About the Reviewers
Aman Dhally is a Powershell MVP and the founder of New Delhi PowersShell User Group. He has more than 13 years of experience in the IT industry. He focusses a lot on automating daily IT tasks. He is always eager to share his knowledge through his blogs and group meetings.
He is working as a Network Analyst at Analysys Mason Limited.
Manoj Mahalingam S is an Application Developer and Devops Engineer at ThoughtWorks Inc. He develops programs in C# and Python, and has used PowerShell extensively for setting up build and release scripts on a number of projects. Manoj is the author of the PowerShell build and release framework, YDeliver (https://github.com/manojlds/ydeliver), and contributes to a number of other PowerShell projects.
Manoj can be found answering questions on Stack Overflow and contributing to a number of projects on GitHub in his spare time.