What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with Doctrine 2, explains how to install Common, DBAL, and ORM libraries through Composer, get our first entity manager, and configure command-line tools after presenting the project we built throughout the book (the architecture of Doctrine and the configuration of the development environment).
Chapter 2, Entities and Mapping Information, introduces the concept of Doctrine entities. We will create a first entity, map it to the database with annotations, generate the database schema, create data fixtures, and, finally, lay the foundation of the user interface of the blog.
Chapter 3, Associations, explains how to handle associations between the PHP objects and the ORM. We will create new entities, detail one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many associations, generate the underlying database schema, create data fixtures and use associations in the user interface.
Chapter 4, Building Queries, creates entity repositories and helps understand how to use the query builder for generating DQL queries and retrieving entities. We will also take a look at aggregate functions.
Chapter 5, Going Further, will take a look at the advanced features of Doctrine. We will see different ways in which Doctrine can manage object inheritance, play with entity lifecycle events, and create native SQL queries.