectionery as well as the weight-loss industry, a Nestle spokesperson said chocolate could be part of a healthy diet.当被问及其在糕点糖果及减肥行业中扮演的角色时,雀巢公司发言人表示,巧克力可能是健康食品的一部分。
161 conference/ˈkɒnfərəns/ n.会议
用 hold a conference召开会议
例 International conferences have been held to discuss the effects of global warming.已经召开了国际会议来讨论全球变暖的影响。
162 confine/kənˈfaɪn/ vt.限制;禁闭;局限于……范围之内
用 confine sb./sth. to sth.把某人/某物限制于某处
例 The benefits derived from the goods are confined to those who consume them.商品的益处只有其消费者才能享受到。
163 congested/kənˈdʒestɪd/ adj.拥挤的,堵塞的;充血的
同 crowded
用 congested city streets交通拥堵的城市街道
例 Victoria Harbour has three privately operated road tunnels, the oldest and most congested of which is the Cross Harbour Tunnel.维多利亚港有三条私人经营的隧道,其中最古老和最拥挤的是海底隧道。
164 conglomerate/kənˈɡlɒmərət/ n.企业集团;
同 enterprise group
用 a media conglomerate大众传媒联合体
例 A diversified conglomerate can cover any losses in one activity with the profits from another, an option not open to smaller firms.一家多元化的企业集团可以用另一项业务的利润来弥补某项业务的任何损失,这一做法对小公司而言是不可行的。
165 conquer/ˈkɒŋkə(r)/ v.战胜,征服
用 conquer fear战胜恐惧
例 Though the motives of these groups—to profit, convert, learn or conquer—have usually been selfish, the overall effect of their actions has been to draw us all closer together.尽管这些人的动机是自私的——赚钱、改变信仰、求知或征服,但是他们行为的总体效果却将世界联结得更紧密。
166 consideration/kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃn/n.考虑;考虑因素
用 under consideration在考虑之中
例 There should be careful consideration of future economic development.应该对未来经济发展予以仔细的考虑。
167 consist/kənˈsɪst/ vi.由……组成;存在于,在于
用 A consist of B A由B组成
例 The car industry consists of firms that are car manufacturers.汽车工业由汽车制造商组成。
168 consolidate/kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/ v.巩固;合并
用 consolidated one's position巩固某人的地位
例 When growth is slow companies often merge and consolidate, rather than make risky investments.当增长缓慢时,公司通常会采取合并的方式,而非风险投资。

169 contain/kənˈteɪn/ v.遏制,控制;容纳
同 accommodate, admit
用 contain an epidemic控制传染病
例 The ban failed to contain inflation, which was among the world's highest throughout President Kirchner's term of office.这一禁令未能遏制通货膨胀,在基什内尔总统的任期内,阿根廷的通货膨胀率是全球最高的。
170 contract/kənˈtrækt/ v.缩减;定约;染病
/ˈkɒntrækt/ n.合同
用 contract a marriage订婚
例 The long-run supply of rental houses will contract.房屋出租的长期供应将会缩减。
171 contrast/ˈkɒntrɑːst/ n.对比;明显不同的人或事
/kənˈtrɑːst/v .对照;与……形成对比
用 contrast A with B将A和B进行对比
例 Developing economies are often keen to encourage industrial development in rural areas. Developed economies, by contrast, often prevent industrial development in rural areas.发展中国家的经济往往热衷于鼓励农村地区的工业发展。相比之下,发达国家的经济往往阻碍农村地区的工业发展。
172 conventional/kənˈvenʃənl/ adj.传统的;常见的;惯例的
用 conventional method常规方法
例 Consumers make irrational decisions, against what might have been predicted by conventional economic theory.消费者会做出非理性的决定,这与传统经济理论的预测相悖。
173 convex/ˈkɒnveks/ adj.凸出的
用 a convex mirror凸面镜
例 Why indifference curves are usually drawn convex to the origin?为什么无差异曲线通常是向原点凸出的?
174 cooperative/kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ adj.合作的;乐于合作的;合作社的
用 cooperative relationship合作关系
例 What is most likely to result in non-cooperative behaviour between producers in an oligopoly market?在寡头垄断市场中,生产者之间最可能出现的不合作行为是什么?

175 copyright/ˈkɒpiraɪt/ n.版权,著作权
用 copyright law著作权法
例 The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material.作者和出版商承认以下版权资料的来源。
176 correct/kəˈrekt/ v .纠正;校准
用 correct errors改正错误
例 Monetary and supply side policies may correct a balance of payments disequilibrium.货币政策和供应方政策可能会纠正收支不平衡问题。
177 correspond/ˌkɒrəˈspɒnd/ vi.符合,一致
同 coincide (v.)
用 correspond with sth.与某物一致
例 Which total revenue curve corresponds to this firm's marginal revenue curve?哪条总收入曲线对应公司的边际收入曲线?
178 cosmetic/kɒzˈmetɪk/ adj.美容的;化妆用的
用 cosmetic products化妆品
例 Purchases of cosmetic items, such as skincare products and fragrances, increased in the recession.在经济萧条期间,护肤品和香水等化妆品的购买量有所增加。
179 counselling/ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ/ n.辅导;建议
用 counselling service咨询服务
例 Communities will decide how and when their members will be offered HIV testing and counselling.社区将决定如何及何时向其成员提供艾滋病毒检测和咨询。
180 counter/ˈkaʊntə(r)/ vt.抵消;对抗
同 adverse (adj.)
用 counter late payments of debts对付债务逾期
例 Which government policies countered the effects of income inequality?哪些政府政策抵消了收入不平等的影响?

181 counteract/ˌkaʊntərˈækt/ vt.抵消;中和
同 offset, counter
用 counteract the effect抵消作用
例 The European Investment Bank could have considered investments that would counteract the effects of budget cuts and tax increases.欧洲投资银行本可以考虑进行一些投资,以抵消预算削减和增税的影响。
182 counterfeit/ˈkaʊntəfɪt/ vt.伪造,仿造;造假
同 artificial (adj.)
用 counterfeit money假币
例 The notes become harder to counterfeit.纸币越来越难伪造。
183 crash/kræʃ/ n.暴跌,崩溃;(交通工具)坠毁
同 collapse
用 air crash飞机失事
例 Economists warned that the falls in share prices could indicate a downturn for economies with a possible collapse of banks, as happened in the financial crash of 2008.经济学家警告说,股价下跌可能意味着经济下滑,银行可能会倒闭,就像2008年的金融危机一样。
184 creditor/ˈkredɪtə(r)/ n.债权人
用 ordinary creditor普通债权人
例 A country's foreign debt refers to its level of external debt, meaning the total amount of debt incurred by borrowing from foreign creditors.一国的外债指的是该国的外债水平,即该国向外国债权人借款所产生的债务总额。
185 credit/ˈkredɪt/ n.贷款;信用;学分
用 credit card信用卡
例 Poor people do not have access to credit.穷人无法获得贷款。
186 criticism/ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ n.批评
用 criticism and praise批评和赞扬
例 The only criticism of demand theory is that the consumer is not rational.对需求理论的唯一批评是消费者不理性。
187 curb/kɜːb/ vt.控制;勒住
同 contain
用 curb inflation抑制通货膨胀
例 In 1928, FED officials were anxious to curb the stock market boom. 1928年,美联储官员急于抑制股市繁荣。