PrimeFaces Beginner's Guide


You have now been introduced to the PrimeFaces component library and did hands-on with some cool PrimeFaces features, but this is just the beginning. There are plenty more powerful yet easy to use Rich UI components, which we will be looking in further chapters. In this chapter, we took a glance at the PrimeFaces features and learned how to install and configure PrimeFaces. We have started by creating a simple HelloWorld application and learned performing validations and various AJAX features. We also learned how to use PrimeFaces PPR feature. Lastly, we have learned about polling and RemoteCommand components, which come very handy at times.

In the next chapter, we will take a look into the sample application TechBuzz that we will be building incrementally throughout the book. We will also discuss the application's domain model, creating the project structure and some sample screenshots of the application.