001 abandon/əˈbændən/ v.放弃,遗弃;离开
用 abandon yourself to sth.沉溺于某事
例 The firm abandons its policy of horizontal expansion.这家公司放弃了其横向扩张的策略。

002 abolish/əˈbɒlɪʃ/ vt.废除,废止
用 abolish slavery废除奴隶制
例 What will happen to the number of workers employed by the firm if the minimum wage is abolished?如果废除最低工资,那么公司雇佣的工人数量会发生什么变化?
003 absorb/əbˈzɔːb/ vt.耗费大量(金钱、时间等);吸收(气体、液体);吞并
用 be absorbed into使并入
例 The new proposals would absorb $80 billion of the federal budget.新提案将占用800亿美元的联邦预算。
004 abuse/əˈbjuːs/ n.滥用;虐待
/əˈbjuːz/v .滥用;虐待
用 drug abuse药物滥用
例 What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。
005 academia/ˌækəˈdiːmiə/ n.学术界,学术生涯
用 American academia美国学术界
例 They are all leading figures from academia.他们都是学术界的领军人物。
006 acceptability/əkˌseptəˈbɪləti/ n.可接受性;可容许性
用 acceptability of sth. to sb.某人对某事的接受度
例 The study aimed to assess the acceptability of the new system to patients.这项研究的目的是评估病人对新系统的接受度。
007 acceptance/əkˈseptəns/ n.接纳;赞同
用 wide acceptance广泛认可
例 The new laws have gained widespread acceptance.新法律已被广泛接受。
008 accommodate/əˈkɒmədeɪt/ v.适应(新情况);容纳;提供住宿
用 accommodate sb. with sth.给某人提供某物
例 A localised strategy is vital to accommodate the variation in languages and cultures.本地化战略对于适应语言和文化的差异来说至关重要。
009 accompany/əˈkʌmpəni/ v.伴随,陪伴;伴奏
用 accompany sb. on sth.以某乐器为某人伴奏
例 Economic growth, and improved wages that usually accompany it, improves happiness and well-being.经济的增长,还有随之而来的收入提高,能够改善人们的幸福感。

010 accountable/əˈkaʊntəbl/ adj.负责的;有解释义务的;可解释的
用 be accountable for sth.对某事负责
例 Politicians are ultimately accountable to the voters.政客最终要对选民负责。
011 accumulate/əˈkjuːmjəleɪt/ v.积攒,积累
用 accumulate experience积累经验
例 They accumulate points by completing an activity within the game.他们通过完成游戏中的活动来积攒分数。
012 acknowledge/əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ vt.承认
同 recognise, admit (v.), grant
用 acknowledge the need for reform承认改革的必要性
例 U.N. officials privately acknowledge this is a big number that may be hard to fill.联合国官员私下承认,这个数字很大,可能很难填补。
013 acquire/əˈkwaɪə(r)/ vt.获得,取得;学到
用 acquire knowledge获得知识
例 Giant drug companies are paying large prices to acquire drug development firms.大型制药公司为收购药品研发公司付出了高昂的代价。

014 adapt/əˈdæpt/ v.改编;(使)适应
同 accommodate
用 adapt oneself to the new environment某人适应新环境
例 The article is adapted from The Independent.这篇文章改编自《独立报》。
015 adaptability/əˌdæptəˈbɪləti/ n.适应力
用 strong adaptability适应性强
例 Small enterprises generally offer greater adaptability than larger firms.小企业一般比大公司具有更强的适应能力。
016 adaptable/əˈdæptəbl/ adj.适应性强的;可修改的
用 be adaptable to do sth.适应做某事
例 Small and medium-sized companies can be flexible and adaptable.中小型企业具有灵活性和适应性。
017 address/əˈdres/ vt.设法解决;忙于
用 address oneself to sth.解决某事
例 Increased investment is needed to address supply-side capacity constraints.需要增加投资以解决供应方面的产能限制。
018 adequate/ˈædɪkwət/ adj.充足的;适当的;胜任的
用 adequate food for the weekend周末有充足的食物
例 Lack of adequate infrastructure causes distribution costs such as transport and warehousing to rise steeply.由于缺乏足够的基础设施,运输和仓储等经销成本急剧上升。
019 admit/ədˈmɪt/ v.承认;准许进入;可容纳
同 acknowledge
用 admit to doing sth.承认某事
例 The government admits that building a new bridge would bring a positive net benefit to society.政府承认建造一座新桥将给社会带来正的净效益。
020 advance/ədˈvɑːns/ v.发展,进步;前进
用 advance on/towards...朝……前进
例 The quality of capital goods is improved as technology advances.资本货物的质量随着技术的进步而提高。
021 adverse/ˈædvɜːs/ adj.不利的;相反的
用 adverse effect不利影响
例 It is important to consider the possible adverse side effects of such measures.考虑这些措施可能产生的不良副作用很有必要。

022 advocate/ˈædvəkət/ n.提倡者,拥护者
用 an advocate for sth.某事的倡导者
例 NGOs play an important leadership role in acting as advocates on public policy issues.非政府组织在公共政策问题上扮演倡导者的重要角色。
023 affirm/əˈfɜːm/ v.肯定
同 confirm
用 neither affirm nor deny it既没有肯定也没有否定这件事
例 The government re-affirmed the country's commitment to free trade.政府重申了国家对自由贸易的承诺。
024 affordable/əˈfɔːdəbl/ adj.负担得起的
用 affordable price可承受价格
例 Through sales of food at low prices, it can make food more affordable to poor people.低价销售食品可以让穷人能消费得起。
025 aftermath/ˈɑːftəmæθ/ n.余波,后果
用 immediate aftermath直接后果
例 Iceland increased interest rates to 18% in the immediate aftermath of the crisis to reduce inflation.冰岛在危机刚发生不久时将利率提高到18%,以降低通货膨胀。
026 agenda/əˈdʒendə/ n.议程
用 top of the agenda首要议程
例 Nobel Prize-winning economist suggests a‘five-pronged agenda'that would help developing countries gain the potential benefits.诺贝尔经济学奖获得者提出了一个“五管齐下的议程”,来帮助发展中国家获得潜在的好处。
027 aggregate/ˈægrɪgeɪt/ vt.集合;聚集
/ægrɪgət/ n.合计,总计
用 aggregate demand总需求
例 Along which axis can the market demand curve be aggregated from individual demand curves?市场需求曲线可以沿着哪个轴与个人需求曲线相交?

028 agreeable/əˈɡriːəbl/ adj.同意的;令人愉快的;和蔼的
用 agreeable climate气候宜人
例 The deal must be agreeable to both sides.交易必须双方都同意。
029 alleged/əˈledʒd/ adj.所谓的,声称的;被断言的
用 it is alleged that...声称某事……
例 The girl gave evidence in court against her alleged attacker.女孩在法庭上提供了指控攻击她的人的证据。
030 alleviate/əˈliːvieɪt/ vt.减轻,缓和
用 alleviate suffering减轻苦恼
例 One reason given was that government spending to alleviate poverty.其中一个原因是政府的扶贫支出。
031 alliance/əˈlaɪəns/ n.联盟,联合;联姻
用 make an alliance结成联盟
例 Three alliances cover most of the world's airlines.三个联盟覆盖了世界上大部分的航空公司。
032 alongside/əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd/ adv.与……一起
用 lie alongside并排
例 It is best used and most effective when used alongside other policies.当与其他策略一起使用时,它的使用效果最佳且最有效。
033 alter/ˈɔːltə(r)/ v.改变,更改
用 alter the fact that...改变……的事实
例 A single firm in an industry alters production, but its actions have no effect on the market price of the good.行业内的某一家公司改变了产量,但其行为对市场价格并没有影响。
034 aluminium/ˌæljəˈmɪniəm/ n.铝
用 aluminium foil铝箔
例 Materials such as aluminium, paper and glass can be recycled.铝、纸和玻璃等材料可以回收利用。
035 ambition/æmˈbɪʃn/ n.抱负,雄心
用 lifelong ambition终身的抱负
例 She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous entrepreneur.她从未实现成为著名企业家的抱负。
036 amount/əˈmaʊnt/ n.数量,数额
用 amount to总计
例 The country spends large amounts on foreign aid.国家在对外援助上花了大量的钱。

037 analyse/ˈænəlaɪz/ vt.分析;分解;细察
用 analyse the problem分析问题
例 Please analyse how productivity influences economic growth.请分析生产率如何影响经济增长。
038 analyst/ˈænəlɪst/ n.分析人士
用 a political analyst政治分析家
例 Analysts say that the reduced rate of economic growth could have been avoided.分析人士说,经济增长率的下降本来是可以避免的。
039 ancient/ˈeɪnʃənt/ adj.古老的,古代的;过时的
用 ancient history古老的历史
例 The term‘economics'is derived from an ancient Greek expression.“经济学”一词来源于古希腊语。
040 angle/ˈæŋɡl/ n.角,角度;视角
用 at an angle倾斜地
例 The painting changes slightly when seen from different angles.从不同的角度看,这幅画略有变化。
041 announce/əˈnaʊns/ v.宣布,宣告
用 announce that...宣布……
例 At a recent UN meeting, the president announced reform of the foreign aid programmes.在最近的一次联合国会议上,总统宣布了国家对外援助计划的改革。

042 anticipate/ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ v.预料,预期;预见
用 anticipate that...预料……
例 It is hard to anticipate its impact.很难预料它的影响。
043 antique/ænˈtiːk/ n.古董
用 antique shop古董店
例 Priceless antiques were destroyed in the fire.许多无价古董在火灾中被烧毁。
044 anxiety/æŋˈzaɪəti/ n.渴望;忧虑
用 anxiety for the war to end渴望战争结束
例 Further interest rate cuts were thought unlikely, as there was anxiety over the rising price of oil.由于对油价上涨的担忧,进一步降息被认为是不可能的。
045 anxious/ˈæŋkʃəs/ adj.渴望的;担忧的;急切的
用 be anxious about...渴望……
例 Governments will be particularly anxious to reduce long-term unemployment.政府特别渴望降低长期失业率。
046 appalling/əˈpɔːlɪŋ/ adj.可怕的,令人震惊的
用 an appalling record可怕的纪录
例 Mines have been associated with low pay for workers andappalling working conditions.煤矿总是与低薪和可怕的工作条件联系在一起。
047 apparent/əˈpærənt/ adj.显然的,明显的
用 no apparent reason没有明显的理由
例 With the expansion of trade and the development of markets, the benefits of specialisation became apparent.随着贸易的扩大和市场的发展,专业化的好处越来越明显。
048 appliance/əˈplaɪəns/ n. (家用)电器,器具;器械;装置;应用
用 safety appliance安全装置
例 Steel is used in the construction industry, household appliances and many other goods.钢铁用于建筑业、家用电器和许多其他商品。
049 applicant/ˈæplɪkənt/ n.申请人,申请者;请求者
用 job applicant求职人员
例 Because of incomplete information, it takes time for the right applicants to get matched up with the right jobs.由于信息不完整,合适的求职者需要一段时间才能找到合适的工作。

050 appointment/əˈpɔɪntmənt/ n.预约,约定;约会
用 business appointment商务预约
例 Hospital appointments were cancelled.医院的预约被取消了。
051 apprenticeship/əˈprentɪʃɪp/n.学徒期;学徒身份
用 apprenticeship system学徒制度
例 A government decides to borrow from the general public in order to finance its extra spending on apprenticeship training schemes.政府决定向公众借款,以资助其在学徒培训计划上的额外开支。
052 approve/əˈpruːv/ v.赞同,同意;为某物提供证据
同 acceptance (n.);accept (v.)
用 approve of one's doing sth.同意某人做某事
例 The proposal was not approved.提议并没有通过。
053 approximate/əˈprɒksɪmət/ adj.近似的,大概的
用 approximate value近似值
例 Cost-benefit analysis is a very rough and approximate method used to make choices about public goods.在选择公共产品时,成本-收益分析法是一种非常粗略且近似的手段。
054 Argentine/ˈɑːdʒəntaɪn/ adj.阿根廷的
例 Originally US$1 may exchange for 8 Argentine pesos.最初1美元可以兑换8个阿根廷比索。
055 arise/əˈraɪz/ v.产生;上升;起立
用 arise from...由某事引起,起因于……
例 The problem of sustainability arises because of conflicts between environmental and economic goals.环境目标和经济目标之间的冲突导致可持续问题的产生。
056 armed/ɑːmd/ adj.武装的;有扶手的
用 armed forces武装力量
例 The government has declared a state of emergency, and food is being transported under armed guard.政府已经宣布进入紧急状态,食品正在武装警卫的护送下运送。
057 artificial/ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl/ adj.人工的,人造的;仿造的
用 artificial lake人造湖
例 More and more countries are adopting artificial intelligence.越来越多国家开始采用人工智能。

058 artwork/ˈɑːtwɜːk/ n.艺术品
用 a piece of artwork一件艺术品
例 Many original artworks have gone missing from the museum.博物馆里许多原创艺术品都丢失了。
059 assemble/əˈsembl/ v.集合,聚集;装配
同 aggregate
用 the assembled company聚集的人
例 Firms that assemble the final product buy components from specialist firms within the industry.组装最终产品的公司从行业内的专业公司购买零部件。
060 assembler/əˈsemblə(r)/ n.装配工;汇编程序
用 assembler language汇编语言
例 A motorcycle assembler employed two hundred workers to make a standardised model.一家摩托车装配商雇用了200名工人制作标准化模型。
061 assert/əˈsɜːt/ vt.主张,声称;维护
同 alleged (adj.)
用 it is asserted that...主张……
例 This perspective asserts that both trade and aid are important to growth and development.这种观点认为,贸易和援助对增长和发展都很重要。
062 assist/əˈsɪst/ v.帮助,协助
用 assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人做某事
例 SALs were a method used by the World Bank in assisting developing countries to adopt economic and trade liberalisation policies. SALs是世界银行用于帮助发展中国家采取经济和贸易自由化政策的一种方法。
063 assurance/əˈʃʊərəns/ n.担保,保证;信心
用 quality assurance品质保证
例 The government provides a kind of assurance of protection in the event that financial institutions face difficulties due to poor loan repayments.在金融机构因无力偿还贷款而面临困难时,政府会提供一种担保来保护它们。

064 Atlantic/ætˈlæntɪk/ n.大西洋
用 Atlantic ocean大西洋
例 A quota on fishing was imposed in the Atlantic Ocean.对在大西洋捕鱼实行限额。
065 ATM (automatic teller machine) abbr.自动取款机
用 ATM system自动取款机系统
例 Can I deposit my money through the ATM?我可以通过自动取款机存钱吗?
066 attraction/əˈtrækʃn/ n.吸引力;有吸引力的人、事物或地点
用 tourist attraction观光胜地
例 The use of pollution permits has many attractions but carries with critics as well.使用污染许可证有很多吸引人的地方,但也不乏批评者。
067 auction/ˈɔːkʃn/ n.拍卖
用 auction company拍卖公司
例 A classic Rolls-Royce was sold for £25,000 at auction.一辆经典的劳斯莱斯汽车在拍卖会上以25,000英镑售出。
068 austerity/ɒˈsterəti/ n.紧缩;节俭
用 austerity measures紧缩措施
例 In exchange for help, Iceland was forced to sharply reduce government spending—introducing more austerity than the ROI did.作为援助交换,冰岛被迫大幅削减政府开支——采取了比投资回报率更高的紧缩措施。
069 Australian/ɔːˈstreɪliən/ adj.澳大利亚的
用 Australian company澳大利亚公司
例 Australia's spending on imports falls and, at the same time, investment abroad by Australian firms declines.澳大利亚的进口支出下降,与此同时,澳大利亚企业的海外投资也在下降。
070 automotive/ˌɔːtəˈməʊtɪv/ adj.汽车的,自动的
用 automotive industry汽车工业
例 The iron and steel industry in China was stimulated by strong domestic demand, particularly from the construction, manufacturing and automotive industries.中国的钢铁工业受到了强劲的国内需求的刺激,尤其是来自建筑、制造和汽车行业的需求。
071 averse/əˈvɜːs/ adj.反对的;厌恶的
用 be averse to doing sth.讨厌做某事
例 As firms get larger, they become more risk-averse by spreading their business activities in a more diversified way.随着公司规模的扩大,他们通过以更多样化的方式扩展业务活动来规避风险。
072 aversion/əˈvɜːʃn/ n.厌恶;反感的人或物
用 aversion therapy厌恶疗法
例 It was suggested that the greatest threat to global economic development was the culture of risk aversion among companies.有人认为,对全球经济发展的最大威胁是企业的风险规避文化。

073 avocado/ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ n.牛油果
用 avocado salad牛油果沙拉
例 The table shows the demand schedule for avocados in a market on a particular day.该表显示了在某一天内市场对牛油果的需求表。
074 avoid/əˈvɔɪd/ vt.避免;躲避;消除
用 avoid doing sth.逃避做某事
例 To avoid a peso collapse, the central bank intervened heavily in the foreign exchange market.为了避免比索崩溃,中央银行大力干预外汇市场。