Consolidating an AMA sequence or subclips
Before consolidating a sequence, it is very highly recommended that you perform a small test of the process on an unimportant sequence to familiarize yourself with additional options and results. Additional options include, but are not limited to, Debayer settings (found in the Media Creation settings) for RED footage, which also need to be configured. The steps of this recipe focus on only one specific result.
Consolidating a sequence or subclips simply means you'll be making copies of only the portions of media files that are being referred to by your sequence or by the subclips. Essentially, Media Composer will take each shot used in the sequence, or each subclip, and make a brand new Master Clip for it.
You'll have the option to add handles. Handles are additional media added to the head and tail (beginning and end) of the new Master Clips that are not currently being used/seen/heard in the sequence or subclips. Handles are helpful in case, after Consolidating, you need to do some trimming within a sequence or need to add a transition effect like a dissolve.
You'll also have the option to delete the original media after the Consolidate (copy) process is completed. Deleting the original source media would be helpful with a sequence if you had completed all of your editing and wanted to save drive space, or with subclips, if before you began editing you only wanted to keep portions of Master Clips. On the other hand, one use of not deleting the original media would be if you wanted to give a coworker a copy of your sequence or a portion of a clip to work with.
Getting ready
Before consolidating a sequence, it is always a very smart idea to make a backup copy of the sequence and place it into its own well-labeled bin (for example, My Movie Before Consolidate
). This extra version will not only protect you in case you make an error, but will help keep your project organized for future reference (not to mention bring you additional peace of mind).
How to do it...
Here are the steps to consolidate an AMA sequence or subclips:
- Select the sequence or the subclips.
- Clip menu | Consolidate/Transcode (you may also right-click on the selected Sequence or Subclips).
- The Consolidate/Transcode window will open.
- In the upper left-hand corner of the window, select Consolidate.
- In the Video/Data region of the window, select the drive where you want the copied files to be stored.
- In the Handle Length entry box, enter the number of frames you want added to the head and tail of each new Master Clip.
- If you are Consolidating a sequence, be sure to select the Create new sequence check box. Even though I suggested earlier that you make a backup copy manually prior to the consolidate process, this provides an additional layer of protection.
- For the Delete original media files when done choice, my instruction here will be to not select this check box. In other words, I am instructing you to not delete the original media files after Media Composer has completed making copies of just the portions of media that are being used by your sequence or subclips. If you do indeed want to delete the original media, then you would select this option.
- Click on the Consolidate button at the bottom of the window.
- The consolidate process will begin.
- On Completion of the process you will have the following:
- Master Clips that have the extension
added to them. The duration of each Master Clip will be only whatever it is in the sequence or subclip, plus the added duration of the handles. - A new sequence with the addition of
at the end. This sequence is linked to the.new
clips. - Your original sequence will remain linked to the original Master Clips that you edited from.
- In the case of subclips, Media Composer creates new Master Clips that are the total duration (including handles) as well the as new subclips that are the duration of the original subclips.
- Master Clips that have the extension