PrimeFaces Beginner's Guide

Introducing the Sticky component

Sticky component can be used to make other components stick within the viewport while scrolling. For example, we may want to stick the top header and navigation menu bar section of the web page while scrolling.

Let us see how we can make the header and menu bar sticky with a <p:sticky> component using the following code:

  <div class="wrapper">
  <p:panel id="headerSection">
  <p:panel id="header"  style="height: 80px; margin-bottom: 2px;">
  <h:form id="mainMenuForm">
    <p:menuitem value="Home" url="home.jsf"/>
    <p:menuitem value="New Post" url="createPost.jsf"/>
    <p:menuitem value="Search" url="search.jsf"/>
    <p:menuitem value="My Account" url="userAccount.jsf"/><p:menuitem value="Administration" url="admin.jsf"/>
  <p:panel style="margin-bottom: 3px; min-height: 500px;">
    <ui:insert name="bodyContent"/> 
  <p:sticky target="headerSection" margin="3"/>

Here we have specified the header section panel with the component ID headerSection as the target of the <p:sticky> component. So, when you scroll through the web page, the headerSection panel content will stick at the top of the page. Also, we have specified the margin in pixels for the Sticky component via the margin attribute.


The DataTable component has out-of-the-box support for the Sticky header by setting the attribute stickyHeader="true".