I would like to thank Michael Phillips, Oliver Peters, and Roger Shufflebottom, who were Technical Reviewers on this book. I would also like to thank Andrew Balis, Steve Bayes, George Bellias, Christie Carr, Bryan Castle, Cecil Daniels III, Ron Diamond, Ron Friedman, Nini Hadjis, Doug Hansel, Alex Hepburn, Jim Hershleder, Stan Hershleder, Robert Jones, Tamera Martin, Mike McNulty, Patty Montesion, Eric Naughton, Paul Petschek, Tom Quick, Katie Riccio, Leah Riccio, Samantha Riccio, Tom Riccio, R. Bandit Rivera, George Rizkallah, Larry Rubin, Ben Rock, Carolyn Rae Schultz, Jeff Sengpiehl, Wes Sewell, Greg Staten, Alan Stewart, Todd Smelser, Tracy Smith, Paul Stephan, Rik Swartzwelder, Jim Turner, and Paul Valdez.
Thanks to all those with the willingness and patience to teach me throughout my life. Thanks to all my students over the many years; I learned a lot from you, too.