What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with IBM Worklight, is an introduction to Worklight and where it fits in with the IBM Mobile Application Platform. At the end of this chapter, you will understand the basic components of the IBM Worklight product and how it contributes to building a mobile application.
Chapter 2, Installing Worklight, is about getting Worklight up and running for development on your computer. At the end of this chapter, you will have a Worklight environment on your machine. This will enable you to work through the remaining chapters and build Worklight applications even on Android.
Chapter 3, Creating a Basic Worklight Application, is about creating a Worklight application from scratch. At the end of this chapter, you will have created a default empty Worklight application and will understand how to view in the simulator supplied with Worklight.
Chapter 4, Customizing the Worklight Application, is about adding basic content to a Worklight application to customize the Dojo component to achieve native functionality and using local test data. Moreover, this chapter covers adding Worklight environments to a Worklight application, which allows different mobile platforms to be supported. At the end of this chapter, you will know how to add Dojo mobile-based web content to your Worklight application using the graphical tools and different mobile platforms supported by Worklight and how to add the Android environment to an application.
Chapter 5, Adding an Adapter, is about Worklight Adapters and how they can be used to integrate client applications with backend data services.
Chapter 6, Authentication and Security, will give you extensive information about the authentication frameworks and security module of IBM Worklight. This chapter covers basic, form-based, adapter-based, and custom authentication. After going through this chapter, you will be armed with the knowledge and confidence to develop your own authentication and set up efficient security measures in your developed application.
Chapter 7, Advanced Features of IBM Worklight, covers native development for the Android platform including some advanced subjects for web-optimized and hybrid pages. Push notification with complete understanding and process cycles are derived to understand its mechanism. Worklight API implementation with process handling is the most critical part to define. But, proper functional behavior is revealed to make it's understanding much easier.