Collection __str__() and __repr__()
When there's a collection involved, we need to format each individual item in the collection as well as the overall container for those items. The following is a simple collection with both __str__()
and __repr__()
class Hand: def __init__( self, dealer_card, *cards ): self.dealer_card= dealer_card self.cards= list(cards) def __str__( self ): return ", ".join( map(str, self.cards) ) def __repr__( self ): return "{__class__.__name__}({dealer_card!r}, {_cards_str})".format( __class__=self.__class__, _cards_str=", ".join( map(repr, self.cards) ), **self.__dict__ )
The __str__()
method is a simple recipe, as follows:
- Map
to each item in the collection. This will create an iterator over the resulting string values. - Use
", ".join()
to merge all the item strings into a single, long string.
The __repr__()
method is a multiple-part recipe, as follows:
- Map
to each item in the collection. This will create an iterator over the resulting string values. - Use
", ".join()
to merge all the item strings. - Create a set of keywords with
, the collection string, and the various attributes from__dict__
. We've named the collection string_cards_str
so that it doesn't conflict with an existing attribute. - Use
"{__class__.__name__}({dealer_card!r}, {_cards_str})".format()
to combine the class name and the long string of item values. We use the!r
formatting to ensure that the attribute uses therepr()
conversion too.
In some cases, this can be optimized and made somewhat simpler. Use of positional arguments for the formatting can somewhat shorten the template string.